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Yazur Island is the major theme for the next few months or so. So far you all have helped me identify Yazur Island's most dangerous creatures. Then, you came up with a list of features to add to the island. And of those features, you chose (more or less... poll's still going) that the Forest of Faces will be the first place that we detail.

For those who don't remember, the Forest of Faces is a grove of dead treants. This suggestion comes from one of our legendary proofers, Chris "Pickle" Spradlin:

"A "dead" forest of treants? You can still see their faces. But they dead."

But what else is here?

In the comments below, leave a suggestion for a person, place, or thing that you can find within the Forest of Faces. You can also come up with some adventure hook ideas.

If it fits with the tone of the setting, I'll work it into the location detail, which you can expect in a week or two.

A few rules:

1) Keep it brief. No more than 100 words or so.
2) No game mechanics stuff.
3) Only gold and platinum patrons may suggest OCs.
4) Keep it clean.

Also, additional weight will be given to suggestions based on your Patron tier, especially when it comes to OCs.

I look forward to your suggestions.




A shadowy will o t wisp, dances macabre through the remants of the ents, drawing memories of sunny days and joy which have long left this desolate place. All is left is a chord of memory as the breeze moves the long brittle branches, you feel sadder than you were before.


A feral human child who was raised by ettercaps and believes himself to be one with them a la tarzan/jungle book.


The gardener, Decidya, who takes care of the dead treants. And likes to add to their number.


A faceless animated doll who believes his face was stolen by another inhabitant of the forest


Fey necromancers come to collect bits of dead treant for their spells.


A Shaman accidentally achieved litchdom (or had it forced on it). These are the manifestations of the blight. This spell caster gets their power from the earth/spirits, so maybe still has some power despite the anti-magic.


Possible evidence of magical experimentation by one of the cyclopses, it didn’t go well. Maybe they have anti magic to protect everyone from them if they were too good at the art…


A bunch of parasitic insects have taken over the dead Treants. There is an unmistakable chittering and buzz about the place. Worms and grubs now cake the woods floor.

Clinton Hegney

The trees have gone to root as such a time when those who would take them for lumber are no longer alive. They will then spring forth new sprouts on that day.


Corpse flowers based on treant corpses. The always favorite quicklings.