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Hey all!

We make books. And people like those books. But sometimes, it's cool to have other stuff, too. I'm chatting with Bob now about some ideas of stuff to sell at conventions alongside our books.

If you're a goer of conventions and you have some cool ideas for the type of stuff we should sell in addition to our book line, let me know down in the comments.

I look forward to your suggestions!

 - Dave



What about dice or other merch related to some of the better selling/most downloaded material like t-shirts, mugs, coasters, etc.

Chris Spradlin

Custom dice, GM screens, DMDave stickers. If you made stickers of all of the Lazaro's creations for you, I would buy every single one!


Collectible NPC cards that include a portrait, you could put them in "blind packs" like a pack of magic cards!


Card decks, good to show an imagine and to randomize: items, monsters by biome, traps, chase obstacles, interesting curses, NPCs made with player classes, travel events by biome (animals, traveling merchants, diseases, bad weather, etc).

Frank Moore

OSR content, especially the Zines that are coming out. Dice are good but don't just sell the damn chessex dice -- they suck. Push 3rd party creators gaming resources.


I’m a big fan of props. Player handouts, inspiration coins, pre-painted minis that fall somewhere between over-priced and horribly-disfigured WizKid figures, and Anastasia Romanov’s diamond-encrusted, airbrushed Fabergé paladin.

Holy Pickle

Content on cards for the travelling DMs. Spells - creatures - tactics - NPCs - Traps - Riddles - Puzzles. I also saw some content creators creating handouts and printouts to go along established adventures to help add impact at the table, and that was neat. And an online clearinghouse of tools, spreadsheets, etc for us to easily flip through and use. And a unicorn.


Oooh yeah. Some half-sheet card stock things with the creature tactics you wrote.


Dice, battlemaps, terrian.


Props and game enhancement tools. I use Professor Dungeon Master's UDT for in game play, but I need walls, corners, stairs etc... To frame the space. I think 3D printing has so much possibility at prices that are afordable and still profitable without being over priced. New variations on critical hit and fail tables with fun consequences.


work with Reaper and get some DMDave branded minis. Some they design for you or you can make stats for some of their stuff.


Maybe not doable, but you could get a 3D printer and print player pieces for sale.


Skinny Minis, Large Scale Maps, Character sheets themed to your adventures (using artwork, not just blank)


DMDave Dice. This is a must, I can't believe I don't already have a set of DMDave dice, I got dice from 3rd party makers a smidgeon as "big" as DMDave. I think pretty much everyone already mentioned it but it is the #1 want for sure, I don't need a poll to figure that out. I liked the suggestion for cards - tarot-sized cards with fantastic artwork on one side and a monster or NPC stats on the back would be super cool. Even regular poker card size would be swell if it's for less complex NPC or critters. Cards for randomizing "plot" events or tables would be cool. Random loot cards. Battle mats or minis might be OK but minis would be out of my price range. I might spring for some round disc tokens with monster art or two-sided "2D" plastic "minis" (like the Pathfinder pawns but I like the translucent plastic kind better than the cardboard kind). DMDave Official Badge Quest Cookies. Yes, actual cookies you can eat.


I second the proposal of not selling Chessex, or at least not only selling Chessex. There are some really great dice-making companies out there that make quality precision dice that can customize them for you. I personally would rather pay more for quality DMDave dice than try to go low price and be shoddy, I guess it's subjective. Metal dice would be even more amazing, but that might be hard to do.


Please no blind pack gamble scams, we got enough of that with even Disney trying it now. Cards = great, random packs = scam.


I vote dice, but make then worth getting. Maybe comes with a bag that has your logo on it. 2D20, 1D12, 2D10(different colors or a tens die), 1D8, 4D6, 1D4 or even more dice. A card game with art from your adventures. Could even just make a regular card deck with picture replacements.


Wasn't there murderhobo dice in one of the kickstarters? Among other similar DMDave unique stuff. Then again hammy over the hedge adhd & memory lol.


More unique, funny & harsh/challenging in DMDave/Moe style, and unique....like gremlin village, The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin, drow hard perhaps tied to events or once every 3-4 months maybe something related to the city/state/convention idk. I liked the direction of The Horror at Fort Orc'Igin. While I haven't played it yet I liked the potential fun from skimming through the physical copy. Sorry I'm biased & I'm also aware it's probably not that realistic legal & copyright n etc.