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Hey all,

The poll for the next Kickstarted ended up with 1931 as the chosen period. 1931 was a pretty cool time for horror. Universal Monsters just kicked off that year with Phantom of the Opera, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dracula, and Frankenstein (followed closely by The Mummy and whole bunch more the following year).

It's also a period when H.P. Lovecraft wrote some of his most famous works, such as At the Mountains of Madness (shoggoths!) and The Shadow Over Innsmouth (deep ones!).

Historically, both the depression and the dust bowl were in full swing. The Empire State Building opened in New York City, New York. Prohibition was still two years away from being repealed. Al Capone went to prison for 11 years on tax evasion charges. Japan invaded China.

Since this is a Mörk Borg-compatible game, I've already basically written, like... 70% of it. At this point, I'm just putting in random tables and other details. 

While I'm doing this, I thought I'd poll y'all to see what kind of content you want in this. It can be anything: rules, hacks, new monsters, traits, whatever.

There are already six classes (Sleuth, Gangster, Femme/Homme Fatale, Socialite, Mad Scientist, and Adventurer), but who knows? Maybe I'll add a couple more.

Let me know what you wanna see in the comments below.




Nothing is more Dark Noir then a washed up private detective


Maybe "performer/singer/musician" as a class?


Or maybe media mogul, or reporter/newshound


Pugilist might make a fun martial class. Some cursed items (artifacts from distant lands) would be neat to play with as well.


ALSO, Van Helsing (or some similar character) would make for a super fun NPC.


Archeologist. Mix of rogue and scholar traits/abilities.


Excited to see this come to fruition. I would want to run games closer to the Elder Gods and unspeakable horrors game rather than Hammer or Universal Studios classic type Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. but I am interested to see what spin you put on them and how they will be represented in the Mork Borg system. Someone mentioned the Foreign Spy, I like that, and wondering if there could be some sort of Double Agent or Reformed cultist type class.


The Great Depression was in full swing - add Hobo for a Class?


New spells that are maddening and dangerous ala HPL style. Some cool organizations, rivals, villains, NPCs, other world-building ideas of a 1931 that we never knew was going on, the secret world of 1931 in HPL's universe.

Thomas Ryan

I know it hasn't been long, but is there any news?

Thomas Ryan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-09 01:38:37 Do you have a general daye for the KS
2023-02-07 21:14:35 Do you have a general date for the KS

Do you have a general date for the KS


still working on this one?