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((Y/N)'s POV)

Penny was reaching for me still and was angry. I was stuck with nowhere to run to, but I was not going to go with Penny. She reached for me, but I ran around the room and tried to get away from her before others came. I thought she was going to get me when I made it to the door, but then something really weird happened. A portal opened, but it was not from Mommy because the portal looked different. It was white with a gold ring around it or something. I fell through it and it looked like space on the other side.


The portal closed and I was stuck here. I had no idea where 'here' even was and it made me super scared. I almost wanted to be back in that room with Penny, but then I smelled something really yummy. I turned behind me and saw a table that was not there before and there was (F/F) on it with a comfy chair.

(Y/N)-Hello?... Is anyone there? *echo*

I didn't see anyone... I stomped on the ground where the port was to make it come back, but the smell only got stronger. I was not very hungry, but it just smelled so good. I walked to the table and sat down to eat. I took a bite and... it was the best (F/F) I ever had. I had some more before I heard something.

???-*Chuckles*. ~ *echo*

I looked around again and saw some kind of rainbow leaves in the wind coming to me and spun around before a lady started to come out of it like a ghost. I got up and backed away and this made her look a little sad when she got down on one knee.


???-Poor Sweetie. That world really hurt you, didn't it? ~

(Y/N)-Wh-Who are you?

???-Who I am is not the question, but what am I to you than to everyone else.


I noticed the echo was gone. A glowing circle came under me and a big puffy ball of fluffy came out and I was cradled in it... It felt so warm and soft, but I could not relax when the iron lady came over to me.

???-I am what others would call Blacksmith. What do others call you?


Blacksmith-Well, (Y/N)... Where is your smile and happiness?

I think she just asked me what was wrong, so I told her everything that happened since I went to Beacon to see my sisters. I cried at some parts, but she did some weird scratches and it made me feel a little better... I didn't know having my elbow scratched would feel so good, but when I tried to do it after her, it didn't work.

Blacksmith-*Chuckles* You have been through a lot, but I am glad to see you are still the way I intended.


Blacksmith-Allow me to explain.

(Blacksmith's POV)

(Flashback Start)

I just finished another wonderful creation, but now I have time to create something for me while there is no one to repair. I started with a problem, so I looked out into the other acers and saw... how lonely it could be up here for me without work. I love my work, but I would like someone or something else to love. In the other worlds The Brothers created I saw parents with babies. What would happen if I had a baby of my own?

Blacksmith-How would one... Baby?... Tiny, soft, smooth, the ability to learn, be full of love, and have a bright outlook all around them... Also, can open the hearts of others with cuteness.

I got to work on my new creation and wanted them to be a being that all will be adored by all, so I needed to be sure of that. I took out most traits of independence and gave them a special charm the humans would call a 'semblance'. It took months to perfect and get it to where I wanted it to be on top of my other work. When I brought life to them they started to cry in the body of a human and that cry made my heart melt.

Blacksmith-So precious. ~

I held them and their crying stopped. They were curious about me and saw parts of my body as toys for him to play with or places of comfort. I knew everything about my creation to ensure I get a perfect companion and my work if not done with them, yet. They love being held, but they will want soft things to lay on and cuddle with and toys to play with.

(Timeskip 1 Month)

Precious was happily playing in his little pit while I worked and watched him. His laughter filled the air and would only stop if one of his toys scratched a spot he loved to be scratched. They should know all of them, but they don't do it as good as me. I really should be sending them out into the Everafter, but I could not do it. They were just too cute to ever be let out to the world and away from me. The tree itself wanted to send them away to where they would belong to follow the rules that even I am tethered to, but I am working on a way around that for them. When I finished my work and had nothing...

Blacksmith-Precious. ~

I went up to him and he happily reached his hands for me to pick him up and he clung to me.  sat down in a rocking chair while feeding him. I could feel his charm getting stronger and it made me unable to separate from him. His compassion was mostly earned with cuddling above all and despite my hard chest, he loved it the most due to the heartbeat that soothes him to sleep.

Blacksmith-Hmmmm... My sweet little baby... Precious. ~

He gave off a cute little yawn before he started to cry. This space was shaking a little more with every second, but what made me scared... HE WAS FADING AWAY!!! This has to be the tree!

Blacksmith-Precious?!... Stop! I fulfill my purpose as I did before! Please!

It didn't stop until Precious was gone... No, not gone, he was taken somewhere! My heart has been shattered into pieces as I went to search all of the Everafter... He was not here, so he had to be taken to another world, but I had no idea which one.

Blacksmith-No... No, no, no! *sniffle* He was mine! HE WAS CREATED TO BE MINE!!!

The space shook again as I grieved, but then I remembered the rules. When I create and repair, I send them out to give them a new purpose or to fulfill one. When they come back, that is when I decide. He was in a human body and without me, he couldn't stay as a baby. He will grow old and move onto the afterlife where all other humans go, so I am timed. Until I find him, I need to follow the rules, but so does the tree.

Blacksmith's mind-When he comes back from the outside place of this realm, he will be mine again... Just wait, Precious... Your mother is coming.

(Flashback End)

((Y/N)'s POV)

During the story, she wanted to give me some back scratches that she said would really help because only she would know about them. I guess Raven is my adopted Mommy... She has to be my real Mommy... It feels weird right now and I don't know if I should. She took my shirt off and I was buried in the fluffy ball with my back to her.

Blacksmith-I am sorry the others had to take advantage of your sweet nature like that to have you for themselves. It was just never supposed to be this way.

(Y/N)-... Why would they all fight like that?

Blacksmith-It all starts when people want the same thing but can not compromise. For some it's being right, for others it can be victory. In this case... a prize.

She did something weird on my back before she scratched a spot just right and my mind felt fuzzy. I could not move or think because it felt so good. I was even drooling and making random noises.

Blacksmith-It has been so long since you felt this basic pleasure but for this next part... You might want to brace yourself. ~

I could barely remember what she said already. She did something different and... Wait... What was my name again?... It feels sooooooooo good.

(Blacksmith's POV)

Precious was a twitching and drooling mess from pure pleasure. I thought he deserved this after being away from me for years, but he doesn't need to think right now. I have planned this for years.

Blacksmith-When you are adjusted back into this life, I'll fix you. You'll have that pure look on life again. ~

He could not understand me and I would surprised if he gave me any kind of reaction. I kept on going until his body went limp in a few hours. Now, he was an adorable puddle in my arms.


Blacksmith-I am going to enjoy showing you every little secret I put into your body and mind. ~


Blacksmith-*Giggles*. ~

(Timeskip 12 Hours)

He could hardly move after 2 short naps he had after being overwhelmed, but we were not even close to being done yet. I did decide to give him a moment to collect himself though while I rocked with him on the rocking chair and gave him a bottle of juice while I had him swaddled. When he finally realized his situation, his cheeks blushed so hard.

Precious-H-Hey! *muffled*

I gave some more juice by squirting it into his throat and I remember how long I spent on his tastebuds to leave no room for compromise to some foods. He tried to talk to me while taking sips until he could not help himself anymore. I scratched his head the way he would like it just enough to still have no trouble thinking. When he was finished with his juice he talked more calmly.

Precious-When did this happen? I was on that puffball chair... Right?

Blacksmith-You were. Now, you are here on my lap and a larger size of what used to be your favorite blanket. I even gave you a bath, more massages, and scratches. There is still so much to show you.

Precious-What?... No, you didn't.

I showed the past to him when I pulled up some glass to show it to him. He saw everything I did and how he acted. He looked embarrassed and I cooed at him.

Blacksmith-Don't be ashamed, Precious. This is your purpose. I wanted to be a sweet and doting mother in my free time, so I made you to be a perfect baby. ~

Precious-... My name is (Y/N) and I am a big boy.

Blacksmith-Awwww... After what you have been through, I think you are close to that. That's why Mama is going to fix you. You'll be a baby again in no time. ~

He did not seem pleased with that answer, but he will settle into the idea. I let him out of his blanket to put him down in his old pin when more work came to me.

Blacksmith-Stay right here, Precious. Mama will get her work done, but... I think your old toys missed you. ~

Precious-My name is not Precious. *mumbles*

I poked his nose and raised the bars for his height before I brought his toys out behind him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She left and tried to get out, but the bars were too high and slippery. Something poked my back leg and when I turned a walking pacifier jumped into my mouth and... It tasted like that juice from earlier. I did love it, but I took it out this time. I kept my mouth closed, but this time I was tackled by a toy and pushed down to be scratched on my leg in a way that made it twitch.

(Y/N)-St-... Sto-.

The pacifier jumped in my mouth again and I saw Blacksmith watching this while smiling. It looked like she was making a leg or something. I got up and got the toys off of me, but they were going to get me again. I tried to capture some, but some of them were really hard to capture and when I kept on trying I heard giggling from behind me. It was the Blacksmith looking into the pin from the top.


Blacksmith-Looks like you are settling back in nicely. ~

(Y/N)-P-Please let me out.

She only smiled before the ground shook again and she looked up. It shook again. She looked scared and made the bars go away to pick me up.

Blacksmith-I obeyed your rules and still am! He is still being repaired!

I have no idea who she is talking to but I started to feel tired and she looked scared before she looked... I think bored or something.

Blacksmith-Don't worry. I know where they put you now. I will find you much faster this time. I just need time to prepare... I love you. ~

I fell asleep really fast.

(Timeskip ???)

My eyes started to open and... I was on a beach at night time. I looked around and saw a town, but I had no idea which one that was... Was that all a dream? I was in that TV room and now I am here but... It felt so real.

(Y/N)-... It had to be a dream. A robot or something calling me Precious and had living toys... It was just a dream.

I got up and tried to remember everything else... If everyone is going to fight then I will just find a way home to be with Dad and tell on Ruby and Yang. When I made it to the town I saw other things that I did know about... I was back in Vale, so Patch is just a boat ride away! I ran into town to look for help to get home since I was so close!

(Y/N)'s mind-I'M GOING HOME!!!

(No POV)

While many only saw a little boy run into town, one person saw this as something more.


Velvet's mind-That's the little boy Ms. Goodwitch is looking for!


Aiden Cassidy

I saw this pop up and I had to double check and make sure it was really. The part 2 to one of the greatest stories. Thank you