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What’s been done?


  • Fixed some issues with the dev tool
  • Fixed some issues with the Git
  • Reworked the dev tool check
    • Now automatically disables itself when the files are removed (which I do for any release so you can’t just open the console and activate it ^^)

Ecchi Sensei

  • Reworked Ecchi Friends to allow more variation in the templates


  • Finished up 0.2


  • Made a very simple super low poly robo boi in Blender (part of a tutorial)
  • Got an FDM printer (More in this in another post)
    • Since it’s another type of 3D printer I figured I might as well make a 3D printer post and share all my horrible printer experiences xD

Something something, more depression hype.. I dunno.. I wrote a bunch on me being a sad piece of shit again.. But looking back at it.. Kinda didn’t feel like going on another sad rant.. Instead let’s just skip to what’s next.. There isn’t much you missed in this time anyway.. Barely got any work done and it was mostly just me being a sad dysfunctional piece of shit.

Have a look at my shitty robo boi though.. Basically just something to get familiar with Blender so it’s not actually useable for anything xD

What’s next?


  • Add scenes to the dev tool
  • Add backgrounds and music to the dev tool
  • Change speaker from the dev tool
  • Allow new lines from inside the dev tool
  • Combat Gwen

Ecchi Sensei

  • More optimizations, yay =D


  • More Blender adventures

So.. I’ve been thinking of making some changes.. Changes that (knowing me) probably won’t stick around for long, but I figured.. Why the hell not.. Can’t be much worse than less than 1 report a month right?..

Life reports > Progress reports
While I’ve seen a lot of devs do weekly posts and purposefully chose mine to be bi-weekly (or intended it to be at least) because as a coder, it can take a while to have something presentable or something to talk about. I figured it’s better to have fewer posts and save up a bit of meat. But I ended up focusing too much on the “progress” of it all and with my depression and dip in productivity, even two weeks wasn’t enough anymore..

So instead of waiting for something to talk about I figured I could try the weekly approach and have them be life reports instead of progress reports. I’ll just be talking about my week, life and work stuff.. More casual, kinda like how Akabur does it. Maybe this can even be therapeutic, sorta like an online diary right? Though I do hope there will be work stuff to talk about and it won’t just be life stuff (which, more often than not ends up me ranting and crying about dumb shit xD)

More streams
Streams can often help me with productivity, give me the little push I need.. But it’s rare for me to actually feel up for one.. Especially at a decent time (I might live alone, but I still have a neighbour and I tend to yell a lot.. So.. Myea..).. So I’ve been thinking about doing weekly streams. Maybe having a set day and time will help me get motivated.. Or at least force me into doing it xD

New schedule:

Life reports: Every Monday at 10pm-ish CET (UTC +1)

Streams: Every Thursday at 8pm CET (UTC +1)

Work talk now.. I guess?
Gonna try and spend at least 1 hour working each day, ideally I want 2, but I’m setting the bar low this time. It might not sound like much but for me it would already be A LOT, as I’ve been unproductive as fuck lately.. And I figure, better start small and work my way up than go big, fail and be even more depressed =D

My focus for BenX will be adding the possibility to add new lines from within BenX’s dev tool. Both adding (and removing I guess) a single line and adding multiple at a time. Probably through either a file or copy pasting. I’ll have to figure out a way to throw human errors though, since Newman will be the one adding the dialog it’s probably best he actually understands what went wrong and not actually have the game crash. The idea of it all is to make it easier after all, not harder :P

For Ecchi Sensei I’ll be adding a timestamp for the text messages. Not for each message but for the conversation, kinda like how on Discord you’ll see a line with the date if a message was posted on a previous day. I don’t imagine this to be TOO hard to do.. But it’s Renpy.. So I know it’ll find some way to fuck me over >.>

That’s it for this time, next post on Monday I guess.. Hope you guys are ready for it xD

A pile of mush named Akanoes



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