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Hey folks!

Originally, we were going to do a Norse theme for March/April Dungeons & Lairs with new monsters, but I've since decided to go back to the original purpose of Dungeons & Lairs—create drop-in adventures usable for any campaign.

Instead of focusing on themes immediately, I want to focus on terrain types first. We just did one for the arctic. This time, I want to do one for coastal creatures.

I've picked out a number of popular coastal monsters and added them below. These are all from the Monster Manual, too, so they should be familiar. Pick the one that you like the best. The top four get made into adventures starting next month.

I look forward to your coastal critters!



Love this!!! Our campaign is in a coastal city so this is perfect!


Please, no pirates. SO many other sources have pirate stuff...

Frank Moore

What, no option for Grendels?


Honestly I'd feel bad messing with a Bronze Dragon since they're generally not up to displeasing shenanigans.


Dragon turtle eggs have gone missing and momma’s pissed! Partner with her minion Turtle-born (please make) and hunt down the culprits!


Reward? Black pearls and a kracken egg? Ooo!


Pittsburgh Pirates? No one would see that coming. "When a tear in the multiverse sends nine athletes..."


Where are the tentacled creatures?


That'll be in the "cosmic horror" series... or manga. Or both.


Hope something beats Pirates. Almost anything would be more interesting.

Clinton Hegney

Aren't Bronze Dragons, being in the metallic family, generally good aligned? Would this then be for those GMs doing evil player campaigns?


Just because they are good doesn't mean that the good creature's wants/needs/motivations/plans are aligned with the PCs. PCs vs good creatures can be good roleplaying opportunities outside of direct combat.