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 What’s been done?


  • Partly set up some combat dolls
  • Tweaked and fixed a bunch of shit

Ecchi Sensei

  • Finished a new feature
  • Worked on the previous feature a bunch
    • Turns out I’m a dumdum and missed some shit
    • Also applied a save compatibility cheat to it


  • Burn the VMware I was using..
  • Play around in Honey Select

Don’t worry, BenX isn’t going to be 3D :P I’m just playing around a bit in Honey Select to relax. I’ve been hanging out with some devs recently that use HS and thought I’d give it a go. So I’ve just been messing around a bit with it in my off time to see what it’s like and if I can recreate Gwen. HS is not the best for anime/cartoon girls though, Koikatsu is better suited for that so I might try that one in the future as well. It’s just that HS has more mods and stuff.. Next up is Charmcaster! I really wanted to do Shar, but her fur color is gonna be pretty much impossible for me to do =<

What about BenX though? Well, we actually sorta maybe have a release window now.. Maybe.. Looks like we are aiming for before mid August.. So.. Yea.. Soon-ish? xD Besides that, nothing too exciting, I set up more of the dolls and dialog, made a build for Newman to test (which has about half of the content) and fixed the issues he’s found so far. Also received the assets for 2 of the new enemies and have begun setting up their combat dolls.

As for Ecchi Sensei, I finished up the new feature and rounded off the old one. I’m not used to writing code for someone else to use so I forgot to write documentation for it. When I was writing it down though, I realized that I forgot to set up something and also took the time to implement something to make it a bit easier for Blue to keep save compatibility. I then ran into an issue because Renpy apparently doesn’t save any variable changes between dialog lines.. So if you open a screen with show (which has no return) instead of call, nothing you do will be recorded when you hit save UNLESS you advance the dialog (or create a return in another way).. But if I use return, it will advance the dialog.. Luckily there’s a function tucked away somewhere in Renpy with pretty much NO documentation that fixed this. Basically, before you show a screen that changes a variable, you use “renpy.retain_after_load” and everything is fine =D

Now.. For the miscellaneous stuff (well, more of it I guess, cause I started with some already xD).. Sigh.. I wanted to finally get an episode for the tutorial out but God had other plans for me.. I previously set up a virtual machine with Oracle VM VirtualBox, so that I’d have a clean environment to show everything (like installing Renpy and setting up Atom). But when I started it up I realized it wasn’t supporting widescreen, so I installed the graphics driver… And it crashed.. I tried setting up another, 3 bloody times.. But every time I get a memory and I’ve just given up on the software.. I’m looking for other software now but haven’t had the energy to really try any of them out yet.. So.. Sorry for another delay on that =<

What’s next?


  • Finish setting up the new combat dolls
    • The 2 I’m working on and another one
  • Add more scenes to the replay gallery

Ecchi Sensei

  • New feature
  • Old feature rework
  • Apply the save compatibility thing to more stuff


  • Find new VMware
    • And record an actual fucking tutorial >.>
  • Create Charmcaster in HS

The notes kinda say it all for BenX this time, setting up combat dolls and adding more scenes to the replay gallery as I wait on more assets/dialog

Not sure how much I can see about the Ecchi Sensei stuff, they don’t want me talking about stuff they haven’t announced yet, so.. Yea.. Working on.. Stuff xD I’ll be able to tell you a bit about my adventures after the fact though, the struggles I’ve been through! Will still be a bit vague about everything though, like I was in this report I guess :P.

As for the misc stuff, well.. Yea.. I hope to finally get the first tutorial episode out or at least have a test episode recorded.. It really has been too long. I also want to play around with some more models, so I’ll be making Charmcaster in HS next. I may try to create Gwen in Koikatsu as well, who knows.. But that’s more free time stuff than work stuff I guess :P

Now, for those that have made it this far.. Would you actually be interested in seeing me make more models? Or even set up some scenes? Maybe this could be a small patron reward even? Lemme know ^^

Throwing you a Charmcaster soon,
A slightly artsy Akanoes


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