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What’s been done?


  • Ported BenX to Renpy 7.4
    • Though further testing is needed

Ecchi Sensei

  • Redid some of the Calendar system
    • Updated calendar events for the new system
  • Fix translation fuckery with phone text messages
    • Which caused a rework for how the system grabs the messages


  • Started a low poly barrel Blender tutorial

Welp, new post.. Still not sure what to write xD.. While I did manage to get some painful hurdles out of the way, my 2nd vaccine shot fucked up my sleep.. HARD.. The first night I barely slept at all, the times I did “sleep” I don’t think I entered proper sleep.. So I was basically just knocked out for a bit without any real benefits.. It’s been over a week now and I’m slowly managing to get some more and better sleep.. But I’m still kinda out of it T.T.. So sadly, didn’t get to work as much as I wanted, but at least there’s been some progress this time round.

Since BenX would show very weird behavior when I just tried running it in 7.4 I decided to create a fresh project in 7.4 and copy BenX into that. This meant I had to throw the gui.rpy, screens.rpy and options.rpy into diffchecker and see what changes I had to throw into the new project but it seems to have done the job at least. I did a quick test run on areas that I know behaved weirdly before and they seem to be fine right now. I’ll need to do some further testing, but I think we should be good now.. So, yay, I can move onto more BenX coding =3.. And by that, I mean mainly the dev tool ^^.

Ecchi Sensei
Had some breakthroughs here, finally.. It’s.. It’s been difficult working on Ecchi Sensei, for a while now.. Blue wanted some very specific things, which, shouldn’t be difficult.. But Renpy sure as hell made it a fucking challenge and I was kinda at the end of my rope here.. I don’t handle defeat very well.. So after Renpy rejected everything I threw at it, it became very difficult for me to concentrate on it, I was beaten and out of ideas.. After a chat with Blue and another once over of some of the code, I realized I was making an assumption.. That.. Was apparently very wrong, this helped me get my brain going again and come up with some ideas. So, yay.. Progress  ^^. The phone and calendar should finally work as intended and I can finally move on to.. Other.. Stuff =D

Non-work stuff
This year hasn’t really been great for me.. Mental health-wise.. A lot of depression and anxiety.. And not a whole lot of concentration.. Talked with my psychiatrist to maybe change my meds or add some others to the mix.. But seems like there isn’t much out there that I haven’t tried yet apparently.. Or at least, won’t mix well with my current meds or autism.. So.. Looks like the struggle continues =<

What’s next?


  • Further 7.4 testing
  • Update the dev tool to use the new doll system
  • Add scenes to the dev tool
  • Add backgrounds and music to the dev tool
  • Change speaker from the dev tool
  • Allow new lines from inside the dev tool
  • Combat Gwen

Ecchi Sensei

  • More optimizations, yay =D
    • Finally something different =3


  • Follow more Blender tutorials
    • Maybe stream them again?
  • More HS scene stuff? Maybe Daz?
    • It’s been a while..

Not sure what to add here really.. The list is kinda the same as last time.. So.. Uhm.. Yea.. I hope I’ll get more work done this time round.. Try some more streams, and maybe release a post on time for once? xD

P.S. Not sure how much of the post makes sense.. I wrote it in bits.. Over the last 10 days.. It’s been kinda difficult writing these.. Sorry =<

See you in the next one,

A doodoo Akanoes



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