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Hey folks!

I'm working on the playbook sheets for Gamemaster's Survival Guide, and I plan to organize them in a book—I was going to do sheets but felt that'd get a little messy.

There will be 50 such sheets in the book, each with a full color schematic detailing how to set up the monsters and where to move them.

But how should I organize these sheets?

Assume that there'll also be an index/table of contents to organize it further.

Thanks for your input!


Holy Pickle

I think alpha is good - but suggest a couple concordance tables, so you have a ToC based on terrain, a ToC for creaitre type, one for CR. Those are easy tools and provide a lot of utility


Difficulty then alpha.


I like the idea of difficulty, then terrain, personally. Though I see that's not an option.


Cosign. Or terrain X tier and then alpha, which is close enough given how many adventures are adjustable.


I like Alpha with a color coded list at back showing name/terrain/difficulty for each and page number. Like an index.


The more I think about it using color ‘tabs’ on the edge of each page for difficulty/Terrain would help when flipping through.

Frank Moore

Terrain type then alpha. When I'm throwing something together quickly, I want the monster to fir the location. If the setting is a desert, a Shambling Mound ain't what I want to find.

Blue Infinity

I came here to say exactly this. Tables at the end so they can be found by terrain as well as CR.


Looks like difficulty is winning. So I'll probably do it organized by difficulty, then alpha.


Pretty sure I would already know the monster name when I was looking for this so the easiest way to find it knowing that would be to organize alphabetical by name. Any other sorting would require I know more than just the monster name, I'd have to know it's CR and/or terrain and for a lot of monsters terrain can be very flexible so by terrain type is to me going to at a minimum require another index by monster alphabetical.


That’s a pretty good point. I think the sorting by CR or Terrain is for when you don’t know what monster you want but know how tough you want it to be or where in the world you need to add a monster. I think all three are valid. Tables or lists that allow you to quickly find by your preferred search and then find it by page number


Yeh. Me to on this one. Whatever ends up being the book order, please include cross references by at least alpha and level! =)


Alphabetical with an appendix/index listing them by terrain type and difficulty


when I'm in a hurry its the terrain I need first and then the diffculty, I'm not bothered about what its called lol. Chances are i'll be pronouncing it wrong anyway :)