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Good morning DMDave fans!

I'm writing Yazur Island: Forest of Faces. Meanwhile, you're all tackling the latest poll featuring upcoming content set on Yazur Island. Although there are 4-5 days left in the poll, the Whistling Monolith is leading with a sizable margin.

Unless something significant changes in the poll, it will probably be featured in our second week of Yazur Island content. 

But there's one major problem: I have no idea what it does. The prompt that generated it, offered by our admin Whistle Hunter aka Darrion Nutter, just said it's a "big ol' monolith."

What is the monolith's purpose?

Below in the comments, tell me the monolith's purpose. The best answer gets used in the upcoming poll, along with credit for the suggestion.

Try to keep your answers brief and clean. Remember that the antimagic nature of the island is caused by the cyclopes that live there.

I look forward to your answers.



A Conspiracy of Ravens

When the air passes through the monolith, it is distorted in such a way that the anti-magic properties are filtered out and it becomes an area of low magic possibility.


It’s a landing and observation roost for dragons, built centuries ago by kobolds.


I can't help but see No Man's Sky when I look at it, it stores indecipherable information on a great new technological advancement that nobody has ever been able to understand without going completely crazy


In ancient times, the gods could channel their powers through this monolith, providing natives with all sorts of things. Now, powerless, this ancient relic sits as natives come and worship before it, hoping for it's powers to be restored.

Brad Thomson

It judges you based on your deeds or crime committed ON the island.

Charles Martin

The monolith contains writing from a long dead and forgotten language. It describes the creation of the cyclopes and the nature of their anti-magic abilities. The whistling causes insanity to anyone who remains near them. Because of this, no one has been able to decipher the inscriptions.


Shows Yazur Island's past when the right notes are whistled by a true neutral aligned creature.


It's an ancient warning device, much like a self-guided Beacon of Minas Tirith. It sits at the edge of the dominion of a long-gone culture and activates when some similarly ancient enemy encroaches upon a now undefended island.


The monolith radiates an energy that keeps the Cyclopes sane and rather docile, but side effects the anti magic property of the cyclopes. Taking pieces of this monolith away from the island would potentially cause an opposite effect: enhancing magic, but turning those who use magic to become insane.


Yeah, I'm really digging the idea that the monolith is what keeps the cyclopes stuck on the island. Makes it a cool plotpoint, too. Some bad guys wanna knock it over so that the cyclopes turn their attention to the mainland


It's designed to harness the winds. Perhaps it was created to help control the weather in the region, the historical past by druids or the pre-druidic indigenous peoples. The wind could be a devastating force, with tornados and destruction of crops, homes and so forth. So the monolith helps harness that power.