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Hey everyone!

Since the big OGL shakeup I’ve been going back and forth on what our spring project should be. I hoped to do something outside of 5e, but I recognize a lot of y’all feel comfortable there or at least with a system that’s similar. Plus I’ve seen some Kickstarters from colleagues of mine that weren’t TTRPG-related and they did not so good. If there was less uncertainty, I’d probably do “one for me,” but I think it’s best we play it safe for now.

So my question to you all is this: what should I make?

Give me some ideas below. Then read through everyone’s ideas and like and comment on the ones you like best. Once that’s done I’ll make a poll.




You can check dungeons coach he will release something interesant


Perhaps a guide on how to convert characters between 5e, PF2e and PBF.


An 11-19 level adventure, following the events of HOT8.


An 11-19 level adventure, set earlier in Omeria's history, which players who finished HOT8 can time-reavel back to.


HOT8 More more more!!

Frank Moore

Reading through this, it seems that some of the folks haven't cracked their alpha copy of the DMSG yet. :) While I love all of the stuff I've seen from you, Shrine of the Emperor of Bones is still my favorite because it just fucking works in ANY campaign. So, with that in mind, here's what I would love to see: an anthology of adventures, say about a dozen or so, all of which are all 12-20 pages long. It isn't a single campaign (sorry HOT8 fans), but could be run like one or a GM could pick and choose from them as they like. My thinking is that you and your team can discuss some of the commonalities you want in the whole but then folks can work separately without having to tie into the greater storyline. Just my 2¢.


What's funny is that I should be doing more one-shots soon 'cause that seems to be what the folks at Paizo are interested in, too. Likely I'll make them 5e/PF2e compatible. I really like writing super small, OSR-vibe adventures like Shrine. They're so damn easy haha


One other major creator I buy from is Philip Reed, who makes system-neutral stuff. He focuses on monster and magic item variants. You focus on adventures. And it’s your creativity and inspiration I follow you for, not the stat blocks. I think you can keep doing what you’re doing with just a little tweak. I could run your adventures in 4e if I wanted to.


AGREED! Just a good map and some room description~ and even a mediocre DM (like me) can tweak it to fit any world. Do your Beautiful thing DMDave!


Going forward, I'm probably going to make stuff that's more rules agnostic that'll fit into most d20-systems (MorkBorg, 5e, Pathfinder, etc.)


I’d like to see a book of spells, martial abilities, chi techniques, fighting styles, epic boons, etc. A big bad codex of character extras that may be linked or inspired by existing DMDave content or played games. Had a hilarious spell misfire/unexpected outcome? New spell of oopsie Miss your kick attack? Charlie-brown kick your way back a square with the Lucy repo. Etc. but spoof off your own stuff, Easter egg it, inside jokes but useful niche or utility stuff.

Nordic Stan

The 4 elemental forces (earth, fire, water and air) to conqur the world of the living. Something better than princes of the apocalypse. More elaborate. dont start at lvl 1 but 5 to 20.


maybe a system neutral guide to world building for DMs who love to homebrew

Thomas Ryan

Suicide Squad style Supers using Mork Borg.


I like this idea a lot. I feel like there was one AD&D 2e product "The World Builders Guide Book" that had some good ideas and tools but was still lacking and most of the others seem to be mostly random table lists. So something more in depth with crunch added along with fluff examples created using the ideas in the book would be really nice. Maybe there is a book out there that does something like this, but I'm not aware of one. :)


I am loving the OSR stuff you're working on but if you mean something other than that, I guess I would like more Omeria content - more lore of the world, new places of interest, More factions or organizations, more NPCs, more stuff, even if it's system-neutral is fine, just would like more world-building content on the Omeria setting.