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Update (2023-06-22): 1.2.0a has been released to add support for 60 FPS to the NTSC Wii version of the game by default!

Good morning everyone! 🌞

I'm very pleased to announce that the next major update for the Pikmin 4K texture pack is finally here! This is a large update to the texture pack, and with it comes many new textures, improvements and new features.

Many new 4K textures!

All areas have been overhauled this update, coming from 1.1.0 before it. There are dozens of new environment textures, creature textures, UI sprites and many more! On top of that, there are also newly made material maps for many of the environments, and they are now a bit more subtle as well to blend in better with their environments.

New shaders and visual tweaks!

The "HenrikoMagnifico_Ultra" shader has been upgraded and is now enabled by default in the post-processing edition! It has been tweaked to better fit the original style, but still overhauls much of the visuals with new effects such as configurable bloom, ambient occlusion, tone mapping and more. You can of course configure the shader however you like, or disable it entirely from the Dolphin Graphics Settings. Go wild!

Heavily reduced file sizes (without sacrificing quality!)

Thanks to improved compression algorithms, all textures have been thoroughly optimized and reduced in file sizes, without losing any noticable quality. Even with mip-maps and re-conversion to DDS in the desktop version, Pikmin 4K 1.2.0 is still a a lot smaller than 1.1 in file size, even with all the new textures. The 4K desktop version has received a whopping 80% reduction in file size! And Android/iOS users get an even larger improvement, with a mindblowing 86% reduction in file size. This is all thanks to improved compression and file optimization using PNGQuant and other tools. This will definitely improve load times and reduce stuttering, and will likely improve FPS and of course speed up download and extraction times.

Increased consistency and improved quality all around!

Lots of work was done under-the-hood this update to re-review and remake many of the old textures to be higher quality, and to be more faithful to the original artstyle. The game should now feel a lot more like the original GameCube version when played with these textures, and a lot fewer should look out of place and blend in better with their surroundings.

Simpler version selection and improved instructions!

Starting from version 1.2.0 onward, the post-processing edition and standard editions have been partially merged. Both versions now share the same folders and Dolphin settings will transfer between them, and they both load textures from the same location. This means the file size of the texture pack has been halved as a result (since duplicate textures are no longer included) and it should also make it possible to switch between the versions as you please, provided you're saving the game normally using in-game saving and not save states (save states are not compatible between the two versions). Please don't rely only on save states for your saving!

What are the differences between the "Post-Processing Edition" and the "Standard Edition"?

There are two versions of the texture pack you get to select once you've downloaded it. One is the "Post Processing Edition", which includes all the post processing effects showcased in the trailer like ambient occlusion, tone mapping, bloom and more. The other version is the "Standard Edition" which doesn't include these features but has some other benefits instead.

The Post Processing Edition utilizes Ishiiruka Dolphin to achieve these features, and has some graphical features implemented not available in regular Dolphin. It also requires Windows 7 or higher (not compatible with MacOS at this time, and Linux users must compile it manually from source) and a dedicated graphics card. Both editions include controller presets for common gamepads like Xbox One, PS4/PS5, GameCube etc. The standard edition version can be more stable and offer better performance than the Post-Processing Edition, and it supports MacOS, too! But it does not support any of the additional graphical features listed above, like material maps, custom tone mapping, HD bloom, depth of field or ambient occlusion. Both versions look stunning so if you're unsure which one to use I recommend you play the standard version- or try out both and see which one you prefer! The screenshots above have been taken using the post-processing edition.


This update is available to all you Patrons here, with a public release 1 month from when this post was first published!

There is also a 4K version available, if your computer can handle it! Please feel free to try it out!

Note: The 4K version will look better than the 1080p version, even if you don't have a 4K display. This is because the textures are physically larger and contain more detail in the 4K version, no matter what resolution display you're using!

(Only available for the Dolphin Emulator, the texture pack does not work on real Gamecube/Wii/Wii U consoles).

Read more information about the texture pack on my website!

Updating from an older version is super simple:

To copy over your save data from the old version to the new, simply copy & paste the "GC" and "Wii" folders inside the "User" folder in the texture pack directory over to the new version's User folder and it should work straight away!

Download Desktop Version (4K and 1080p)

Download iOS & Android version

I am only able to create things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love!





Hey friend, how much do they charge me to make some textures for Donkey Kong 64 or Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga for 3ds? The truth is that I'm very interested in it and I'm willing to pay anything for your work.


Hi Alberto! Sadly I have not played Donkey Kong 64 before, so I'm afraid that is very unlikely to be re-textured by me. The same goes for Super Star Saga. I hope you understand!


hmm the standard version seems to be stuck on 4:3 even with the wide screen code. Also do you need enable the 60fps code or is it on by default? Looks great though!


Have you enabled "Force 16:9" in the Dolphin Graphics Settings? And yes 60 FPS needs to be enabled manually since it causes a softlock on Day 1 if it's enabled straight away. From Day 2 onwards it's safe to use


hello I can't activate the 60fps mode....

Jason Crawford

I'd prefer not to be forced to use a bundled version of dolphin but the textures aren't loading in my standard dolphin install. The ID doesn't seem to match for US Gamecube version. Any ideas?

henrikomagnifico (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 19:45:34 Hi Jason! The pack should work on any version of Dolphin, so it sounds like there might have been a mistake somewhere when you copied over the texture pack. To install the pack on your own Dolphin, copy the "load" folder over from the texture pack's "user" folder into your Dolphin Emulator directory inside of "Documents" on your PC. Then enable "Use custom textures" inside of the Dolphin Graphics Settings > Advanced tab. This should do the trick!
2023-07-01 11:55:04 Hi Jason! The pack should work on any version of Dolphin, so it sounds like there might have been a mistake somewhere when you copied over the texture pack. To install the pack on your own Dolphin, copy the "load" folder over from the texture pack's "user" folder into your Dolphin Emulator directory inside of "Documents" on your PC. Then enable "Use custom textures" inside of the Dolphin Graphics Settings > Advanced tab. This should do the trick!

Hi Jason! The pack should work on any version of Dolphin, so it sounds like there might have been a mistake somewhere when you copied over the texture pack. To install the pack on your own Dolphin, copy the "load" folder over from the texture pack's "user" folder into your Dolphin Emulator directory inside of "Documents" on your PC. Then enable "Use custom textures" inside of the Dolphin Graphics Settings > Advanced tab. This should do the trick!

Mike B

This is what the "remaster" should have looked like! Awesome work!