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"Hey! Why did you guys just leave all of a sudden?" "Oh, Ancilla you're back!" "...... Now we have something new to talk about." "Wait Prionsa, you haven't told me about the flowers, flowers!" "... Continue tomorrow." "Okay, okay, let's rest." "So we're not going to find Scriba?" "Uh... Prionsa just said Scriba..." "Nothing, what's important now is finding clues. We can't sleep, we have to do something." "What can we do?" "Come here Ancilla." "What?" "Those missing people may have encountered something during the night. You put on these night vision glasses and then look out. If you see anything dangerous, you activate this alarm." "Okay, and what about you guys?" "Puteri and I have other things to do." Prionsa and Puteri got into the RV. "Wow, I didn't realize Prionsa had brought so many props!" "Please be quiet, I need to talk to my father on the phone." "Your father? For what?" "I want him to send over something very important..."

It didn't take long for something to happen. Ancilla smelled a scent, which gave him great pleasure. He took off his night vision glasses, but he seemed to be able to see more clearly. The leaves around him began to flutter, as if they were dancing. They moved very delicately and lightly, like naughty fairies. Ancilla was enchanted by the sight and he began to dance too. He felt his body getting lighter and more flexible, as if a newborn baby as delicate. But it was not enough, he felt that his clothes were too rough, binding his pace, so he threw them all aside. The fairies giggled and danced around him. Dancing with them was a corset and a pair of green lace panties. The fairies placed these on his body and then tightened the straps of the corset. With a moan, Ancilla felt great pleasure. This was the pleasure the fairies had given him as a gift. From out of nowhere, a pair of breast forms flew in. They entered Ancilla's corset and created a beautiful cleavage line.

Ancilla did not have time to enjoy the pleasure, the fairies flew away mischievously. Ancilla chased them into the waist-high bushes, and then he felt someone touching her legs. He looked down and found that he was wearing a pair of black stockings. Before Ancilla could react, he was pushed down by someone. He felt someone in the bushes constantly touching his body, head and face. When he got up, he found himself wearing a beautiful dress and he had long green hair. His face looked beautiful with makeup on. The fairies flew out of the bushes, sang happily and continued to dance. Ancilla understood that it was a prank of the fairies and they gave him an amazing gift. Ancilla happily sang and danced with the fairies, and while he was making beautiful steps, he stepped into a pair of golden heels, but this did not affect his dance steps, it made him more graceful.

"Prionsa, do you hear the girls singing?" "Yes, it's time." " What time what time?" "Look out the window, but don't let any smells in." They looked out the window and saw a group of pretty girls dancing. "Who are they?" "The girl in the middle is Ancilla." "What?" "Something similar happened to him and Scriba." "So what exactly happened to them?" "Girlish flower." "What's that?" "It is one of my father's company's research projects. They developed a substance that can give people all kinds of hallucinations." "Oh...I've heard you say that before." "Their first research result was girlish flower, the smell of which is able to make people have various hallucinations. If they were dressed up as a girl in their hallucinations, they would forget their previous memories and become a girl from the heart." "Why are the results like that?" "Maybe that was the plan of the research director, and she ran away with the results after the research was successful." "So, all the missing events...?" "Yes, they all turned out to be girls who only fantasize." "We have to go save them!" "The best thing to do is to get help, but that would be boring. We can solve this problem ourselves." "How?" "We need..."

At that moment, a helicopter flew over and dropped a box. "Okay, here's our ace ..."




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