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(Octavia's POV)

We made it to my house and the first thing I did was make sure not to run into Mom or Dad, but it looked like Dad was out doing business. Mom still sticks around here, so I just need to stay clear of her until we get to my room. Servants were looking at me because my arm was in a duffle bag, but that is because (Y/N) was sleeping and cuddling my arm. I did make it to my room and sighed in relief before I gently put the bag on my bed and took (Y/N) out carefully with my free arm. He looked so peaceful and adorable sleeping in my arms.


I carefully got into bed and cuddled with him. To pass the time I did things like scratch his chin, rub his tummy, and he would have cute little reactions. Bringing him home and sneaking past everyone took a lot more out of me than I thought, so I just put the review I promised online about the Hotel and went to sleep. Maybe they will get over it if they have more guests to look after.

(Alastor's POV)


This is what I call entertainment. Charlie was running ragged around the hotel in denial and Vaggie was smashing things in frustration after accusing our last guest of taking the new mascot. I saw how Niftty made and broke her little swing and fell many stories high with (Y/N) and the princess made off with him. I should tell them... when they start to slow down. Charlie came back into the hall and she was almost out of breath.


Charlie-Alastor *pant* did you see (Y/N) come by?... Please, say yes.



Alastor-No, but you asked me politely.


Vaggie came into the hall still as angry as ever and went up to Charlie.


Vaggie-Charlie! I know it was that bird! Did you not see that bag she took off in?!

Charlie-But it looked almost completely empty.

Alastor-*Chuckles* You may want to look outside the side of the building.

They both looked at each other before rushing outside and I counted down in my head...

Alastor-5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Charlie/Vaggie-Ahhhhhh! *muffled*

Alastor-This should be entertaining. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was so cozy when I woke up and saw Octavia sleeping next to me... I gave her kisses and cuddles in her sleep before I noticed we were somewhere else. Her room looked so pretty. I got up and looked around while she was sleeping and thought about the outside of her room. I went out there and this place looked bigger than the hotel. I walked around and I found a huge kitchen with windows you can see outside with! They had a pretty garden too when I got on the counter.

(Y/N)-... A real garden.

I wanted to go outside and smell it because I heard they smell good.


I heard something when I walked into the hall, so I went to see what it was. I went into a room and saw someone sleeping on the couch with a bottle on the ground.



I went up to her while she was asleep and felt her soft hands. She moved a little when I put her hand on my head since her fingers were too fuzzy to suck on. This did feel nice though.


(Y/N)-*Giggles*. ~

I climbed on top of her and wrapped her arm around me to snuggle while she was still sleeping. She smelled a little funny... Almost lost grape juice, but not grape juice. I ignored it and nuzzled into her chest. She was so comfy and I fluffed her chest a little to make it more comfy.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe she can take me to the garden.

I just stayed here until someone came in. It was a red man with horns and a pointy tail. He froze with one foot in the air a little and looked scared of something. I smiled and waved at him to say hi and not wake the pretty lady up.


The pretty lady jumped a little and I don't think she will be happy to wake up to that. I guess his Mommy and Daddy never told him to yell to wake someone up unless it's an emergency.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is it a fire emergency or a cuddle emergency?... He did scream really loud... Ohhhh. it must be a bad thought emergency. Like thinking about breaking a rule and you can't help it.

The lady looked really mad at him before she looked at me just as mad. She picked me up by the pant of my shirt with one hand to swing me when she stood up. This was fun!

???-WHO!!! THE FUCK!!! ARE YOU?!?!?!

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N)!


(Y/N)-No, I never met him.

She was still pretty mad so I guess she must still be sleepy or mad from being woken up like that. He was pretty mean to her by doing that. Daddy said that Mommy likes it when you say nice things, but they also need to be true.

(Y/N)-I saw a pretty garden before I heard a glass drop and then I found you... Oh, I thought you were pretty with your shiny white feathers and-.




(Y/N)-What's a stray?

Her eyes started to glow red and they looked beautiful, but then she stopped, dropped me on the cough, and was holding her head in pain.


Man-Madam, shall I-?

She threw something at the guy and he ran off. I felt so sad... She looked hurt, tired, and angry. I just learned about all of those things and they are not fun to have. I need to help her! I tried to make the couch as comfy for her as possible with pillows and found a blanket.

(Stella's POV)

I tried to turn that fucking brat into stone, but now my head was killing me! He will pay for this and I will have a word with Octavia when I show her his statue in the garden! When I was still wobbling around feeling dizzy, I felt a small pair of hands on my lower leg before one of them took my hand.

(Y/N)-Careful, you almost hurt your legs on the table... You should lay down.

I tried to swat him away, but I fell over. Thankfully, it was on something soft. I still could not open my eyes or take my hands away from my eyes.

(Y/N)-Hold on, I think I know what you need.

I felt a blanket thrown over me and when I tried to hit him I kept on missing. He might be gone, but I will find him and when I do, I will make sure he is crying when I turn him into stone! I could not hear anything from my groan, ringing in my eyes, and throbbing pain! That was until I heard footsteps.

(Y/N)-Here you go. I got you some water with a straw.

He put the straw in my mouth and I just drank it. The pain went away a little with each sip, but it was still so painful.

Stella-*Growl* When I can open my eyes again-! *grunt*

(Y/N)-Please don't hurt yourself... I don't like it. It feels... bad when pretty people hurt themselves... You need cuddles and loves.

Stella-Keep your filthy stary hands off me.

He ignored me and climbed on top of me to wrap his arms around my waist. I could not even fight him off because I felt so weak and mentally exhausted right now.

(Y/N)-See? Cuddles are good. My old Mommy and Daddy loved them, my new Mommy and Mama love them, Octavia loves them, and I love them. Does it make you feel special?

He kept on nuzzling into me and gave me more water. When I could finally open my eyes again after what felt like an entity I saw him sitting on my stomach with an innocent smile.


(Y/N)-Do you feel better?... Your eyes are like pretty rubies, pretty lady.

Stella-... What are you doing here?

(Y/N)-Octavia brought me because we are friends. Your sister is just as pretty as you.

Did he really think my daughter was my sister or was this a bullshit pickup line?... That look and his actions tell me he is rather dull.

Stella-She's my daughter.

Now, he looked confused.

(Y/N)-Really?... Sorry. I thought you were her sister... Well, my old Mommy said I had my Daddy's hair. She must have got all your pretty.

He scooted up like he was not afraid of me at all. I noticed there were no servants in here and then I saw the useless rats peeking around the corner until they ran away. I felt furious and then (Y/N) hug me with his face pressed against my cheek.

(Y/N)-What's your name? I bet it's as nice as you are.

Stella-You little-!... What is wrong with you?! Do you know who I am?

(Y/N)-Octavia's mommy... My new friend?... A queen?

Stella-I am Stella-. *grunt*

(Y/N)-Oh no! Here, have some more water!

He gave me more water and when I was out, he nuzzled against me even more.

(Y/N)-Why are you so mad?... Oh, that mean red-tailed man woke you up from a nap. That was mean... I can try cuddling you back to sleep. How about this?

He rubbed my head and with his hand, one side of my head and used his head to rub me on the other side. I grabbed his hair to weakly pull his face away, but then...

(Y/N)-Oh, you want kisses?

He kissed my cheek and all of this with the pain made me tired again.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Her feathers were so soft and warm to pet. When she went back to sleep, I tucked her in like Mommy and Mama would do for me and gave her one last hug and kiss before leaving a note for her and then leaving her alone. I ran to go get Octavia to see if she could help me find the way to the garden. When I went to her room, I saw she was still sleeping. I just got into bed with her, but then I woke her up from getting back in her arms.


Octavia-Hmmmm. *smooch* Look who's up. ~

(Y/N)-*Giggles* You were sleeping.

She sat up and stretched before she pulled me into her lap for a hug.

Octavia-Are you hungry? I can have someone bring us something while we play. ~

(Y/N)-Oh, oh, oh, can we have cupcakes?!

Octavia-*Giggles* maybe for a dessert. I'll get us some steak and potatoes before cutting yours up... What do you want to play until then? ~

(Y/N)-... I wanna play with bubbles.

Octavia-Oh. I could have someone go get some for us and I can blow them for you.

(Y/N)-No, like a bubble bath. I like to build with them.

Octavia-But you don't have any new clothes to change into after... On second thought. Mind if we do something before your bubble bath? ~

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

I had the food ordered and I knew how to take measurements for his new clothes while I told a servant to take his clothes and wash them in secret. Mom can not find out about him. She would rip him into pieces if she got a hold of him. Speaking of whom, (Y/N) was running around naked excited for the bubble bath I was getting ready for him. He wanted to get in, but the water was too cold right now. It's cute how he has no shame, but I wonder if he would go as far as to un out into the hall. Thankfully he didn't.

Octavia-Oh, (Y/N). Your bubble bath is-! ~


He ran past me and hopped right in. He got a bit of water and bubbles on me and the floor, but I only saw how happy he looked to play.

Octavia-*Giggles* Ready... You are so cute and adorable. ~

I scooped up a bit of bubbles with my finger and put it on his nose.

(Y/N)-... *Baby sneeze*.

Octavia-Awwww. ~

(Y/N)-You wanna come in and play with me in the bubbles?

Octavia-Sorry. Someone has to bring the food in. But when you get out, you won't have clothes for a while.

(Y/N)-Oh... Will it be cold?

He looked a little worried about that and shrunk into the warm water.

Octavia-No, no. I will have a hot towel and blanket fresh out of the dryer for you. Looks like I will just have to feed you to keep those arms warm. ~

(Y/N)-Can I be on your lap too?

My heart gushed and I just gave him kisses while he giggled. He went back to playing with his bubbles and I played with him a bit too. Everything was fine until I took him out to dry him off and took him to mt bed for his warm blanket.

(Y/N)-Hmmmm. I don't want to be friends anymore, Octavia.

Octavia-What?! Why?!

(Y/N)-I want you to be my big sister.

I have no idea how to respond to this... I just held him close against my chest with tears of joy coming out!



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