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What’s been done?


  • Tested the 7.4 version some more
  • Fixed the dev tool to work with the new doll system

Ecchi Sensei

  • Updated the Save/Load screen


  • Made the minimap
  • Made the relationship manager

Did a bit of BenX work. Not too much though and no “real” work.. Did some more extensive testing and got the dev tool to work with the new dolls. Cause the new doll system is kinda, a lot different from the old one.. But yea, that works again so now I can start adding stuff to it =3.. That way Newman can finally add dialog and posing on his own and I’ll be able to focus more on the more codey stuff like adding Gwen to combat.. And.. Well.. Redesigning combat xD

Ecchi Sensei
Nothing too exciting, made some changes to the Save/Load screen. Nothing in the way of how saves work, mostly just visual stuffs.

Added 2 new features: The minimap and the Relationship manager. Once certain team members like you enough they’ll give you stuff. Some of which come with their entire mechanics.

With the minimap a button will be added in the upper right corner which will call a screen that shows all the tower locations and where all the characters are. Now you no longer need to roam the halls aimlessly trying to figure out where that one member is hiding ^^

The Relationship manager will let you see the status of your relationship with the Titans. How much they like you.. Or.. Really LIKE like you =3

While the minimap is mostly done (it just needs some minor repositioning), the Relationship manager is just a proof of concept. I rigged some stuff so I could position everything but it will in no way work for the actual characters. So I’ll still need to do some tweaking there to actually make it.. WORK work xD

Boring life stuf
Bleh, you can probably tell by the missed reports that I’m not doing particularly well.. My medication is proving to be less effective against overstimulation and my concentration is worse than ever.. Gonna be talking with my therapist (different one from who described these meds) about looking into other meds, let’s hope that will help some.

Add to that the PC issues I’ve been having, for.. Well.. A while now.. But they got worse and nothing seemed to help.. As a last ditch effort I reinstalled Windows.. And after 2 days of setting everything up again.. Windows decided to fuck up an update to the point where it wouldn’t boot anymore.. But of course my Renpy and projects are on my C drive and I hadn’t set up my 3 forms of backup yet.. So I couldn’t just reinstall Windows as I had just done some XIX stuff.. Ended up putting Windows on a USB stick so I could access my C drive and then reinstalled Windows AGAIN.. Seems to be holding up this time though.. So fingers crossed T.T

3D printing
So.. Uhm.. I got a 3D resin printer.. Dunno why I made this into its own section but I dunno.. I’m hyped about it. Had some fun (and agony) printing all kinds of stuff and then some resin got onto the screen (before my screen protector could arrive) so now the printer has been sitting idle for a bit.. It’s not too big a spill, but since the resin immediately hardens during printing.. It might give some issues for future prints.. Will have to see how that’ll go.. But not before I get that fucking screen protector >.>

Also, I do want to note.. That printing doesn't take TOO much time away from work. Depending on how tall the print is and what settings are used it can take from anywhere 4 to 20 hours.. Most of my prints so far have taking 8ish hours.. And that's the printing itself. Basically, I set up a file to print (takes maybe 15-30 minutes, will be less as I get more accostumed to it), do other stuff for as long as it prints and afterwards take about an hour to clean them up. 

So all in all, there is a lot of down time in which I can work on games. Plus it's nice to have something physical to do that doesn't require much brainpower.. Therapeutic some might say ^^

What’s next?


  • Add scenes to the dev tool
  • Add backgrounds and music to the dev tool
  • Change speaker from the dev tool
  • Allow new lines from inside the dev tool
  • Combat Gwen

Ecchi Sensei

  • More optimizations, yay =D


  • Practical use versions of the minimap and relationship manager
  • Phone settings menu
  • Make a blur tracker
    • So I have all the blur code in one place


  • Follow more Blender tutorials
  • More HS scene stuff? Maybe Daz?
    • It’s been a while..

Uhm.. Yea.. Not sure what to put here really.. Don’t really feel like anything needs elaborating.. Not sure when the next report will be.. Probably aim at the 14th or something.. If I don’t fuck up again >.>.. Also thinking about maybe creating a poll to see if you guys are interested in seeing my printing adventures, showing you guys what I’ve been printing (And maybe I'll even figure out how to get my phone camera to fucking focus >.>).. But I feel like even creating a poll for it is kinda needlessly bothering a whole lot of you.. xD.. So.. Maybe not.. T.T

Also.. More streams? Maybe?.. If anyone’s interested in that even.. xD


A procrastinating Akanoes



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