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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was on the rock with Uzzie too scared to look at the others she called her. I heard her eating more bones and when I moved, she didn't hit me or anything but her voice was so cold. There was something about it that made me scared to move. She only had one rule here and it goes for everyone... "Don't make Uzzie mad". Soon after she finished eating her bones she lied back with me on her big rock and put me by her side. Her fur was not like the lionesses. It didn't feel as soft, she smelled like ashes and iron, and I think she felt cold. The lioness's fur was soft, smelled better like grass and fresh water, and felt warm.

Uzzie-Open your eyes.

I did what she said and saw everyone here or at least I hope this is everyone.

Uzzie-You already met Eahira. Let's go in order. Next, we have Shenzi.

Shenzi-My queen... May I tease the little cub for-? ~

Uzzie-Next, we have our strongest pack member and half-breed, Ricca.

Ricca-My queen. The human cub must be a burden to you. I can-.

Uzzie-Finally, we have Shenzi's daughter, Aulete.

Aulete-My queen... Hehehehe.

Uzzie-Man cub, do you know what they all have in common?

I looked at all of them and only Ricca had a bit of a sad face while the others smiled, so that was not it. I tried to find something, but I could not, and then I decided to guess.

(Y/N)-Is it... they all listen to you because you are a queen to them.

Uzzie-It is a name I tolerate as an award. They all fear me because they know what will happen if they don't obey... We used to have a few males that survived the hunters but our leader got too annoying... I didn't like it.

(Y/N)-Um... gulp I'm sure he was... mean to you.

Uzzie-Indeed, but that is how you command authority. I hope you understand... Tie him up. I don't care who as long as it's done right.

I felt my heart sink and only Shenzi and Ricca stepped up and looked at each other. Ricca was taller than Shenzi and got close to her with an evil smile. I saw both of them bring out their claws.


They both stopped their looks and put their claws away, so I guess Uzzie stopped the fight.

Shenzi-Tch Whatever. Go play with the food.

Uzzie-Not food. To be clear, if you ruin the deal, you will be my next meal.

(Nala's POV)

Because of these two, our new human cub slave was stolen by the hyenas! I have the right mind to rip them to eat them alive! It felt like losing my son and husband all over again and tears were coming out of my eyes while Sarabi let me lean on her after holding me back. Kimya tied them up and Mkali and Sanaa went with her while we watched the cubs. I was clawing at the tree to sharpen my nails and just to get some anger out.

Sarabi-Nala, you are scaring your daughters.

Nala-I sharpen my nails all the time. I'm not hurting anybody.

Sarabi-You look angry and that is scaring them. I am furious too, but think of it like this. We are using two big meals to trade for a cub. If that bitch did not eat or kill him on the run but gagged him then he is still alive for... I don't know why. They understand more food though.

I know what we are doing, but I wanted to be the ones to kill them! I have never hated a human as much since the day my family and pride were cut down! She put a hand on my shoulder and I stopped scratching.

Sarabi-Take a bath or watch something you like on that tablet thing and calm down. He will be back here soon.

Maybe she was right. I took off this human clothing stuff and gave it to her to go bath and roll around in the flower patches close by. Maybe I can even get a hunt in to bring back some food.

(Ricca's POV)

I tied up the human cub and hid them in the cave with me until the Serpent Sisters showed up with all the food they promised us. Soon Shenzi's daughter Aulete came in and saw me holding the helpless human on my lap.

Aulete-Do you think I can play with them? I'm bored.

Ricca-Uzzie made it clear. Also, I know you are still a little troublemaker.

Aulete-I won't play with them like food... Please? Uzzie is making us stay here and there is no fun just playing pranks on my mom and Eahira.

I saw the human cub did not like being called food and went back to crying through his gag again. Even when he tried to run away from me, he didn't try to throw rocks, punch, kick, bite, or anything. Others just, but Uzzie laughed at him when he pleaded with me to stop. I remember a cub I tried to take pity on before and then they tried to kill me with a boom stick. I remember how easily their arm came off and roasted good over a fire. This cub was actually very cute and sweet but keeping them could be dangerous since other adults will come looking for him and they won't be so sweet about it. He was quiet, so I took his gag out and he looked away from me.

Ricca-I'm only doing this because you are behaving. I would not make too much noise or Uzzie will come in here.

Aulete-Ohhhhh. Hehehehehe, you do 'not' want that. snickers ~

Ricca-Aulete, go back to your mommy before I make that fake tail your only tail.

Aulete-She's bluffing. The most she ever did was toss me off a hill and into throne bushes.

Ricca-Would you like to do it again? growl

Aulete-Tch I have thick fur.


She ran off laughing and I can't stand any cub when they are fucking brats. She is lucky she is the daughter of my friend or I would at least break her leg at the very least. I did worse to our males who tried to force themselves onto me. This cub was not like that and aside from his whimpering, he was very quiet and well behaved.

Ricca-Awww, you're a good boy. ~

I saw his cheeks turn a little pink and it was adorable. I moved him up higher onto me and made him look into my eyes.

Ricca-Do you like being called that and still too proud to admit it?... What's your name? ~

???-(Y/N). whisper

Ricca-Hmmmm... Yeah, I don't like that name. Reminds me of other humans. I'll call you... Squishy. ~

Squishy-M-My name is not-. whisper

Ricca-It is now, Squishy... Oh... The deal.

That's right. Uzzie wants all that food, but I like Squishy. He's a part of the race that tried to wipe us out, but he's different. The deal is set in stone, but maybe if they think that adults will come after the cub then they will be willing to make a trade after if I find something.

(Uzzie's POV)

I had Eahira rub my feet for annoying me earlier and had Shenzi by my side as we waited for the Serpent Sisters to come back. It will be the last time we go hungry for a while. The lionesses will be a problem, but they know coming here will make them lose more than they already have after they already lost most of their pride. 

Shenzi-Am I allowed to speak freely?

Uzzie-We are not eating a snack to lose all of this food.

Shenzi-It is about the cub, but it's also about how pathetic they looked. They needed adults to come this far.

Eahira-There were adults. 2 of them prisoners to the stuck-up lionesses.

Uzzie-Then they will be dead soon enough and the cub will be gone by then.

Eahira-If more are to come, I want a claim on some for a few hours of-!

I shoved my foot in her mouth to shut her up. I also had the cub on my mind, but I wondered what Shenzi was also getting at.


Shenzi-Y-Yes. So the pride of bitches want the cub alive, the Serpent Sisters want the cub alive, and as far as we know, no adults are coming for them. Why not eat them like the others from how easy it is?

Uzzie-Hmmm... You are implying that there is more to this cub?

Shenzi-If there is, just think about what that means for us... Also, the lionesses would just hate that we have their property... Even maybe use them as leverage. ~

I sat up and thought about it. If they care about the cub that much then they will not want me to eat him. To think about the whole lioness pride working for my pack and putting their new leader under my foot. I smiled at this idea, but we do need this food now because I am tired of eating dry bones and grass.

Uzzie-Call Ricca over and leave the cub with Aulete for a while during a meeting. If your brat damages him, she will answer to me.

(Timskip 10 minutes)

(Anusha's POV)

I had 4 bags full of raw and skinned meat, herbs, and things of water. I made it to the hyena's territory and when I got to their favorite spot in it I saw all of them with the human cub. My heart raced for him to be in my arms and coils again.

When I stopped in front of them, they smiled at the heavy bags of food, herbs, and water to eat or cook with. Uzzie came up to me with the cub tied up and gagged for me.

Uzzie-A deal is a deal.

I put everything in front of me and then she gave me the cub while smiling.

Anusha-Hi, Cubby Wubby! Did you misssss me?! Of coursssse, you did! Oh, my sssissster and I have ssso much planned for you. yesss, we do! ~

They took the supplies and I even looked at my reflection in his teary eyes before I kissed them shut.

Anusha-Enjoy, your food. We look forward to trading with you again... Good day to you hyenasss. ~

I left and bounced the cub in my arms a little before moving them to my coils. Catori will be pleased to hear that the deal went so well.

((D/N)'s POV)

We're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die, WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!! They were taking us somewhere and told us they were going to trade us for some hyenas! When I said they were just going to eat us I tried to run, but Sanaa yanked on my harness and hog-tied me to carry me like a handbag! She even gagged me with grass and a rock! (M/N) was crying as Sanaa yanked her down for trying to run too. Kimya gave me to Mkali and she held me wrong. The rope was only in her hand, so my face dragged on the ground until she felt like pulling me back up.

Mkali-Have some dignity. It will be the last and only good act as a father. Give your life to save our cub slave.

Sanaa-Mkali, they know nothing about good parenting from how they raise their young. They will be scared regardless. Such as the circle of life.

Kimya-Doesn't one of them rape and then kill adults of both genders?... Is she still alive?

Mkali-It doesn't matter. This will be done soon enough.

This just got worse! I tried to yell at them through the gag, but then Mkali got angry and swung me over to slam me to the ground. Everything turned black.


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