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Prionsa opened the box and inside were many metal bottles. "What's in these bottles?" "Antidotes." "The antidote for the girlish flower?" "Yes. Father was afraid that the research director would do something terrible with them, so he spent a lot of money to have the experimenters expedite the antidote. Now, it's time for them to come in handy." "How do they work?" "Just like the girlish flowers, they can be taken out of the hallucination by smelling them, but ......" "But what?" "Their memory when they are in a hallucination doesn't fade, which means they will remember every moment of when they were a girl. When they get out of the hallucination they're sure to be embarrassed as hell." "It's better than being a slave to hallucinations all the time." "To protect ourselves from hallucinations, let's burn some first." "Burn?" "The way to use them is to apply them to something burnable and burn it. It's best to use fabric or wood so that their scent spreads quickly." Prionsa applied the bottle of antidote to a piece of cloth and burned the piece. "It smells good!" "We're immune to the illusion of girlish flowers for twenty-four hours."

Prionsa gathered the rest of the antidote and handed some of them to Puteri. "What do we do next?" "Find them and let them smell the antidote." "How do we find them?" "Look down." "Oh, footprints! Great, let's go let's go!" They followed the footprints and came to a fork in the road. "There are footprints on each path, where should we go?" "Let me see ...... Okay, this way." "Are you sure, sure?" "There's a different kind of footprint on this road. See, these footprints are commonly found in high heels." "High heels?" "Even real girls don't wear high heels in the wild, only those who are caught in a girl's hallucination do."

Prionsa and Puteri followed the footprints of the high heels and soon found the gathering place of the "girls", which was filled with girly flowers. "There are so many of them! Do we have enough antidote?" "If we burn the antidote when they gather together, they will all recover." "But how?" "We'll find the opportunity." They came to a camp and heard the conversation of the "girls". " Mistress said she was going to have a party tonight to celebrate the 100 sisters!" "Is it a bonfire party? Sounds like fun!" "Come on, mistress wants us to get ready! Our task is to collect firewood!" The "girls" picked up some thick wood and giggled as they left. "Wow, they are so strong." "Nothing surprising, because they're actually boys." "Well ...... bonfire party. I want to attend a bonfire party too!" "Not the time for that kind of thing ...... wait." Prionsa looked at the clothes the "girls" had left in the tent. " Puteri, maybe you can join the bonfire party." "Really? You mean you'll have a celebration after saving all the missing people?" "No, I mean ......"

At dusk, the "girls" are busy carrying all the things needed for the bonfire party. "These woods are too heavy!" "Come on, sister. These are necessary to light the bonfire." "Would anyone like to help me?" "Sorry, we all have our own tasks." At that moment, a girl jumped out from the side and stepped on the stump. " What's this what's this? I heard something interesting!" "Ah! You scared me!" "Sorry sorry sorry, I was just so excited~" Puteri wiggled around like a naughty girl, but it wasn't an act, he was usually like that. Maybe because the girl version of Puteri was so cute, the "girls" didn't get angry or suspicious. "Haven't you heard, sweetheart? Mistress is throwing a bonfire party." "A bonfire party? I wanna attend too. Take me take me!" "Sure, sweetheart, but we need to move these things to the site. Can you help?" "Uh ......" "Ah! It's okay if you don't want to! Let us big sisters do the work, we don't want to see a princess like you get bruised." "I want to help I want to help! I don't want to be a pampered princess! Princess is yes, pampered is no!" "Thank you, princess!" With such a happy girl, the fatigue of the "girls" immediately dissipated. They finished their work with cheers and laughter, but what they didn't notice was that their princess had applied the antidote to the wood.

The party began, and Puteri's playfulness and pettiness made him the favorite of the "girls". He was treated with great care and attention as a princess. "Sisters, I want to congratulate all of you on your efforts to make this family a success. On this day, we finally have one hundred sisters!" A woman appeared on the stage, she is the mistress of the "girls" ......




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