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In our latest poll, the book on Helkaran magic is leading by quite a bit.

The brief description I gave said that it would offer "spells, magic items, how to become a sorc-king, etc." I thought a cool theme would be to build a series-within-a-series of these, all focused on one of the sorcerer-kings. And since I've modeled each of the sorcerer-kings after an arcane discipline, it should be pretty easy to create a whole book focused on it. It'll be sort of "their take" on the art, possibly even written as if they wrote it.

If you aren't familiar with the sorcerer-kings yet, they are:

The Sorcerer King of Nazgar is a fearsome figure who reigns over the dark tower of Tryvvga in the Evernight. He is known to possess immense magical power and is feared by many throughout Helkara. The Sorcerer King is rumored to be in league with the dark forces of the world, and it is said that the shadows themselves tremble at his command.  The Sorcerer King of Nazgar's book will focus on evocation and wizardry.

Zalto the Undying King is the ruler of Keth’keth, a dark and foreboding city known for its necromancers. Under his rule, the Necromancers of Keth’keth have gained immense power, using the undead to enforce their will and do their bidding. Some say that Zalto has not only mastered the art of resurrection but has actually achieved immortality and now walks the world as an undying king. Zalta's book will focus on necromancy and the undead.

Nendukuga is the leader of the Blood Cult of Azathoth, a sect of fanatical worshipers who seek to summon the dark god Azathoth from the Sky Above the Sky. As the Blood Priestess, Nendukuga presides over grisly rituals and human sacrifices, and is said to have the power to call forth Azathoth’s wrath upon those who defy her. Her followers are feared and reviled throughout Helkara, and her name is whispered in hushed tones among the wise. Nendukuga's book will focus on conjuration and Warlock magic.

Marduk and Astra are the leaders of the Order of the Crimson Blade, a powerful organization of nomadic mercenaries who linger near Nothing’s Edge. The two are known for their fierce fighting skills and unwavering devotion to one another. It is said that their love is as unbreakable as their blades and that together they are an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Marduk and Astra's book will focus on incorporating magic with fighting ("blade singing") and enchantments.

Elder Brother Vaanqar is the leader of the Brotherhood of the Blackened Chain, a secretive order of assassins and criminals found in nearly every corner of The Gloaming. Not much is known about Vaanqar, although many believe that he is no longer human, transformed by the arcane might he wields. Regardless, Vaanqar is rumored to have connections with powerful figures throughout Helkara, and many believe that he has his fingers in many of the dark dealings of the world. Vaanqar's book will focus on illusion and dreams.

Speaker Koll is a mysterious figure who is said to represent the interests of the Dark Council of Aruthaz. Many see him as the leader of Aruthaz and suspect that the Dark Council isn’t even real. Despite this, Koll is widely respected and feared, and his word carries weight among those who know of him. Some say that Koll has access to powerful magic and that he is not to be trifled with. Speak Koll's book will focus on divination and abjuration.

Elsbeth, Mardella, and Sirena are the Shadow Council of Norgoth, a trio of powerful sorcerers who rule over the dark mountains of Norgoth. The three are known for their cunning and their mastery of the arcane arts, and are feared throughout Helkara. Despite their fearsome reputation, they are also rumored to be wise and just rulers and to have the best interests of Norgoth at heart. However, those who cross them soon find themselves locked within the labyrinth of dungeons that riddle their mountainous domain. The Shadow Council's book will focus on transmutation magic and alchemy.

Vrogathar of the Iron Keep, the warlord of Vrogathar, holds sway over the land with an iron grip. His rule is absolute, and he is feared by all who call Vrogathar home. The very mention of his name is enough to strike terror into the hearts of his enemies and keep his subjects in line. Vrogathar's book will focus on abjuration and war magic.


Albert Nakano

Shadow Council of Norgoth is a trio? A hag coven?


Hags?! Such insolence! Contemplate your heretical ways in the Thousand Pits! GUARDS!


Roll for necromancy raise undead zombie bard. Together we will blow the opponents' mind - literally - forget Rob zombie, alestorm or Megadeth! Walk away as fireworks to opponents' exploding brain buckets in background