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Hey everyone!

Last night I sent out that poll, and you all responded pretty quickly. I've since put together a quick mock-up of the "drop-in" village idea that I had. My goal is to create a book with maybe 15-20 of these, each with a different vibe but all more or less in the same format as what's presented here.

Take a look and tell me what you think in the comments. Let me know if you feel there's anything else that I should add to it, etc.

I'll probably try to keep it to this four-page format since it fits nicely into the book and looks pretty clean, but if you all strongly feel it lacks something, I can retool it.





Perfect! Do this!

Levi Kane

Yes! I have always had to dedicate substantial time and resources to this exact problem. I don't know what sort of friends or players everybody else is used to hosting, but the recurring issue with my friends is: "Alright, you pass into a small village, so I'm going to ask you all to use the imaginations that you've spent the last 4 hours crippling with alcohol..." Love this idea!


This is brilliant. I can't wait to use Ashcroft.


Yes! This is the content I need.


This is great! Just the kind of drop-in material I need to better flesh out my world. My only critique is with the map. You identify in the text several significant locations in the village, but it is difficult to correlate them with the map. I know you mentioned adding labels yet, and that will help. One inconsistency is that you describe defenses to include a palisade and gate, but these are not shown on the map. Not a big deal as I could just edit/delete that when I use the village -- what I most want is the descriptive content you provided. Please press on with this concept.


Yeah these are from watabou so I’ll have to edit in the stuff.


I agree with Robert's critique above with one addition: could use more info on the leader of the town, too.


I love this. The hooks are great, of course, but I especially like the basic information about defense and organization that many sources skip over or bury. Between the notable characters and notable places and then plot hooks, this makes probably two four-hour sessions preppable in 10 minutes.


Nice. My hope, too, is to make them easy to combine with Dungeons/Lairs. So basically you could use all our content to make a sandbox without having to do a shit ton of prep.


This is perfect for my home campaign. I eagerly await the rest of this. Any chance one of these could have a farm/village map with round hobbit-like homes built into the earth?


Hmmm... maybe in the future. Right now I'm kinda doing "one size fits all" but if it's successful enough, I'll do start making some for various species/races, elves, orcs, etc.


I have just placed the first half dozen villages from your first release onto my campaign map. Brilliant!


Nice. Well, there's going to be 20 total when the book hits, probably early next week <3