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Hey folks!

I might tinker around with some more fantasy map-making. This won't be a guaranteed benefit immediately, but I figured when I have some free time (lulz), I might throw together a few simple maps using Inkarnate.

Naturally, we use the heck out of Tom Cartos, so I always recommend his stuff. And most of you already use his stuff.

But what other types of maps do you find yourself needing that aren't necessarily out there?

I've created a sample of a dungeon map here for you guys to check out. I like maps that you can "tile", a la Geomorphs, since it makes them a bit more fun and easier to use for multiple types of dungeons.

Vote for as many as you like below.


Holy Pickle

Simple one off battle maps are a plenty. But nice connected locations are great to have. Also, more outer planes!!! Would love some maps for the outerplanes.


I need battle maps but I'd also love a variety of these. A multi room dungeon would be great


Dungeons and battlemaps are always good, regional and world maps I prefer to make myself.


Underground complexes that could hold hundreds of orcs or other large tribes of nasties.


Is there any future, especially with inkarnate, of dmdave stamps and map assets? I always find myself wanting more variety but haveing a hard time finding it.


Probably not right away. I’m just going to use what’s available


Printable. Connectable. Maps.


Printable dungeon tiles.

Frank Moore

I want your take on dungeon/tomb/crypt maps. Basically, I want the DMDave version of what Dyson does. No pressure.

A Conspiracy of Ravens

Hey DmDave, just a suggestion but it would be great to see some terrain themed regional hex tiles maps, to explore the inner and outer rings of a dark & foreboding forest or sailing for days on an open ocean. Then having accompanied themed short encounters for each hex tile.


That's basically what we do with the Dungeons/Lairs books. We give a regional map, then tie together 5 adventures and a few settlements to it.


Hands down my most favorite of your series was your Dungeon of the Week series. They were what I would call true dungeons in that they had some puzzles, some traps, varying monster types, and a theme. Plenty of rooms to explore in. I liked them a lot more than the Dungeon Lair books which are more 1 monster type repeated and a more linear map flow.


I like that style too. We stopped cause we didn’t have enough support. But maybe I’ll start it again


Battle maps with room/need for creativity, i.e. cover, jumps, a stack of barrels to unleash, ...


I'm adding more hexcrawls but I feel they're so specific to a campaign. For example I've mapped out ancient Greece on Inkarnate for myself; I wouldn't expect anyone else to do that for this or what ever my next campaign is. But I do use a lot of outdoor battlemaps from cartographers. Those are pretty campaign agnostic. Just had to make a battlements map for a literal battlefield, I feel like that could be used in any campaign.


Not every map has to have some weird/“cool” trick. How many times am I going to run a “weird twisted glowing tree in a clearing” encounter for my group? Once? Twice? How many times are we fighting in a forest and need a battle map? A lot more. That being said - my biggest complaint with maps is that so many don’t have any space to actually move about and fight!


Battle Maps or Dungeon Maps tied to your campaigns or modules.