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Prionsa and Puteri are college roommates and their college dorm is a double room. Puteri, who has loved mysteries since he was a child, heard a rumor a long time ago that there is a forest where many people have disappeared. The first disappearance happened three years ago when witnesses said he and three friends came camping in the forest but the next morning he woke up and all his friends were gone. The police spent a lot of effort but could not find the missing people, and more and more people came to the forest because they were curious about the case. Some of them would also go missing.

Puteri is very interested in this case and keeps asking Prionsa to go with him to investigate this thing. At first Prionsa did not agree because he thought it was too dangerous, but in the end he could not convince Puteri, so he agreed to Puteri's camping plan. To ensure safety, Puteri calls on his other two friends, Scriba and Ancilla, who are not as close to Puteri as Prionsa, but are good and trustworthy friends. Prionsa also has many friends, but he doesn't intend to involve more people in this matter.

"Yay! We're here we're here! The forest full of nature!" "2:06 p.m....twenty-four minutes earlier than we expected." "Thanks to our driver Ancilla!" "You're welcome, but actually we got there faster because there wasn't much traffic on the road." "I'm more concerned because I didn't think we'd get to ride in such a luxurious RV. Who does this belong to?" " Prionsa." "He rented the RV for this camping trip?" "No, I bought it." After hearing Prionsa's words, Scriba dropped his glasses in surprise. "That's... expensive..." "That's just chump change for Prionsa, chump change ~ His dad is the CEO of his company!" "Wow ..." Scriba and Ancilla looked at each other, they didn't think Puteri could be good friends with the son of such a rich man.

"There's no time for nonsense, we have to be ready before it gets dark." "What preparations?" "Set up the tent and start a bonfire! We'll have a bonfire party tonight!" "Uh...we already have an RV, why do we need to pitch a tent?" "And what's the point of a bonfire party?" "That was my childhood wish, wish~" "...we didn't come here to have fun, did we?" "Life is short, have fun in time!" "There are plenty of opportunities for us to do that. I'll agree to host a bonfire with you whenever you want and I'm free, but not this time." "I just want to hold one... Well, let's talk about this another time." "What should we do now?" "Look for clues about the missing." "But even the police couldn't find any clues, we can?" "How can we know if we don't try? Let's do it! Scriba investigate north, Ancilla south, Prionsa west and me east!" "You east? You want to swim in the lake?" "Well... Okay, okay, I'll investigate the west side with Prionsa." "I suggest we don't spread out." "Those people all disappeared at night, nothing during the day, so if we can get back here at dusk, we're not in danger!" "That's not convincing." "More work, less talk! Let's get started!" Puteri took Prionsa's hand and ran off to the west. "Uh... Well, let's meet here at dusk." "Try harder, Scriba! Glasses are a sign of wisdom, and I believe you're more likely to find clues!"

Scriba walked around the forest for a long time and didn't see anything of note. Suddenly, a clearing in the distance caught his attention. He held up his glasses to look carefully and found a wooden house there. This wooden house was very beautiful, with colorful flowers growing around it, and the wooden house was decorated with many leaves and flowers. The wooden house looked like a place in a fairy tale where innocent girls live.

Scriba knocked on the door, but no one answered. He found the door unlocked, so he went inside. The house was filled with girlish decorations and a wonderful sweet smell. Scriba discovered that the smell was emanating from a pot of pink flowers. Although Scriba majored in botany, he had never seen such flowers before. He smelled the scent with such pleasure that he even became a little addicted.

Suddenly, the sound of many footsteps came from behind Scriba. He looked back, but did not see anyone. Then the door and window suddenly closed. Scriba ran to the door and found it locked. Before Scriba could react to what was happening, all the curtains closed and the room became pitch black. The house had no electric lights, but there were oil lamps. To Scriba's horror, the oil lamps lit up on their own, emitting a pinkish light. Strange noises came from around the room, like the giggling of girls.

Scriba was so frightened by the sight that he could not move, and did not even pick up his glasses after they fell to the ground. In the blurred vision, some things were approaching him. When they were close enough, Scriba could see that it was a pair of white lace panties and a matching bra. Confused and scared, Scriba felt someone grabbing him, but he didn't see anyone around. He floated in the air and felt someone lifting him, but he still didn't see anyone. He felt that someone was taking off his shoes and then his belt was released. His pants and top were removed, and finally his socks and underwear were torn apart. The cute and creepy giggles never stopped during this process.

Scriba tried to cover his naked body, but he felt his limbs being grabbed and he couldn't move at all. The panties and bra that had been fluttering around him came closer. The panties slid up his legs and the bra snapped shut as it fit around his chest. A dress with a white top and green bottom flew over. A power forced Scriba to raise his hands high and then he slipped into the dress perfectly. At this point, there was applause and praise from all around. A white apron was put on the dress and long ribbons made a huge black bow at the back of Scriba's head. A pair of furry bracelets were placed around Scriba's wrists, and then Scriba's belt flew up and tightened around his waist, giving him an hourglass-shaped body. Finally, his feet were shoved into a pair of long boots.

Scriba was breathing hard, and although he couldn't see anything around him, he knew he was being forced into girl's clothes. He saw a white mass approaching him, and then it quickly stuck to Scriba's head. At this point Scriba noticed that it was a very long white wig. No matter how hard Scriba tried, he could not tear it off. Something else came close, those are ... cosmetics. Without waiting for Scriba to see what they really are, they attacked Scriba's face. In their torment, Scriba loses consciousness...

"*sigh* Nothing!" "It's dusk, we have to go back to camp." "What camp? We haven't even pitched our tent." "...we'll get a chance later." Prionsa and Puteri returned to the RV site, and a little later Ancilla returned as well. "Hmm? Where's Scriba?" "Did he get lost?" "If he doesn't come back, we'll just have to forget about him for a while." "There's still time, we can go look for him!" "It's too dangerous. Nobody wants to be the missing person." "But I'm not the kind of person who doesn't care about my friends!" "If that were the case, you wouldn't have invited them to this campout." "...... We'll decide by vote! Ancilla, how about you?" "I think we should go find him." "...... Well, hurry up."

A moment later, they found the wooden house. Puteri knocked on the door and they were greeted by a very pretty girl with long white hair. "Oh, guest! Please come in!" The three entered the girl's home. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but have you seen a boy with glasses?" "Um...sorry, I haven't seen any boys, there are only girls here." "Are there any other girls here?" "Of course! They're my good sisters, want to meet them?" "Well...maybe one of them has seen Scriba..." "We have to go now, Puteri." "What what? "Before Puteri could respond, Prionsa grabbed his wrist and took him away. "Uh...sorry, miss, it's almost night time." "Why don't you stay for the night?" "Thanks but we already have a place to stay. Goodbye, we'll see your sisters tomorrow."

Prionsa and Puteri went back to the RV first. " Prionsa Prionsa, why did you suddenly leave?" "That girl is not right." "...... what?" "She said she hadn't seen Scriba, but I found Scriba's glasses on the floor and that Scriba's belt was wrapped around her waist." Prionsa took out the glasses he found. "These are indeed Scriba's glasses..." "The girl, she's exactly the same size as Scriba, and she has Scriba's features in her face and voice." "What does that mean?" "She...he might be Scriba.""What!?" "That's possible, because I found a peculiar flower in her house. It was wilted, but I knew what it was ......"




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