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Welcome to Yazur Island!

For those just learning about Omeria, Yazur Island is a 900-square-mile island off Omeria's northeastern coast. It's approximately 50 miles from Imfe Caan Asaari, the "capital" city of Vaskil Valley. Once the site of a few noteworthy Pressonian settlements, Yazur Island now serves as an arcane prison for Omeria's most dangerous spellcasters; that's because 20-foot-tall, mouthless, horned cyclopes that call the island home generate fields of antimagic that extend up to 15 miles off the island's shores. Furthermore, the quickest passage back to the mainland, the Straights of Libby, is riddled with dangerous creatures.

Let's Learn More

Keeping this information in mind, plus all the awesome content ideas you supplied a few days ago, it's time to start detailing Yazur Island's twenty significant locations. Above is the map of Yazur Island that I created with Inkarnate.

Each week, I hope to offer a complete map for each micro-spot and an associated adventure. That way, when I'm done, you'll have an entire campaign setting to take characters from levels 1-20.

We'll start with Level 1 content and go from there. That way, you can kick off the campaign right away.

Forest of Faces won the first poll. I ended it early so we could get started on the next one and give you all more time to vote.

Pick the Spot That Seems the Most Interesting

Below, I've listed all 20 options from the map. Most have little more than a name and a few minor details. It's your job to help me figure out the rest.

1) Baramis Ruins. Pressonian ruins at the north end of the island.

2) The Forest of Faces. A grove of dead treants. (Coming Soon)

3) The Mine. Rumors persist that it hides a deadly artifact.

4) Giannetto's Emporium. A ramshackle shop with weird inventions, fake magic items, and spell components (just in case).

5) Fury. One of the island's major prisoner settlements.

6) The Anorians. A cabin belonging to a pair of gun mage spies.

7) Kelinore's Hut. Home to a necromancer named Kelinore Smithson Brinewater.

8) The Star Menhirs. The territory of a druid circle called The Band of Stars.

9) Megegion Ruins. Pressonian ruins in a swamp on the island's west side.

10) Frankmoor. A town of former artificers, mostly gnomes.

11) The Wake's Aerie. Karsts at the island's center in which werevultures live.

12) Rot. Goblinoid village.

13) Ilikluty Tower. Home to a cult of evil former spellcasters.

14) Cemetery of Steel. Named for the rusty Deadrunner rigs stored here, this location is infested by Yazurian gremlins.

15) The Whistling Monolith. A big ol' monolith.

16) Tragylos Ruins. Pressonian ruins at the island's southeastern end.

17) Freedom. A prisoner settlement.

18) Dinzertown. A prisoner settlement consisting of predominantly Dinzers from Odonburg.

19) The Hags. Home to a trio of martial hags.

20) Stormpit. A lock-up for potent magic items.

Vote for the One You Like Best

Below, vote for the spot where we should start our campaign. Whatever you pick, I'll make it work, regardless of how crazy it sounds.

Next week, we'll pick another one and so on until we get down to the very last spot. That'll be our 20th-level location.

I look forward to reading the results.



Druids - that story dynamic is too good to pass up.


Most of me is like “JUST GO IN ORDER!”


Oh they’ll get their spotlight. Just means they’ll be a higher level challenge 😅


The haggs, Storm pit, the mine, and possibly the monolith sound like they’d offer the greatest challenges, the most unique approach, or simply more ominous than the others. I am glad the forest of faces was selected already. Martial hags, that sounds difficult! I like it.


Went with the Druids as well. I'm definitely interested.


Will this be a setting one can run from Level 1-20? Just curious?


Should be. There'll be adjustment rules, too, so you can run the adventures in almost any order you like. The plan is to make it a super detailed sandbox.


This was such a good one. I was torn between Fury and Stormpit.