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Hey folks!

While we continue to navigate the madness that is the OGL (OGLgate?), we're looking towards the future with our next Kickstarter. Fortunately, I planned on doing something outside of 5e even before this mess, so it doesn't really trip anything up.

The plan for the next Kickstarter is a horror RPG built on the MörkBorg engine. And since it's MB, it'll be very design-heavy. Right now, Tony from DireQuest and I are discussing the overall appearance of the book. 

I figured I'd set this book during a specific time period of cinema that catches the zeitgeist of a particular subgenre. Below, I've listed a year tied to each of those periods. 

Bonus points if you can guess what I consider the "iconic" movie representing each year and subgenre.

Pick the one that you like best.

A few disclaimers/assurances:

  • I'm only working on this project now because I need to get the art started. Art is slow, so you gotta plan far in advance. Also, it takes, like... a day to write a MörkBorg book, so I'm already done with it.
  • Hand of the Eight/Pexia are printing and on their way to the boats. 
  • GMSG is in its final formatting stage.
  • Since the 5.0 SRD is going into creative commons, we can continue to create 5e content here unhindered. 



I just want to see the monster mechanics that go into a compelling slasher-style BBEG


I actually have a pretty cool MorkBorg mechanic for how long a scenario lasts


I like a lot of these. Voted for my favorite but most look like they would be pretty interesting.


Any thought to making chapters for each era and or style rather than a whole book on one?


i mean a cosmic/gothic with elements of psychological mashup would be cool!


These will be short books, about 96 pages with high production value. Different mechanics and classes for each era


I would assume Dracula with Bela Lugosi would be the 1931 flick.