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Hey everyone!

I've put together this basic PDF form of Helkara. It includes most of the basic rules for the game and some details about the world. Obviously, I plan to expand upon this, and will do so with your help.

In the meantime, check out the document and let me know what you think.

Changelog (February 3, 2023)

  • Added the Helkara 5e Character Conversion Guide
  • Created a political map of Helkara

Changelog (February 2, 2023)

  • Maps of Helkara added below (including Labeled and Unlabeled versions)
  • 8 new monsters for Helkara (Patrons only)
  • History of the Helkaran people added
  • Magic and arcane effects added
  • Character art added to the images above

Changelog (January 31, 2023)

  • Splitting the sections up to make them easier to edit
  • Added Necromancers and Alchemists to character creation
  • Gave mechanical effects for the flaws
  • Fixed a few errors
  • Improved the archer talent to reflect new combat rules that use movement
  • Listed the types of tests that you can make by ability score
  • Cleaned up advantage/disadvantage rules
  • Added in a movement system
  • Added in range for combat (pretty simple)
  • Added in additional actions during combat
  • Clarified improvement rules for non-archetype classes

Changelog (January 30, 2023)

  • Fixed a couple of grammar errors
  • Added in "10 Things to Know About Helkara"




This is MONEY. Nicely done.


The bad habits are pretty harsh. I could see them taking up some time.


So excited for this. Looks like it's going to be a hit.


Love the old school gritty feel to this. The heroes feel special, but very mortal in a dangerous world.


Totally want to run this, looks wicked as hell.


I'm loving the read and love the Omen idea. I can't wait to play this.


This is a work of art but I have to tell you there are some spelling errors in it. I cant wait to get the rest to play. I love the idea of rolling for weapons, armor and even scrolls for spells and more. I am 100% onboard with this new stylr.


I love the Improvement part of it


Oh yeah, it's rough AF. I haven't sent it to proofers yet, so I'm relying on Grammarly. If you see any, lemme know on Discord


That's a gimmick from MorkBorg that I love. In the horror game I was working on, I was hoping to make it so everyone pooled together.


Yeah, it's cool. Growth slows down the better you get. Also stolen from MorkBorg


Looks great so far! Made a character already! As soon as we get some monsters I'm ready to rock and roll with this thing!


I actually have 20 of them already in a spreadsheet. I need to go through the MM and decide which stuff from 5e I wanna carry over.