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What’s been done?


  • Groundwork for scene gallery
  • Set up a new scene (with 40+ layers)
  • Added more dialog
  • Restructured some of the code for more clarity

Ecchi Sensei

  • Finished a feature
  • Optimized the day and vote count

Oh? What’s this Ecchi Sensei on the list? :O

It’s a pretty sweet H-game I’ve been playing recently and because I was having so much fun with it I decided to join the Discord. Not long after that BlueCat (The creator) struck a conversation with me and asked if I wanted to help out. After proving my AMAZING coding skills by flexing some of my code muscles and doing a little code dance he welcomed me to the team =D (some of this may have been exaggerated for dramatic effect.. Some of it.. Yes..)

This should give me something productive to do in the downtime I have with BenX as it usually takes longer to create the assets than to implement them :P. I’ve already finished work on one feature and optimized some code that reduces the amount of images.

As for BenX, we’ll be adding a scene gallery to the next build so you can replay your favorite scenes =D! We don’t have any graphics for it yet but I’ve already put down the groundwork for it and replayed 1 scene so far. While I was doing that Newman went a bit overboard and drew a scene with over 40 layers.. So many layers.. T.T.. Took me a while but I got it all set up with some automation as well. Hiding expressions when the head moves, hiding an arm when a pose has its own built in, etc. Also added the dialog leading up to the scene and that of the scene itself as well as some new animations in and out of the scene. 

The files were getting a bit cluttered as well so I’ve split up the init for the scenes and also split the miscellaneous dialog (dialog that isn’t part of a scene) for each update in a separate file as well. Originally all that dialog was in one file and it became quite a pain to scroll through it xD. And I also placed everything the script files in folders so they’re a bit easier to keep track of.

What’s next?


  • More scenes for the scenes gallery
  • Combat checkup
  • More dialog

Ecchi Sensei

  • New feature
  • Optimization


  • Website
  • Tutorial
  • Discord bot

For BenX I’ll be adding more scenes to the gallery, going over combat a bit (as we have new characters joining the fight) and add more dialog. Most of them have already been added but since it’s been a while since I did, I need to re-familiarize myself with and want to make sure it’s all working as intended. 

I’ve been tasked with cleaning up Ecchi Sensei a bit. Over time a project can become a bit of a mess, images and code everywhere and often enough you learn new tricks along the way that you can use on some of your old code =3. So I’ll be going over everything to see if some things can be done more efficiently or if they are even used still. As for the new feature, it’s something I’m hoping to automate fairly easily but then again.. Whenever you think something will be easy.. Renpy tends to disagree.. xD

With BlueCat sprinkling some work my way I haven’t really had time for the miscellaneous stuff.. AGAIN.. T.T But since another friend asked for some good Renpy tutorials.. I guess I REALLY have to fucking do them now.. Finally.. Sooo.. I’ll at least start recording, not sure if I’ll have anything I’m happy with before the next report, but I REALLY need to get this ball rolling T.T. I’ll probably ignore the Discord bot a while longer as the website is more important.. Maybe I’ll just put it on the backburner even as it’s really not that important.. It’s just punch whenners in the face xD

Until next time!
A very cody Akanoes



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