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Hey all!

If you didn't hear the big news, Wizards of the Coast officially declared that they would not unwind the OGL 1.0a. And to top it off, they placed the entire 5.1 SRD into the Creative Commons. This means that they no longer own the Fifth Edition rules, but it's not controlled by a third-party non-profit organization. So we can make Fifth Edition content forever without any fear of losing our right to.

What does that mean for DMDave?

Although it's been a tumultuous few weeks, we ended up getting a lot of good things out of it.

  • We've built a close relationship with Paizo, so you can expect us to start venturing into Pathfinder 2e territory.
  • I'm in love with the OSR movement, particularly MorkBorg since it lets me create full rulesets without much fuss. Expect to see some more of that stuff, particularly with the next Kickstarter.
  • I'm working with Noah Downs and a few others to create a coalition of TTRPG creators to ensure that we're represented and organized, just in case something like this ever happens again.
  • We can now create 5e without fear of hassle or changes from the big monsters on the coast. So our adventures will never ever stop.

Anyways, thank you all for your continued support! Honestly, none of this would have been possible without folks like you all getting behind us and speaking up. It was enough to make a billion-dollar company take a step back and recognize that they were making a huge mistake—so much so, in fact, they were willing to give the rules back to us for free! Forever!

Great great day.

Thank you all,

 - Dave



Dan Gragert

Couldn't have asked the universe for a better birthday gift. <3 cheers!


Awesome! Are you also going to work on pathfinder 1st edition?


thank you for all of your content. Teamwork makes the dream work


This is literally the best of both worlds! Now we can continue to get the 5e content we know and love. AND we can get new content for Pathfinder and OSR too? Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!


I figured WotC would cave, I don't think they have any desire to lose their entire D&D fan base. The pitchforks and torches didn't hurt either...


I know it's a huge relief to you, but to us as well. I can't express how much I love using your work in my games. Thank you for all you do!




Thank you for being a warrior in the fight Dave! You rock!

Jack Noron

That all sound very promising indeed. Keep up the good work Dave! However, I'm just thinking now how much time until we'll see 6E on the move...


Any chance that Savage Worlds might see some love once or twice a quarter?

Frank Moore

Dave, this is great news!! You've got to feel like Hercules just took the heavens off your shoulders! One favor to ask, can you help me understand what the difference is between SRD 5.0 and 5.1? Does that include Xanathar's and Tasha's?


5.1 was just an updated one they did, I think it removed a few things that they didn't mean to put in there. It's been the version used since 2016, I believe.


Oof. I dunno! I'm not sure how open their policy is, although, I saw they're working on something. Maybe they'll join in with the ORC.


Supposedly they're waaaay behind on the development of the new VTT. So I'm not sure


They signed up with ORC but also have their own tiered licensing depending on what you are creating. I consume more than I create. https://peginc.com/licensing/ - I think it would be pretty easy to take an adventure, list the 'monsters' without including the stat blocks and then it becomes more widely usable across a lot of systems.

Chuck Sherman (edited)

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2023-02-09 01:38:36 Too convenient. I see a new set of 6E rules on the horizon, with an entirely new GL, and their new official online D&D resources and game platforms will exclusively use 6E rules. They will attempt to use their online presence to minimize use of 5E on newer gamers. While I have my doubts this will work...I lived through similar attempts with 3rd and 4th Edition...but I'm almost positive they will try.
2023-01-29 01:11:45 Too convenient. I see a new set of 6E rules on the horizon, with an entirely new GL, and their new official online D&D resources and game platforms will exclusively use 6E rules. They will attempt to use their online presence to minimize use of 5E on newer gamers. While I have my doubts this will work...I lived through similar attempts with 3rd and 4th Edition...but I'm almost positive they will try.

Too convenient. I see a new set of 6E rules on the horizon, with an entirely new GL, and their new official online D&D resources and game platforms will exclusively use 6E rules. They will attempt to use their online presence to minimize use of 5E on newer gamers. While I have my doubts this will work...I lived through similar attempts with 3rd and 4th Edition...but I'm almost positive they will try.


I think you're right with the new edition of DnD 6e but it should take at least 3 years after the initial release for the "fear of missing out" to really sink in. I've heard other YouTubers say "yeah, this is only for 5e and there's little guarantee that they'll use the Creative Commons license for 6e, but we're safe now and can happily develop for 5e as long as we want." Hopefully, WotC has learned that trying to edge out the community from creating for the TTRPG community at large is just cutting off their nose to spite their face. Let them have their paid VTT; we've got our sourcebooks, a Creative Commons license and the will to create.

Chuck Sherman (edited)

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2023-02-19 17:29:37 Like I said, I'm doubtful it will work out for them. I remember TSR twisting and turning trying to make D&D profitable by controlling it, which ultimately nearly killed D&D. I think the basic game is safe this time, but I don't expect Hasbro/WotC will get what they hope from it.
2023-01-30 04:55:14 Like I said, I'm doubtful it will work out for them. I remember TSR twisting and turning trying to make D&D profitable by controlling it, which ultimately nearly killed D&D. I think the basic game is safe this time, but I don't expect Hasbro/WotC will get what they hope from it.

Like I said, I'm doubtful it will work out for them. I remember TSR twisting and turning trying to make D&D profitable by controlling it, which ultimately nearly killed D&D. I think the basic game is safe this time, but I don't expect Hasbro/WotC will get what they hope from it.

virtuadept (edited)

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2023-02-19 17:29:37 I think they probably will, unfortunately, try to make 6e a walled garden and not invite the 3rd party publishers to play or it will be under onerous conditions much like 4e's GSL was. It seems even though the vast majority of their players want an open gaming system, they are hell bent on not doing that for 6e. But I could be wrong, I guess. If they do release an OGL + SRD for 6e I will be, of course, very skeptical / careful of it. But at the end of the day, if 6e seems like a better game than 5e is, I will end up buying it. And if it isn't, I won't. It's really pretty much that simple. Make a great game, people will play it. Make a lame new edition that doesn't feel at all like D&D, maybe a few MMO geeks will play it but your hard core D&D fans will just look for D&D-like alternatives like OSR or Pathfinder.
2023-01-30 05:41:52 I think they probably will, unfortunately, try to make 6e a walled garden and not invite the 3rd party publishers to play or it will be under onerous conditions much like 4e's GSL was. It seems even though the vast majority of their players want an open gaming system, they are hell bent on not doing that for 6e. But I could be wrong, I guess. If they do release an OGL + SRD for 6e I will be, of course, very skeptical / careful of it. But at the end of the day, if 6e seems like a better game than 5e is, I will end up buying it. And if it isn't, I won't. It's really pretty much that simple. Make a great game, people will play it. Make a lame new edition that doesn't feel at all like D&D, maybe a few MMO geeks will play it but your hard core D&D fans will just look for D&D-like alternatives like OSR or Pathfinder.

I think they probably will, unfortunately, try to make 6e a walled garden and not invite the 3rd party publishers to play or it will be under onerous conditions much like 4e's GSL was. It seems even though the vast majority of their players want an open gaming system, they are hell bent on not doing that for 6e. But I could be wrong, I guess. If they do release an OGL + SRD for 6e I will be, of course, very skeptical / careful of it. But at the end of the day, if 6e seems like a better game than 5e is, I will end up buying it. And if it isn't, I won't. It's really pretty much that simple. Make a great game, people will play it. Make a lame new edition that doesn't feel at all like D&D, maybe a few MMO geeks will play it but your hard core D&D fans will just look for D&D-like alternatives like OSR or Pathfinder.