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Hey everyone!

I'll be kicking off Pathfinder stuff in February. To start, these will be free adventures as I start learning the system. Also, they'll probably be a little rocky since I'm still learning. Fortunately, we should be able to translate these over pretty easily to 5e.

Below, I've listed 6 creatures from the Pathfinder 2e Bestiary. Some you'll recognize, and others are new. Pick the one you like best. The winner gets made into our first adventure. Any option that gets 20% or more of the vote moves on to the next poll. And so on.

I'm shooting for 1st-level adventures here to build up the repertoire.




Love first level adventures!


When I was looking at the choices before I even picked one I thought. I bet kobold will be the highest percentage. And I was right. Lol

Frank Moore

Kobolds. Because Pathfinder Kobolds ain't D&D Kobolds.


Vermin. I'm a believer that the first level adventure should be low level. If memory serves right, the PF xp progress should be similar to D&D and that's enough XP that one session should get you the xp that next level, session you've hit 2nd and start taking on larger threats.


if we go with Kobolds, look up a story/article about "Tucker's Kobolds" https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/TuckersKobolds.pdf best low level monsters ever!!


Ooh vermin!....ratsses likes the Warhammer skavenses without all the plotting scheming and hilariousness.


I mean, if you release under ORC and don't make it about Orcs, uh... dang.

Chun Kung

yes! PF2 , YES!


Yeah that's definitely a missed opportunity 😂😂😂😂