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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the group bath and they printed toys from the machine for me to play with. I was never in a bath and shower at the same time like this before and I even got to play while they washed me. When I said I wanted to help some more they needed help washing their backs, but then some wanted a massage from me when we get out. I wanted to play in the water a little longer and Keira dangled a toy above me, so I kept on trying to jump and grab it. I got it on my 5th try and everyone was proud of me. I sat on Penelope's lap and got to hold Kit and play with her cool robot parts. I thought robots couldn't go into water, but she was waterproof. When we all got out they got me dressed first before they got themselves next. I got to work on my massages for them and I was even wrapped in fluffy tails while doing them. During my last massage, I was picked up and put on a bed on the floor to lay on my tummy.

(Y/N)-Hey, I was in the middle of giving a massage!

All the girls got around me and Tess sat on me to massage my back. Rivet got one of my arms while Kiera got my other arm. Carmelita got both of my feet which tickled a little at first. Next, Ashelin sat on her knees in front of me to bury my face in her lap while she scratched the back of my head, and he legs were spread a bit for me to breathe.

Tess-Isn't this much better, Sweet Thing? ~

I tried to talk, but Ashlen wanted me to rest me head, so...

(Y/N)-Heah, hut what abou your mass-? *muffled*

Ashlen-Don't forget about our rules. Do as we say and that includes doing what we want.

(Rivet's POV)

This was nice and all, but I got Kit to turn on the TV and Angela went upstairs to cook some snacks we made with my machine. We watched the news about this world while we gave (Y/N) his massage and he looked so adorable. I could feel him squirm a little every time Carmelita grazed his foot to tickle him a little. Not enough to make him thrash around, but enough to get a small reaction out of him. During the news, we saw a high-speed chase of a van that left a museum. I didn't want to ruin Carmelita's good mood, so I quickly changed the channel. Angela came back down with some food and closed the door since his parents had come back earlier.


He smelled the food and perked up from Ashlen's lap before he flipped himself over to lay back down to use Ashlen's lap as a pillow. I took a piece of (F/F) first and held it up to him for him to excitedly open his mouth. After he had a full tummy, he pretty much passed out where he was and slept heavy enough for Penelope to come over and pick him up while he was still asleep. She took him to her bed to cuddle with him, but that doesn't mean she gets to hog him all to herself.

(No POV)

Hours later the girls went to sleep, but the parents were restless in their room. (M/N) wanted to call the police, but (D/N) showed gameplay of what they were capable of. Some more than others. If Kit were to transform into what he called her 'Giant Robot Form' and would do more harm than good for them. Even if they took care of the machine they would fight with all they got and Rivet alone took out armies. They went to bed almost so restless that their son was downstairs with game the girls. Meanwhile, in the living room...


(Timeskip 10 minutes)

(???'s POV)

I was waking up and felt so dizzy. The last thing I remember is Carmelita stomping on me when I was in the Hate Chip. I felt like I was spinning in all directions until I finally managed to get on my feet. My eyes adjusted quickly in the dark and I could see that I was in a house. I saw a reflection of myself on the TV and wondered where I was while also looking like my old self again.


Nyela-What?... Am I... dead?

I have to be dead after what happened and cursed that Cooper Gang and Foxy b**** along with the rest of those idiots. I was supposed to have eternal life! If this was the afterlife, I'm sure I would not be going to heaven and I pictured hell being full of fire. I examined the rooms and found some odd-looking game consoles by the TV, a weird-looking machine, and a few pictures on the walls.

Nyela-... 'Am' I dead?

I heard a door open and some creature came out rubbing his eyes like they were just waking up. I don't even know what I am looking at!


I pulled out my whip and wrapped it around them before pulling them to me. They were light enough to pick up and hold against the wall.

???-... Who are you?

They are clearly a child and I could tell because of the baby face he had. I know how to deal with kids thanks to my years of training to be a Detective and then getting promoted to Constable.

Nyela-I'm asking the questions. Who are you?

???-My name is (Y/N)... Fluffy.

He grabbed my face and rubbed my cheeks like I was not interrogating him at all. I stopped him and went back to business.

Neyla-Where am I?

(Y/N)-You're in my house... Did you get here just like Sly and his friends did?

Neyla-Wait... Sly is here?!

???-And me.

I turned and only saw my worst enemy in law enforcement bringing a fist right to me so fast and sudden that I could not react.



(Timeskip 30 Seconds)

(Carmelita's POV)

(Y/N) was really upset that I knocked out Neyla to save him from her. I was bouncing him in my arms and doing everything I could before he could cry and wake everyone up. When I tried to explain that she was one of the worst criminals I have ever faced...

(Y/N)-B-But *hic* y-y-ou c-could just tr-tr-y to *sniffle* forgive her and be friends. *whimpers*

Carmelita-*Shhhh* *shhh* *shhhhh*... It's complicated, but some people are just... not good people. She had you wrapped in her whip and pinned to a wall. I needed to make sure you were safe... What can I do to make you feel better? ~

(Y/N)-... A kiss to make it better.

I only smiled and kissed his cheek a few times.

(Y/N)-Not me.

He pointed at Neyla and I was about to say no, but he gave me puppy eyes... I don't want to kiss Neyla, but I don't want to see him cry either. I came up with an idea and walked over to the machine with him. I found one of Bentley's sleeping darts and broke it over (Y/N) after he thought I was making something for Neyla.

Carmelita-I'm sorry I had to do this... I'll put you in my bed and be right with you when I'm done. I promise. ~

He looked really drowsy when he inhaled this stuff, but still awake and maybe a little confused. I stroked him and was going to take him back downstairs...


I was hit so hard in the side of the head, that everything went black.

(Neyla's POV)

I was still very mad from this head headache, but I knew one thing that she didn't know. I make sure to knock out my victims by kicking them even when they are down. I caught the boy before he could fall since Carmelita wants him, I will keep him unharmed for now. They were both down, so I tied Carmelita up with my whip until I could find something and searched the house for others... There were more aliens or something in the basement with one or 2 normal people and 2 more in the master bedroom. I stayed quiet and went back to the machine to try and work it the way Carmelita did... While trying to work this thing, it raised more questions. I saw a whole model of Paris, Egypt, The Panda King's old mountain, all sorts of items, and many other weird worlds.

Neyla's mind-You are telling me what you did or that alien you like is going to get hurt.

I got a gas mask and got a bunch of sleeping darts to put the serum inside to make sleeping bombs. I started with the master bedroom since they were the easiest target then went down to the basement and got Carmelita's shock pistol to shoot the robot at the same time I bombed the whole room. When they woke up... It was too late.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I finally got everyone tied up with rope, but I gave Carmelita chains and cuffs to be sure she doesn't slip away. I heard someone... It was (Y/N) and he was still awake and looked tired. Now, he was crying.


(Y/N)-*Hic* *hic*.

Neyla-Just be still and have your friends tell me what I want to know when they wake up and everything will be alright.

(Y/N)-... Wh-Why do you a-and Carmelita ha-te each other? *sniffle*

Neyla-If you must know. She took something I held dear and worked hard for. Now, I'm here because of her.

(Y/N)-B-But... I think she still cares about you.

Neyla-Oh? And how do you know that?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* I was at her home before. She had a picture of you.

Neyla-How thoughtful of her. Still doesn't change the fact she tried to kill me, so I'm afraid it's going to be this way.

(Y/N)-But... what if you can become friends again?

I meet full-grown men almost as dumb as this kid, but he just wants to be friends... The kinder the heart, the easier it is to take advantage of. I put on a smile for him and walked over to untie him, but before I could work my magic, he clung to me.

Neyla-... What are you doing?

(Y/N)-Is the hug making you feel better?

Neyla-... Of course it is, but I am afraid it won't be enough.

That's when his cheeks puffed up and he hopped down to pull me with him to what must be his room to lay on his bed with him. Now, he was cuddling me.

Neyla-What are you doing?

(Y/N)-Hugs and cuddles can make anyone feel good! I'm going to cuddle the meanness and anger out of you!

I had to hold back my laughter at first and let him have his way. When Carmelita sees the little alien cling to me, her emotions will get the better of her. I smiled at the thought until I felt a kiss on my cheek. I would ask, but I think I know his answer... I never had this kind of affection before... Well, genuine affection before. Many men would jump at the chance to be in bed with me, but this boy wishes to make me less mad and be good... It won't work, but it is cute to see him try. I'll keep the serious questions for the girls.

Neyla-Hey, what if this doesn't work? I don't think it's enough. ~

(Y/N)-Um... Well... Oh! I can show you the other's games they came from just like yours and Carmelita's! You'll know them, so it will make you friends before they wake back up and they see this was not really on purpose!

Neyla-... My game? What do you mean, 'my' game?


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