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((Y/N)'s POV)

It's been a week since I saw the snake sisters or whatever they were called. The girls gave me a tongue bath and a bath in the pond while some cooked meat for me and my parents. I tried to do something on my own, but since Nala wanted to do what I tried to do, I got punished by her spanking me and then she did something to my parents I was not allowed to see. Next, she gave me to her daughters while we ate breakfast and Melah wanted me to call her things like hot, sexy, beautiful, and other stuff while Ari played with my ears by liking inside of them. Mkali held my head still when she thought I was turning my head too much for Ari. When breakfast was over Mkali took me to go up in a tree to relax on a branch, but I was on her tummy.

(Y/N)-Um, what are you-?

Mkali-Eh. No talking for you.

She started to poke me a little and rubbed me with her tail. The only thing I was allowed to do was lay against her lap and touch her tail while she did whatever she wanted with me. If I let her do it then it just feels weird, but it doesn't hurt.

Mkali-Stick your head up straight.

I did what she said and she grabbed my chin to make me look up. I had no idea what she was doing, but she didn't say anything to me.

(Mkali's POV)

I saw a 'video' of other animal slaves wearing things called collars or harnesses and I think the cub slave is well-behaved enough. Maybe we can find something for the adults before we get rid of them. Both of them need to constantly be put in their place, but the human cub needs a light spanking at best every few days or so to follow the small rules he breaks. He is lucky that Sanaa advises me to not use brute force to make you obey, but I can ignore her whenever I please... I just find his presence more tolerable with some more training. I saw the girls playing with the cubs and we tried to let him choose playtime himself, but he does not want to be here just yet.

Mkali-Why don't you want to play? Sanaa gave you that choice... Are you just in a hurry to say "no" to us?

(Y/N)-N-No... I just don't want to play.

Mkali-Well then, you will say 'yes' next time or I will make sure you are tied up in that sleeping bag with Ari and Melah tonight again.

I know he doesn't like that because those girls hardly sleep and just tease him while we make sure he lets them. Sarabi teases him even harder in return. The flustered expression on his face says it all. I'll give him one last pass this time. I just put him against my chest and traced my finger around his back to make him shiver.

(???'s POV)

All I had to do was take the human cub alive and bring him back. Too bad they didn't tell me that the cub IS WITH THE LIONESS PRIDE!!! Why do I get stuck with this job alone?! I don't even get the cub as a snack!... I miss those jobs already. Grown males and females are good for sex and a meal while the smaller ones are chewy, and just have no idea what to do. They do a great job of breaking the parents for me to get more reactions out of them. My favorite are the strong and tall males... They break down the most when you break them in. I looked into a puddle and saw how miserable I was.


Eahira-*Sigh* Go get the human cub. They said. The Serpent Sisters will make it worth our while. They said.

I tried lions before and they are a lot tougher than any human to pin down for some fun. Uzzie made it clear that I come back with the cub alive or not at all.

Eahira-Take a cub from lionesses. Great idea... I need a distraction.

((D/N)'s POV)

We have been here for over a week! I had tally marks on the walls and I knew that no help was coming now! They probably think we are dead or just don't care!... Are they all out to get me?! (M/N), (Y/N), the employers, the lionesses, THE UNIVERSE!!! They have to be because this was not my idea and now I am suffering for it with my family.

(D/N)-(Y/N) is getting treated like a king. Why do they want a child when a man can offer more? I can offer more. I could already be gone, but they hold me back here... No, no, no. (M/N) didn't mean for this to happen. No, that's what she wants you to think. You forgot the 1 year anniversary when you were dating and she held it against us ever since. *whisper*

(M/N)-(D/N), are you ok?

(D/N)-Shut up!

(M/N)-Don't you tell me to shut up! Are you fucking crazy?!

(D/N)-I'm not the one that brought us out here! I hope you know that this is your fault!

(M/N)-My fault! I wasn't the one that crashed into a cave!


She smacked me and I thought if we were going to die out here anyway and can't say goodbye to our son without dying... Then who gives a fuck about manners?! I punched her in the face and she tried to fight back, but I was stronger. She kicked me in the balls though and took that chance to hit me!

(D/N)-We're going to die out here because of you!

I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her with me to the entrance! If she is the least bit sorry, she will buy me enough time to escape! Just as I was climbing the jeep two of the lionesses jumped on. They heard her screaming.


Kimya-Where do you think you're going?


They looked at me in disgust, but that was the truth for them!



(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

(Eahira's POV)

I have no idea what happened, but 2 more humans were pulled out of a cave and thrown in the middle of all the lionesses while the cubs were put far away from them to watch the other humans. I don't have time to eat cubs, but I can snatch a human from cubs.


I used the tall grass as cover to get closer and part of me 'really' wanted the easy snacks to run off with too, but I knew I could not outrun them already. If I was going to do this, I have to shake them as soon as possible. The only problem is that the cub will start screaming and give me away wherever I go... Unless I gag him. I'm great at quickly gagging my prey before playing with adult humans. I once took out a family of 6 humans and 2 of them were cubs. This is nothing. I took this shirt thing off and rolled it up to get ready.

Eahira's mind-Come to Eahira, little cub... I might come back for your mommy and daddy if they are still alive. ~

When my head peeked out of the tall grass I saw the cubs.


I got ready and swiftly run to gag the human cub from behind and shoved the sisters down to the ground before making a break for it.



Eahira's mind-Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

The cub was screaming and crying into the gag, but I knew how to shut him up. Sadly, I didn't get a chance because my two chasers just got in front of me. It was the leader of these stuck up bitches and her rainbow-colored second in command.


Mkali-You dare to not only come to our hunting grounds but also steal our property?!

Sanaa-Put. Him. Down. And we'll make this quick. *growl*

I kicked up dirt into Mkali's eyes and when she was blinded Sanaa charged for me but I used (Y/N) as a shield to make her stop. I even held a claw to his neck.

Eahira-Back up! I'll do it!

I have no idea why they or the Serpent Sisters want this cub so bad, but I just hope they don't call this bluff. Whatever they do to me will be quicker than what Uzzie will do to me. Mkali saw this now and they were angry.

Eahira-Hehehehe hahahaha! Relax, we won't hurt him much. Just be good kitties and go lick each other until you have something to trade for him!

I backed up and started running back while they got pissed off. I ran off laughing and I heard them roaring off in the distance.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I kept on crying with this shirt in my mouth while this hyena was taking me somewhere while laughing sometimes. Soon she stopped when we heard something.


We turned to see someone biting into a bone and coming out of a cave here.


Eahira-U-Uzzie... I got the cub... Like you asked.

Uzzie-Did I tell you to tie them up too?


Uzzie-I'm pretty sure I did... Why do I put my faith in you for something as simple as this?

Eahira-Y-You see, he was with the lioness-.

Uzzie-That was not answering my question... Give me the cub.

I felt her shaking when she walked to her and I felt really scared. Something about her made me think I was going to die if I got too close. When she held me, it was gentle, but my shaking body stopped because I was so scared.

Eahira-I... Can have my shirt thing back?

Uzzie-Hands and knees.

She got on her hands and knees like Uzzie asked and kept the shirt in my mouth. She only sat on Eahira's back with her feet off the ground.

Uzzie-Now crawl to my rock. I better not fall.

Eahira started to crawl with us on top of her and I thought Uzzie was going to talk to me... She just ignored me while eating the bone again.

(Y/N)'s mind-What do they want with me?!


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