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Hi everyone! 🌋

Today marks the release of yet another update to the Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K texture pack! It includes lots of new textures, covering both the UI, environment and more. This update's primary focus is on Dodongo's Cavern, the second dungeon of the game. Subsequent updates will cover the rest of the dungeons as well, of course! Check out the full changelog down below!

This was posted in the previous updates' post as well, but as a reminder (or if this is your first time using Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D 4K), Here are the default key bindings for using the bottom screen with your controller;

  • D-Pad Up: Free Cam (First Person View)
  • D-Pad Left: Ocarina
  • D-Pad Right: Item Slot 1
  • D-Pad Down: Item Slot 2
  • Select: Items Menu
  • Left Joystick Button: Gear
  • Right Joystick Button: Map

You may need to set these bindings again on your own controller in case Citra does not recognize it automatically. Simply double click the input button for each respective button and press the corresponding button on your controller and you should be good to go!

This should make the game much more enjoyable, especially if you're playing on a TV where you definitely don't want to be switching around between different controllers mid-action.

Dodongo's Cavern Complete Overhaul!

Dodongo's Cavern, the second dungeon in the game, has received a complete overhaul to nearly all of it's textures! Nearly all textures have been remade by hand in native 4K, and the dungeon looks quite stunning now in my opinion! This also covers some assets used in other locations of the game as well such as floor switches, pushable blocks and ladders and whatnot.

Death Mountain has been overhauled, as well!

Death Mountain has received a similar kind of upgrade to Dodongo's Cavern, where most of the environment textures have been replaced with new ones. This also includes things like climbable walls, flags etc.

Remade pause menu UI!

The pause menu, alongside several of it's buttons and banners, have been remade from scratch!

Tons of miscellaneous updates and changes...

Lots of less noticable things have been altered or fixed in this version, like the clouds having visible seams in the adult timeline or new more fitting textures for rocks scattered across the overworld. 

The next update is going to be really big, so please look forward to that! :D

And like before; Glorious 60 FPS!

Re-post from the previous update:

This is arguably an even greater upgrade available in Zelda: Ocarina of Time 4K than any of the textures. The 60 FPS patch is a first-time feature for Ocarina of Time 3D, and makes the game display in a buttery smooth 60 frames per second instead of the usual 30. This makes the game not just nicer to look at, but also makes it more responsive and reduces input lag. However, this feature is still in beta and has a few workarounds (you need to perform some special actions in certain instances to avoid the game from softlocking, for example. Instructions and more information is provided with the download!) Since the 60 FPS mode isn't quite ready for prime time yet, it's included as an optional special version which you can use if you're feeling adventurous (and don't mind doing a little bit of manual work!) The instructions are, like stated previously, included with the download. Have fun! :]

Selecting your game region (if you're using the PAL/European or Japanese version of the game);

All you need to do now, if you're using the European version of Ocarina of Time 3D, click the "Run this if you're using the PAL (European) version of the game.bat" file inside the texture pack folder. Done! It'll now work great with your version of the game. Easy, right?

How to enable MXAO (ambient occlusion) & DoF (Depth of Field):

This means you can now experience glorious self shadowing around objects, which looks really great with OOT's fantasy art style. Try it out by doing the following:

* Set your game view to "Single" in Citra.

* Enter fullscreen in Citra.

* Press the "HOME" button on your keyboard, this will bring up the ReShade UI.

* Check the "MXAO" box in the list of effects.

* Go to the "OpenGL" tab in ReShade and check the box next to the depth buffer in the list with the highest value (it should be a very high number while all others are 0). This number will change constantly, but don't worry it's supposed to do that!

* You're done. Have fun!


There is a 4K version available, if your computer can handle it. It's a large file, over 7GB so beware of that before you download it! The 1080p version is smaller in file size, but is lower resolution of course. You can download both and test which one works best for you, if you want! :)

Please feel free to try it out!

(Only available for use with the Citra 3DS emulator, the texture pack does not work on real 3DS consoles).

You can find more information about my HD texture pack here. 

Download no longer available, please go to the post for the more recent versions instead!

I am only able to make things like this thanks to your support, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me do what I love!





Also the frame rate seems to drop to 20 FPS or 12 FPS very quickly at some points


This is a known issue and is unfortunately a problem with Citra itself, since textures are not loaded async and hence there is some stuttering when the textures are loaded in for the first time. The stuttering can be alleviated by either moving the texture pack to a faster hard drive, if possible (such as a M.2 SSD) or by just playing the game, since once the textures have been loaded once they should not cause any stuttering anymore during that session!


Yep you're right, it doesn't happen often Thanks Henriko


hey so i have an issue with the 60fps version of the game when i try to crawl into small holes like the one to get the kokiri sword, it lags then doesn't let me control the game anymore until i restart, any solutions?


Hi! This is a known issue with the 60 FPS patch, and it can be bypassed by holding "D-Pad Down" before and meanwhile going inside of any tunnels. There is more information about this issue and other problems potentially caused by the 60 FPS patch here; https://www.henrikomagnifico.com/zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-4k


Hi, when I run the game at 60fps, I get the following error: "A fatal error occurred. Please check the log for details. Continuing emulation may cause crashes and errors" and it keeps loading the game.


Bonjour, ton travail est formidable mais pourtant même en respectant le tutoriel, je n'est pas les texture 4k qui se charge dans le jeu je ne comprend pas. Pourrais tu m'aider ?


Hi Diego! This is a known issue that is most likely caused by the file path getting too long in the save data for Windows to handle. To resolve it, try moving the texture pack folder "higher up" on your PC, such as to your desktop or the ´Documents´!


Bonjour Fouquier ! Jouez-vous à la version française (PAL/européenne) du jeu ? Si c'est le cas, vous devez exécuter le script inclus qui s'appelle "DOUBLE CLICK THIS to use the PAL (European) version, or textures won't load!.bat" dans le répertoire du pack de textures, sinon les textures ne se chargeront pas sur le Version européenne du jeu !


Cela à fonctionné merci pour votre réactivité. quand j'ai fini OOT je test Majora's Mask. Beau travail toi et merci pour ce que tu fait :)


I'm loving the texture pack so far, but is there any way to use MXAO with the bottom screen also visible in any way? It only seems to work with the top screen centered and only visible.


Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to have both screen MXAO at the same time, and even if you could I don't see any reason to, since the bottom screen only uses 2D elements anyways and would not benefit from ambient occlusion at all.


Apologies, as I may have worded that incorrectly. What I meant to ask was whether it's possible to have MXAO on the main screen while still being able to see the bottom screen, as the bottom screen is necessary to play through the game and the only way I have found to use the effect is by only showing the top screen and hiding the bottom screen. Whenever I use MXAO with the bottom screen visible in any other way, the effect gets displaced. I was wondering if there is any way to either recenter the effect so that it lines up with the top screen instead of being in the very center of the game window. If not, that's perfectly fine and I hope to see you continue your amazing work on these games. The amount of effort you put into these textures and everything else provided with the downloads is nothing short of incredible.


It doesn't work. Faltal error at the start of the game


Bonjour, j'ai charger les texture 4k le jeu est vraiment très joli mais quand je vais au temple du feu adulte lorsque je me dirige vers l'échelle pour descendre le jeu freeze. Cela est du à quoi svp ?


fatal error when i try to use it. i did move it to my deskopt