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Hey all,

Earlier this evening, I posted the rules for the Helkara setting. As I set the end of April for the date to have a final version ready, I need to know what direction to take it. That's where you come in.

I've created a poll listing each of the sections. You tell me which sections you want me to build out, and I'll add more to it. We'll keep doing this, building the entire book as you like it.

Pick the three sections you want to see expanded first. In the comments, give any ideas that you have to expand it (the types of things you want to see, etc.) I'll start working on whatever has the biggest lead and then go from there. You can look forward to another poll tomorrow.

I look forward to your input!



https://instagram.com/stories/dungeonmasterdave/3026774787460298077?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Follow this link to ask lore questions


It would be nice if there was an option for a 4th edition like “Daily Ability Power” that could level up/scale with you throughout the game. That one thing you character does really well, and either specializing it or upgrading it. Examples: Shroud of Black Steel or Warstomp/Shockwave


I think the character generation section is pretty good. I believe if someone wanted to run this they don't have a lot to go on as far as the setting goes. So some basics about how the setting works, important organizations, places, people, history events, etc. would be nice. I guess MorkBorg fills in the blanks on the system rules part (this is literally a guess because I don't have it).


No MorkBorg is pretty thin. I’ve pretty much included all the rules from MB here


Can I just say "yes" to all of them?