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Here is a quick recap of what happened in the last episode of DMDave's Neverending Mad Mage, titled "Stuk."

The party: Samlas, Kilus, Granny, Four, Osstaer (new), and D.D. (new)

  • The party headed north through Wyllowwood Forest to investigate the destruction caused by Valdemar (see episode 3.3) and find the bugbear, Stuk.
  • Granny collected spider legs and fur from the fallen spiders. Meanwhile, Samlas tracked Stuk away from the guardhouse to the old cloaker caves in the west.
  • Inside the cloaker caves, the party discovered Stuk who exhibited signs of a transformation. 
  • After Osstaer cast a sleep spell to subdue the sick bugbear, the party carried him back to Wyllow's old tower. They left him in the care of the awakened tree, Halastree.
  • Next, the party headed south into the Lost Level to seek the lost tomb of the Dwarf King Melair
  • Just outside the tomb's secret entrance, the party encountered a group of duergar and a cloaker. They also found the secret entrance. The party fought the duergar and won.
  • After the party defeated the duergar (and a wandering umber hulk), they entered the second false tomb of King Melair. Unfortunately, they were still unable to find a way through the secret door at the south end of the corridor. Calling it a day, the party gathered the crystal panels from the second false tomb and left.
  • Back at camp, immediately the group noticed something was wrong: the day/night cycle that keeps the guild sane in Wyllowwood had been disrupted. The party suspected that the werebats who used to live on the level had taken over the tower and altered the Calendar Stone's settings.
  • Furthermore, Aaron, upon observing Stuk, recognized that the bugbear wasn't under the affects of the aboleth's curse. Aaron theorized that Stuk was going through ceremorphosis, the process of changing from a humanoid into an aberrant mind flayer.

Current Adventure Hooks

Here are the current adventure hooks, in no particular order:

  • Defeat/thwart the aboleth Iluun and its minions.
  • Rescue Zarrut, Aaron's disciple, from Iluun.
  • Retrieve the remains of Dazen Sunstrong (and any other fallen heroes) from Xanathar's Guild.
  • Find a cure for the bugbear, Stuk, who is currently undergoing ceremorphosis.
  • Enter Wyllow's tower to discover what happened to the calendar stone.
  • Find the Dwarf King's tomb in the Lost Level.

Join the Game!

The Neverending Mad Mage game is available for all patrons of the Legendary level on Discord. To achieve legendary status, you must meet one of the following requirements:

  • You hold a Platinum membership.
  • You've been a patron for 1 year or longer at the copper tier or higher.
  • You DM games for other patrons on the Discord.
  • You are an administrator on the Discord.
  • You assist DMDave's staff with activities such as VTT creation, typo/edits, etc.

To learn more, join us on Discord!


