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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 5

Daddy was holding my hand while running after Mommy was turned into an alien. We were going to be like her if soldiers didn't shoot at them... and then at us for some reason. I was so scared that it was hard to breathe even before I was running. When I could not run anymore, Daddy just picked me up to run with me. That's when something exploded in front of us and sent us flying and stuff fell on top of me. I could only see Daddy on the ground while I was coughing and struggling to breathe, and trapped under a sign. I only wanted to call out to him when he got up, but then he saw someone.

Daddy-S-Superman?! Please, help me! My son is-!

I saw lasers hit my Daddy in the head and my body froze. His body fell to the ground and he was turning into ash...

(Y/N)'s mind-Superman... did this?

The sign I was trapped under was thrown off of me, but I just screwed my eyes shut. I saw a red glow before I heard a rocket and the red glow went away. A  soft wind blew on me and when I opened my eyes, I saw dust and ash in the air. Superman was gone and when I looked to the side to see Daddy was gone... I threw up on the ground while crying. I lost Mommy and Daddy in one day. Aliens and bad people killed Mommy and Superman killed Daddy... Superman turned evil too. I heard more gunshots and just ran into the building to hide.

(Y/N)'s mind-This can't be real! The has to be a nightmare. Why is this happening?! I want to wake up now! Mommy and Daddy can't be gone! It's a lie! Superheroes are supposed to protect us!

My head started to hurt so much that my body curled up in the rocks and dirt and stuff. I tried to think it was not Superman, but nobody else had laser eyes and Daddy said his name. My breathing felt so painful and hard to do now... I passed out.

(Timeskip To Night)

My eyes opened and I was on a mat or something next to other people. I saw soldiers were here and what if they thought I was dead or this was something to put me into some horrible camp?! I got up and ran to the nearest building when none of them were looking. I remembered everything and started crying while running. I got to a broken park and hid behind a tree before I sat down.

(Y/N)-*Hic* Mo-mmy. D-D-Daaady. *whimper*

I still remember Mommy being turned into a monster before she was killed by soldiers without even trying to turn her back... Everyone wants to hurt or kill me now, I just know it! I felt something in my pocket and when I pulled it out...


I used to watch the news when 'he' was on there... He was supposed to be the best hero and save everyone...


My body flinched and I looked to see where it came from. It was very far away, but then I saw something else.


I just threw the watch as far as I could and then left the park. When I did leave the park to go out into the city I hid from soldiers to find a safe place to hide. When I did hid from a few soldiers walking by...

Soldier#1-I'm telling you, it was scary as hell in that warehouse with Batman. He had a woman hanging by her neck with a meat hook and a batter-rang in her chest. Lost 3 other people.

Soldier#2-Batman doesn't kill people.

Soldier#3-I saw the bodies with his gear left in some of them. Even saw a man gunned down by a giant gun from Green Lantern.

(Y/N)'s mind-Green Lantern too?!

Soldier#2-I might be late to this party, but I just find it unlikely they did it. You're saying the whole Justice League turned on us?

Soldier#1-Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Wonder Woman.

Soldier#3-Not Wonder Woman. Boss said she killed her friends.

Soldier#1-But this happened once. If she can kill her friends, how long until she goes crazy too?

They all left and I felt sick to my stomach... The Justice League did this on purpose?... I need to get out of the city, but where do I go?! I don't know how to find anyone and if I stay here soldiers or crazy people will kill me! What if there are still some monsters hiding out there?!

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

(Diana's POV)



I punched through another training robot again and fell flat on my back when I felt so overwhelmed. This day was a living nightmare. I tried to save my friends and look what it got me! I ruined city, countless families destroyed or completely gone, I can't even count the numbers of bodies I found at hospitals, orphanages, shelters for the public, schools, EVERYWHERE, and I had to kill my friends in the end anyway! I never got to even have a real date with the man I loved... Superman! He almost killed me too! I feel so alone!

Diana-I... I tried my hardest! *hic* *hic* *wheeze* *sniffle* I'm sooo sorry! ~

I punched the ground again and again until I had enough of just punching my feelings. I went to the kitchen for some water, but instead... I was looking at the knives with the thought of me cutting my wrists and neck... I did slit Barry's through open when he begged me to after I caught him with the lasso of truth a second time... The Flash killing and capturing people to turn them made him not want to live with himself just like I don't want to live with myself. It was just getting harder by the minute. A tablet on the wall should I was getting a call from Waller, but I just ignored it and left the kitchen without any water. I made it to my room here and looked at myself in the mirror in my bathroom.


Diana's mind-... How many times has Wonder Woman failed the ones she cares about most? Now, a city is destroyed after refusing to do what needed to be done in the first place after multiple people told her in the first place... Barry, Waller, Deadshot, Boomerang, a 'shark'... Now, look what happened.

Diana-... Some hero.

I took off my crown first before throwing it to the ground and then my magic gauntlets. Finally, I took off my clothes to get into the shower, but I mostly cried on the floor. I kept on whimpering 'I'm sorry' to myself and felt like a complete failure. Only a fraction of this city remains to live in ruin. A FRACTION!!! By the time I got out of the shower, I just went to bed.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I am just staring at the ceiling, so I got up and got dressed to go on patrol... Who am I kidding, there is nothing left to patrol. I am just going out for a late-night walk. The effects of Martial Law seem almost pointless now. We only have a few hundred citizens and this city will take years to rebuild, so the last thing we need is soldiers occupying what little is left. Very few are lucky enough to have their family and home still and can stay, but the rest need to relocate which was painfully obvious.

Diana-How did it come to this?

I kept on walking and avoiding checkpoints to mainly avoid Waller getting on my back. During my walk, I thought about my next step in life and the Justice League. The next generation of heroes is still the hope for the world, but I just can't bring myself to do anything right now. How can I?

Diana's mind-Would it be better if I just... followed my friends and let the others take over?

Suddenly, I heard crying off in the distance, so I ran to see what was happening and I saw soldiers handling a little boy roughly.



They all looked at me, but then the child looked horrified and bit the soldier before running. One of them tried to go after him, but I quickly blocked them.

Diana-What were you doing?! He was a child!

((Y/N)'s POV)

That was Wonder Woman! I had to run even faster and hide! I know how fast she is and can even fly! All I did was sneeze and they found me so fast! I saw a store with a hole in the wall I could get into, but before I could make it Wonder Woman landed in front of me.


My mind and body lost all control when I fell back! I had no idea what I was doing, but trying to get away from her while I was on my butt!


She was trying to talk to me, but I did not hear her. I finally got up and...

Wonder Woman-Watch out!


I had no idea what hit me in the head, but I felt so dizzy and blacked up before I could hit the ground.

(Diana's POV)

I ran to the little boy who was having a full-on panic attack from the soldiers, but then it got much worse when he saw me. The invasion must've traumatized him. Hopefully, this was just a momentary lapse of judgment. I checked his head and pulse to see it was just a bump on his head, but his pulse was way too fast. The camps we have here won't be enough to care for him and will honestly terrify him again. The Hall of Justice has much more medical supplies to get his pulse down.

Diana-Come on. Let's get you taken care of.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I gave him a small dosage of sedatives to slow his heart rate as well as a wet washcloth with an ice pack. It was working, but the poor thing was still out cold. I also cleaned him up and put him in a gown since he was pretty beat up. I don't know if his parents are looking for him or if... I don't want to think about that right now. I stroked his head while he was out cold still. I waited in this room with him for an hour before he started to wake up, so I put on a warm smile for him... Smiling was never so hard before.

Diana-Child, take it is. You're safe now. ~

He was waking up more, but when he focused on me, I saw tears in his eyes which made me concerned.


Diana-No, it's ok. I'm Wonder Woman. Have you heard of me?

???-*Hic* *hic* Do-n't *cough* *gag*

I tried to comfort and calm him, but it was only getting worse. I backed away from him and he hid under the blanket. I wanted to ask him some questions, but I knew he would not talk right now... I at least need the crucial and basic information right now. I wrapped the lasso of truth around his ankle gently under the blanket.


Diana-No, no, no, it's ok!

He wasn't listening and the monitors were picking up his heart rate again, so I pressed a button on the machine to give him a slightly bigger dosage... He did not go to sleep, but he was calmer now. He was still a mess and softly crying though, so I had to be extra careful with him with my questions.

Diana-You don't have to look at me if this is too scary. Just listen to my voice... I am going to ask a few questions with the lasso of truth wrapped around your ankle... Is it too tight? ~

???-N-No. *whimper*

Diana-Good. What is your name?

???-*Deep shakey breath* (Y/N). *whisper*

Diana-You look like a nice boy... Is anyone looking for you? ~

(Y/N)-*Wheeze* B-Bad p-p-people. *whisper*

Diana-Who are these bad people?

(Y/N)-M-Monsters, soldiers *hic* *hic*, e-evil superheroes,... and you. *whisper*

Diana-Me?... I am not a bad person. I am here to help you. Why would you think that of me?

(Y/N)-... *Wheeze* *hic* *hic* S-S-S-Sup-perman killed D-Daddy a-and everyone else tr-tried or w-w-wanted to k-...k-. *choking* *gag*

I took the lasso off of him quickly and held a puke bag for him just in time because he got sick into it. I felt a wave of gelt that one of my friends took his father away from him. He's all alone now and afraid of me.

Diana-You poor thing. Don't try to talk anymore. Just rest. ~

He continued to hide in the blanket and when I left the room to cry myself. I let this happen from being too stubborn and what else could be done for him? Put him in an orphanage or foster home somewhere far away and have him suffer even more...

Diana's mind-No... I let this happen to him. I need to be the one to care for him now. It's the very least I can do... I'm sure the fear will go away in time.

I collected myself and entered the room again while thinking of the things we could do together...He won't be able to sleep alone, so he will be sleeping with me... It also sounds really nice to have someone to hold as well. Holding him in my arms and doing other motherly roles for him made me feel like I had a purpose again. My losses still hurt me, but I can make up for them.

Diana's mind-I lost my closest friends... I won't lose anyone else... I won't lose you. ~

I sat on the side of the bed as he relaxed more and more from the sedatives I gave him for his own good. He looked out of it... I gently picked him up and took him to the bathroom to wipe his face. His whole body was limp against mine and it felt so good to carry him like this when things are calm. When I gently bounced him, I heard him whimpering.

Diana-It's going to be ok, (Y/N). Wonder Woman's got you... But you can call me Diana if you like... I promise to take good-. ~

(Y/N)-*Soft snoring*.

Diana-... Care of you. *giggles* Come on. Let's get you to my bed. ~

I took him to my room with me and got into bed with him to hold him close. It was 3 in the morning, but I felt like I could finally sleep. I just closed my eyes while holding him firmly against me.

Diana-We both had a very hard day... Such a poor baby. ~


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