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Prionsa had said that chances are that these things were done by the research director who had stolen the research results. Prionsa gave Puteri a photo of her, and he carefully compared the mistress' appearance to this photo. Although the gorgeously dressed mistress had a completely different look from the research uniformed director, it was clear that they were the same person. The "girls" seemed to treat her as the boss and follow her orders.

"The party hasn't even started yet, why is everyone so happy?" "Because we have a lovely princess!" "Yes, she's the cutest of us all!" The mistress looked at the princess the "girls" were talking about and Puteri got a little nervous. "Mistress, the sisters call me Princess. Can I continue to use that name? Please please!" "Yes, but ...... since when did you join us?" "I'm a newcomer." " Newcomer? But ...... only two joined us today. I've confirmed what they look like, and none of them look like you, not even the same body type." " A princess can't understand these questions! Princess just wants to start the bonfire party!" "We have to get things clear ......" "Why doesn't everyone start the party? Why doesn't everyone listen to my requests? Does everyone hate me?" Tears were welling up in Puteri's eyes and it seemed like he was about to burst into tears. "No, no, no, Princess, we all like you very much!" "Yes! Mistress, please start the party now!" "...... well, I will ask these questions at the party ......" However, when she made this decision it meant that the party could not start.

The "girls" burned the antidote coated wood and a nice smell filled the air. "What? What's happening? I ......" "Calm down everyone, you are all controlled by the flowers of the mistress. You were forced to dress up as girls, but now you are free!" "Everyone is ...... a boy?" "At least I'm a boy." "...... me too." "This is ...... antidote! No way, I destroyed the antidote's formula before I left the company!" "But it can be developed again." Prionsa appeared in front of the crowd. "Who are you?" "I am a friend of that princess ......" "Yes! You can call him the ...... prince!" "Prince? Stupid!" "It's been a long time, miss. My father has spent a lot of effort to develop an antidote to deal with you." "No way, you're his son!?" "Yes, your dream of creating paradise failed, and now you should go stay in jail!" "No way! You two kids can't catch me!" " Who are kids? We're both college students!" "Two won't work, what about a hundred?" "Everyone, please help me catch that witch!" "Oh ...... she's the cause of all our bad encounters." "Now it's time for us to take revenge! As you command, Princess!" "Let's do this for our princess and her prince!" A hundred people rushed together to the high stage, and the mistress, who had nowhere to run, was immediately caught.

The police arrived a moment later, and they expressed their shock at what had happened. Prionsa and Puteri spent the night at the police station giving statements, and it was sunrise by the time it was all over. They left the station and met with Scriba and Ancilla. Luckily, Ancilla's energy was so high that he was still able to drive. Ancilla was driving the car. There were four boys in the car when they arrived, but now there were three girls and one boy. "Are you sure it's safe for you to drive dressed like that?" "What?" "You're wearing high heels, doesn't that have any effect on hitting the brakes or accelerating?" "No, I ...... I'm totally used to high heels." "So why don't you three change back into the boys' costumes?" "I'm too sleepy, don't ask me ......" "Well ...... I think I may somewhat like the way I'm dressed now." "You do too? Me too!" "Wouldn't it be bad for your roommates if you guys dressed like that?" "We're roommates." "Well ...... your dorm has gone from a boys dorm to a girls dorm." "*giggles* You're right." "So Puteri, what about you? You like the dress too?" "Being called a princess makes me happy, I just want to keep experiencing what it's like to be a princess ......" "Okay, have a good rest, my princess." "Thanks, my prince ......" Puteri fell asleep on Prionsa's shoulder.

"Uh ......?" When Puteri woke up, she found herself in her bed in the dormitory. "Good afternoon, my princess." "Oh, it's afternoon already?" "Yes, princess." "Wow, Princess ...... I think I'm in love with being a girl!" "If you want to live as a girl, I don't have a problem with that as a roommate." "Really? Thanks, my prince! I want to give you a present!" Puteri took out black cardstock and used them to make a simple crown and cane. Prionsa put on the crown and picked up the cane, causing Puteri to giggle with delight. "That's what a prince looks like~" "I love this gift, Puteri, and I'll give you one in return." "What?" "To make you look more like a princess, I've decided to customize a jeweled crown." "Uh ...... I know your family is rich, but that's not necessary, I want another gift." " Another gift? A bonfire party, right?" "Wow, you really know me, my prince ❤~"

Thus began the life of a princess and a prince.




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