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Here is a quick recap of what happened in the last episode of DMDave's Neverending Mad Mage, titled "Phantasms."

The party: Samlas, Jacobb, Knose, Softy, Sock, and Kilus.

  • The party teamed up with the green dragon, Valdemar, and headed up river to confront the aboleth Iluun's minions.
  • After convincing Valdemar to defeat the minions—despite Valdemar's hesitation—the party cleared out a series of tunnels populated by troglodytes.
  • Midway through the tunnel, the aboleth connected telepathically to the party members, offering them things they desired. The aboleth also showed it possessed Aaron's disciple, Zarrut, and Zarrut was in pain.
  • The aboleth asked the party to leave it and its minions alone. In exchange, after two weeks, it would return the boy.
  • The party returned to camp at Wyllowwood. Aaron discovered that Valdemar had been duped by the aboleth, and shown great sums of treasure it would receive if it could convince the party to leave Wyllowwood.
  • The aboleth promised to reveal an artifact to Valdemar (as well as other members of the guild) that would lead the group to the treasure.
  • With few options, the party decided to contact Xanathar's Guild for assistance in defeating the aboleth.

Current Adventure Hooks

Here are the current adventure hooks, in no particular order:

  • Defeat/thwart the aboleth Iluun and its minions.
  • Rescue Zarrut, Aaron's disciple, from Iluun.
  • Retrieve the remains of Dazen Sunstrong (and any other fallen heroes) from Xanathar's Guild.
  • Find the bugbear Stuk who might be missing and sick.
  • Halt the encroachment of werebats in Wyllowwood.
  • Find the Dwarf King's tomb in the Lost Level.

Join the Game!

The Neverending Mad Mage game is available for all patrons of the Legendary level on Discord. To achieve legendary status, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • You hold a Platinum membership.
  • You've been a patron for 1 year or longer at the copper tier or higher.
  • You DM games for other patrons on the Discord.
  • You are an administrator on the Discord.
  • You assist DMDave's staff with activities such as VTT creation, typo/edits, etc.

To learn more, join us on Discord!




Really enjoying the recaps! Thanks for sharing!