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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to get back home to Patch, but the boat rides were not for free. I tried to tell them that I lived over there and I just wanted to go home but they did not believe me. They even asked where my family was and I felt so mad I ran away crying. I can't find the police station and no cops are around to help me either. I saw Beacon, but my sisters, their friends, and Glynda might be there so I did not want to go. I was too nervous to talk to random people right now too after what happened. I still don't know how I got away from Penny after that weird dream and woke up on the beach... Did she put me there and think I was still there before she came back?... I need to hide somewhere until I can find help.

(Velvet's POV)

Velvet-Where'd he go?! Where'd he go?!

I saw him at the docks to Patch one moment, looked away to call my team, Coco was the closet and said she would come to help keep the kid calm, and now he's gone! I need to find him before Coco catches up to me and finds my location on her scroll. I turned around a corner and that's when I ran into her.

Velvet-... Heeyyyy, Coco.

Coco-Heeyyy, you got the kid? Did he give you a hard enough time without backup? ~ chuckles

Velvet-Well, it's... I lost track of him while calling all of you. I can find him!

Coco-Relax. I'm just giving you a hard time. It's a little boy alone and wandering around in Vale in the middle of the night. If he's close by then he will stick out like a sore thumb.

She blew a bubble with her gum before we started walking. 

Coco-Why are you so nervous anyway? We fought monsters and criminals.

Velvet-I just don't want to scare him. Ms. Goodwitch said this was another's students little brother and we saw them in that combat class that one time.

Coco-Oh, thought I recognized him in the briefing... Thought that was her kid. Well, we should be done with this soon then I think I'll crash... Froyo tomorrow?

Velvet-Maybe... Why do you think he ran away from home? We were even supposed to be flying out to Menagerie tomorrow for him and someone brought him. Isn't that... weird?

Coco-Maybe the kid hitched a ride after he ran from that newsroom. I wouldn't stick around with extremists.


Coco-You are thinking about this way too much, Vels.

We kept on walking and tried to think about where the little boy go if he were nearby if he was scared. The police station is too far and he might get lost easily. We went by the water between here and Patch since the briefing stated he lived there. That's where we saw him looking off to the island.

Coco-Nice. Now, go talk to him.


Coco-You're better at soft-talking and with kids. I'll be right here.

She smacked my ass playfully and leaned on a wall. I just went up to him and tried to think of something to say without scaring him to avoid a scene. When I tapped on his shoulder a little he turned around and looked a little skeptical of me while backing away. I remember him being very social and happy. Poor thing really has been through a lot or is just uncertain that his family or someone familiar is not around.

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you??

Velvet-Hello, my name is Velvet. Maybe you remember me from Ms. Goodwitch's combat class. 

He looked a little more scared of me now and I think it was because I mentioned 'combat'. I just held up my hands to show him I was not going to do anything.

Velvet-Don't be scared... I'm a huntress. I just want to help you... It's also getting cold out and some hot food sounds good with some coloring. My friend and I know a great place. It'll be nice.


(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Coco's POV)

She was supposed to just get the kid to come to Beacon and instead, she asked him out to dinner. We had bread and butter as an appetizer with some water while we waited for our food. (Y/N) was trying to color on his kid's menu, but stole glances at us. Looks like he thinks we would jump him if he looked away too long. Let's lighten the mood.

Coco-See something you like, little man? ~


Coco-C'mon, we're not scary. Just look at my favorite Bunbun here. So hot. ~

Velvet-C-Coco, he's baby!

(Y/N)-... I'm not a baby. whisper

Coco-Chuckles Of course not... You wanna tell us what you are? ~

(Y/N)-I'm big. whisper

Coco-I see that. Big boys love being with pretty girls. ~

He went back to coloring until our food got here. The boys texted me and said they were back at Beacon and heading to bed. While we were eating I saw him taking glances at the dessert pamphlet on the table and when he looked at us, he shyly looked back down to his food.

Velvet-Hey... I saw you were happy back when you were with Goodwitch and your sisters. I bet your sisters must be excited to see you soon.

(Y/N)-... Everyone turned to meanies.

Velvet-What?... Did someone hit you?

(Y/N)-No. They would not stop fighting when I told them I didn't like it.

Velvet-Maybe they were protecting you.

He told us his story and it was hard to piece together some parts while giving him breaks to slow down. Kid needs to learn how to pace himself. It took a lot of breaks over dinner before he was done and Velvet carried him out with us. It's a miracle he wasn't crying, but he was pretty close to doing it now.

Velvet-There, there. It will be alright.

(Y/N)-Sniffle A-Are we going to Patch? I wanna go home.

Velet-Sweetie, we have to go see Ms. Goodwitch at Beacon first.

Just then he jolted and tried to squirm a little.

(Y/N)-No! I don't wanna see her! I wanna go home!

I have no idea what he was so scared of. Maybe he skipped something in the story when he was getting carried away. Then again, she can come off as scary and strict when you are on her bad side. On the other hand, she doesn't scare children. Weird. Velvet got him to calm down while people stared at us until we got to a park.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please, I just want to go home. whisper 

Coco-It'll be ok... What did our new Headmaster do to you?

(Y/N)-Sh-She will b-be nice first... Th-Then someone will come and they will fight, a-and more will come and fight, or I will be taken somewhere and more of them will come and fight! whining sniffle

Velvet-Ok, ok. We... will think of something. No fighting. Promise.

We were supposed to bring this kid to Professor Goodwitch and this kid is saying that will make others come and fight. What is so special about him? No matter what, we can't hide this or she will find out one way or another.

Coco-Well... Since we can't go back to Beacon right now... I got enough for a hotel.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We got to a hotel to stay in and I wanted to hurry up and get in the room to hide. Velvet put her camera down and Coco put her cool purse down. Velvet even let me touch her ears to calm down and they did help... They were just so soft and fuzzy. I stopped to reach for the curtains before Coco closed them for me.

Coco-I think we are safe now. Mind if I and Bunbun have a word in the bathroom alone? You can have the job of making sure the door is locked and stuff. Make sure the room is secure.

(Y/N)-Doesn't the door lock by itself?

Coco-Look at you. Already on top of things.

She rubbed my head to mess with my hair before she went into the bathroom with Velvet. I made sure that there were no secret doors and the windows were locked too... Everything looked ok, but it always did before. When I was looking around for more things the girls came out of the bathroom.

I walked up to them and held my arms up to Velvet. She looked surprised a little before she picked me up and smiled.

Velvet-Ok, so here is what we are going to do.

(Y/N)-Are we going back to Patch and to my Daddy?

Velvet-Wow... Um... You will be home, but... You need to understand-.

Coco-You are covered in sand, your hair still has some in it, and you have some food on your clothes. Bath and laundry time for you.

I thought they were going to say we were still going to go see Glynda. I felt much better now that they were just going to get me ready to go home tomorrow. I just hugged her tighter while looking at Coco.

(Y/N)-Ok... Let's go.


Coco-Yeah, you make it sound like she's getting in with you.

(Y/N)-I thought we all were for a quicker shower. My sisters and the others did it with me.

Coco-... Ok, we are going to need you to explain this.

(Coco's POV)

We sat on the bed together and his logic made no sense at all. He even crawled onto my lap, but this was just so weird. Before he was done talking, Velvet already wanted him back. Not long after there was something so tempting... It also sounds like there's nothing lewd he wants to do. He just sees it as help and company for playtime.

Velvet-Coco, just look at those eyes. He wouldn't try anything. He's only 5, so he doesn't know. ~

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I guess he is just a baby. I got the water warmed up in the shower and then turned to see (Y/N) look at me with those shiny eyes. He had his arms up for me to get his shirt off. There is a small washer and dryer in the room, so they will be taken care of.

Coco-Ok, let's get you ready.

He let me do this to him and I guess it wasn't so bad, but I thought his 'big boy' claim would make him want to take care of himself. Just then Velvet came in all ready and with towels. I got mine off next before she took them to be washed then came back in.

(Y/N) got on the shower first and jumped on the water to splash in the puddles. I guess there is nothing to be worried about at all. We got in next and I playfully smacked Velvet's ass to get in and she blushed while I smiled.

Coco-Awwww. Now, I have 'two' cuties. ~


I got in and closed the sliding glass. We got to work on him first and let him play in the water while we washed ourselves. It was a tight squeeze, but I didn't mind being in here with my favorite Bunbun and this adorable little boy. I remember seeing the pictures of his sisters along with her team.

Coco's mind-No fair. They get to hog this little cutie?... Oh, they are sharing.

(Glynda's POV)

Team CVFY will be heading out tomorrow to get my baby and I had his room all set up for him. It's more of a playroom. He will still be sleeping with me. I put hard light dust shields around my bed, doors, and windows as well as my scroll and 4 other panels in the walls to control the system. After what he said on the news, I don't know if he meant me too but I did not want to take that chance. He is just so confused because his 'trashy sisters and their team' kept on making it harder for us to be together as mother and son. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

Glynda's mind-You'll be home soon. I'm sure all the love I have waiting for you will make you feel safer than my new security system. I even have a special place for my pesky students. ~

Glynda-Giggles. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Coco and Velvet promised that they would not fight and when I said to prove it, Coco pulled Velvet in for a kiss on the lips. I felt safer in bed now and tried to find out who was softer. They were confused, but I told them this is how I sleep Coco was more comfy with the bathrobe on like the rest of us, but Velvet's heartbeat was easier to hear. I told the girls this and to see if they could help me pick.

Velvet-So... you choose boobs for a heartbeat?

(Y/N)-I just like them better than pillows by size and stuff, but the fluffing and moving them around helps make them more comfy. Heartbeats are another favorite part because they help me sleep. It's why I like girls.

Coco-How cute. ~

Velvet-What else can girls do for you? ~

(Y/N)-Well there are lap pillows, their hair can be fun to play with sometimes, they are mostly softer, they smell nice, oh and sometimes when Ruby or Yang laid on their tummies I would lay on their legs and butt to watch cartoons or something. It's not as good as their chests, but it's comfy. Their lips are soft-.

Coco-Woah there. We get it... You are just a cute baby... I might just call you Baby Bunny... Yeah. My  Baby Bunny and Bunbun... My Bunnies. ~

She just looked so cool even with all her stuff gone... I guess it was ok since she promised not to fight.

(Y/N)-So... My question about who I should sleep with?

Velvet-Oh... Um-.

Coco just took me and put me on top of Velvet and snuggled up to us. I just smiled and fluffed Velvet to what I liked and the 3 of us fell asleep together. I even gave them both kisses.

(Y/N)'s mind-It will be different... They promised.

(No POV)

Velvet/Coco's mind-So adorable. ~


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