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Hey folks,

I'm marching towards making the Helkara campaign book for our Spring 2023 Kickstarter.

Since you guys are always my #1, I figured I'd hit you up and see how you want to get this book. I've got a couple of different ways I'm thinking of doing it. Pick the version you think you like the best.

Option 1. Softcover A5 (Like Pathfinder Pocket Editions) Black and White

  • Lowest price ($25 - $30)
  • Fastest turnaround time (2-3 months)
  • Least information (150-200 pages)
  • Black-and-white art only

Option 2. Softcover A4 (Like BroadSword Monthly) Black and White

  • Low price ($35  - $40)
  • Fast turnaround time (3-4 months)
  • More information (200+ pages)
  • Black-and-white art only

Option 3. Hardcover A4 (Like 5e Books) Black and White

  • Medium price ($40  - $45)
  • Fast turnaround time (3-4 months)
  • More information (200+ pages)
  • Black-and-white art only

Option 4. Hardcover AA (Like 5e Books) Full Color

  • More expensive ($50 - $60)
  • Slower turnaround time (printed overseas, 6-12 months)
  • More information (200+ pages)
  • Full-color artwork

Option 5. Multibook Set (Like Spelljammer) Full Color

  • Most expensive ($75+)
  • Slowest turnaround time (printed overseas, 12+ months)
  • Most information (600+ pages)
  • Most full-color artwork



If you could do option 2 with color, that would be my vote

Steve Skirata

^ That. Also, my bookshelf is pretty full, so I'd suggest #6: as a full color PDF, which only takes space on my hdds and which I could open right next to Foundry, instead of juggling a book on my knees :-)


Digital Roll20, etc.


Gotta agree with the comments above. I'd go for a "Option 2" printed in color if that was available. Hardcovers are nice, but would prefer a softcover, especially if it is color

Frank Moore

My preference is softcover A4 but full color.


Agreed with option 2 with full colour. And please, for the love of everything, don't compare the work you do to the 5e Starjammer release...


The price different is pretty high and would increase lead times, most likely.


I would love a hardcover version of the book. If you’re actually going to use it, it ‘s nice to be able to open the book flat and leave if that way to refer to in a session.

Ken Siwek

I'll be honest: Please DO NOT imitate the Mork Borg layout. Other than that, please make it your own. You have followed a certain aesthetic with the Broadsword releases; if you like that old school layout, run with it! The only caveat is make it useful and easy to navigate in book form. Thanks for everything you do


I did not care for broadsword style, I’d prefer color pdf, or black and white 5E style cover


PDF. Our group plays over distance with Foundry. All the other options are nice don't get me wrong but I'm not voting since I just need the PDF for FVTT & a FVTT module.


Looks like 5e book full color is popular, but personally I like small format books for OSR stuff (like Old School Essentials is my personal favorite format for OSR).


Nah, I won't do the MB layout. Not because I don't like it, but because it's their thing and this is different.


I'm really leaning towards A5 though since I kinda wanna have them look like old pulp books (Granted, those are even smaller than A5, but still)


Voted for my preferred option but I would buy any of them.


Options are nice, but .pdf is the only format that will get used in my games, sadly. Therefor pdf color is my operational choice.