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What’s been done?

  • Finished 2 of the new combat dolls
  • Added new art for an old scene
  • Fixed some bugs in combat and the game itself

Ecchi Sensei

  • Finished a new feature

Honey Select

  • Created Charmcaster in HS
  • Finalized Gwen in HS
  • Started on Shar in HS
    • Having issues with her white bits T.T
  • Set up some scenes in HS
  • Tried ripping HS models to use in Unity
    • Unsuccesfully


  • Fixed old VMware
  • Melting
  • Lots of migraines.. T.T

So.. I suck.. Missed 2 reports T.T.. I really wanted to finish the new Ecchi Sensei feature before making this report.. But as you can see, that didn’t go too well.. Last month, most of my weekends were taken up by social stuff and I was also plagued by migraines. As I was writing up the first draft for this post 2 weeks ago.. A 9 day heatwave started and just crippled me. While most of the post was written I couldn’t get myself to finish it.. I also wanted to make a new scene with Gwen and Charm, which made me push it originally.. But even after all the time, I haven’t had the chance to set up a proper one, so I just quickly threw this one together (hope it’s okay T.T)

Newman has been going over 0.04c to see if there’s anything that we missed previously.. And boy, there’s a lot T.T.. Nothing to major, some minor art here and some different phrasing there. Though there were some grey screens as well.. Out of nowhere.. And I discovered that dissolves in animations don’t always work anymore.. Pretty much all hologram portraits were out of place and one animation stopped working all together, I fixed the broken one but it’s weird that this would even happen as nothing changed.. Besides updating Renpy.. So I might have to go to an older version if I can’t get the dissolve issue fixed =<

Newman also redid some of the art for one of Shar’s scenes, while this meant more repositioning for me, i t did go a lot faster this time thanks to my tool =3.I think I have a new favorite Shar image now ^^. Also finished adding 2 of the 3 new combat and found some bugs while I was at it, one which still needs fixing (grenades suck T.T).

Ecchi Sensei
Finished another feature for Blue, the statistics. It took a lot longer than I had initially thought. Someone else had started on it and not everything was in place yet. In the end though I redid most of what was already there as they used backgrounds with the text already in it and that wouldn’t work with translations so I had to add all the text manually and position it T.T. The migraines and heatwave certainly didn’t help either though xD

Blue made some posts of the features I did so if you want you can check them out here: Statistics, phone and image gallery.

Honey Select
While creating Charmcaster I got a bit distracted and tweaked Gwen some more.. Then I even started on Shar.. Which.. Sadly, is giving me some issues. I need to figure out a way to add her white bits without it overwriting her actual skin details nor going over the make-up stuff.. No luck so far =<.. But I’m finally happy with where Gwen is, so that’s something =D. Charmcaster’s clothes however.. are too unique so this is the best I could do.. And while it’s not even close to her actual outfit I’m still happy with this alternate take on it =3. Now if I could just feel the same way about her face.. Cause that one still needs some tweaking I think..

I also installed the best mod ever.. It’s a height ruler.. Because the height slider just shows -100 to 200.. But since you have no clue what the starting height is.. You have no idea how tall they actually are, so now I grew them by 20cm cause they’s was tiny xD.Made two.. Panels? Frames? Scenes? (whatever you call em) with the old short models.

But yea, since you guys were very adamant about wanting more I’ll be making a lot more scenes ^^. The idea is to make a little story/scenario consisting of several images every month and a nsfw version for patrons =3.. But yea.. I’m not sure how doable all this is for me yet., I don’t know how much time this will all take or if I’m creative enough to keep coming with new scenarios. I might end up just doing some poses and one frame scenes or something. I do plan on creating more characters after I finish Shar though. Not sure who yet, but I do like creating models like this =3.. Was thinking of maybe making them in Koikatsu next, since it’s more aimed for anime/cartoon styles, but.. I really hate it’s studio as character lighting is separate from map lighting =<.. But who knows.. Maybe I’ll just make some models and share them with you all so you can make your own scene ^^

This was made with the old models when they were still too short and are missing some tweaks I made to them as well

Life (is pain)
Time for the real complaining to begin! As I said at the start of this post, it’s been a busy time.. Or well, unproductive time.. Most weekends last month were filled with social activities, though not all bad, all equally draining.. And if that wasn’t enough, I was also plagued with migraines. I’ve had them before, but never this frequent, basically a third of the month was filled with migraines =<.. I’m still not quite sure what’s causing them, I’ve had my eyes checked but I only have +0.25 in my left eye and my right eye is fine.. So that isn’t it.. But luckily a friend lent me his “gaming” glasses.. And surprising, they help.. It might be the slight 0.25 magnification, the yellow lenses or the forced focal point (which helps relax your eyes). But my migraines have not returned since I’ve started using them. So I ordered my own pair and I’ve been fine since =D.. Sucks to wear glasses now, but migraines suck more xD

And then.. When I finally got some time for myself again the sun decided it’s had enough of my country and started a 9 day heatwave. Most days were 34C or higher, which, for my country.. IS A LOT.. Too much really T.T. So those days were mostly spent melting and waiting for it to be over.. I try to think of what I did back then and it was mostly HS stuff I think (and the exporting) cause it’s not as brain intensive as coding, but yea, barely even gamed either xD..

What’s next?


  • More fixing weird fuckups and dialog Newman found
  • Add more dialog
  • Tweaking scene gallery
  • Fix enemy grenades
  • Add 3rd enemy

Ecchi Sensei

  • Optimizing EVERYTHING! Or well.. SOME things.. I guess.. xD

Honey Select

  • Try and tweak Charm more
  • Figure out Shar’s white shit
  • Finish the first scenario with Charm and Gwen


  • Scene gallery for Muplur
  • Tutorials =D
  • Unity?
  • Website?
  • Discord bot?

BenX will mostly be fixing shit and adding more dialog.. Still surprised so much is out of place though.. Oh well, nothing I can do but fix it xD. Will also be adding some more dialog an the final enemy of the update =3

Nothing much to say about ES, Will be rewriting some older features to make em more efficient and easier to handle for Blue as well. One of these features is actually the image gallery xD. I thought up a new way to store the images which will make the gallery fully automated without Blue even having to rename the images =D Yay automation!

After tweaking (or trying to at least) Charm some more it will mostly be finishing up the first scenario. The first 2 frames are already there but since the models are now larger I’ll need to pose them again =<. If I still have time I’ll look into creating custom skins or assets for HS so I can finally add Shar’s whiteness. Right now I made a quick version of it but since the face distorts the skin it fuckes the smoothness of the lines (as I know nothing about textures and I just drew them on hoping it’d be fine xD).. So yea.. More research needed T.T

As for the rest? Seems like Muplur needs help adding a gallery for replaying scenes (Luckily I just made one for BenX right? =D). Hopefully I’ll find time to do the tutorials but I’ve been told this will be a very busy week T.T. I downloaded all of Skuddbutts models today as well, in the hopes to spark some motivation for Unity again, as I’ve kinda just been doing other shit xD. And yea, thought I’d throw the website and bot on there again cause I kinda wanna get to them at some point.. Probably not this month though.. Busy as it is T.T.. But with everything that’s been going on with Patreon lately, it would probably be good to have a website.. Just in case.. xD

See you soon (I’ll make sure to not miss the next post ^^),
A puddle of Akanoes with gamer glasses floating in it




Migraine sucks. I started having them even before teen age. Migraine is a genetically inherited disease, but mine got "jump started", when I had a severe concussion. Hope you're getting yors under control after buying the glasses.


That's a lot of stuff done through that hellish time dude. Also gamer glasses.. yey :)


Yea, don't know why it suddenly got worse but the glasses seem to help at least, so that's something xD