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What’s been done?


  • Some dialog
    • Tweaked the dialog converter a bit


  • More website stuff
  • Set up Git

First off, let’s start with the bad news. Looks like taxes are spreading from Europe and other countries have to pay it now as well. This post goes over it better than I can. But I’ve set my rewards to “general support” as you don’t get them very often. From what I understand that means that you don’t pay sales tax/VAT, but I might be wrong. It’s worth noting that this doesn’t count for us EU folk though, we are proper fucked and ALWAYS pay VAT, cause.. EU has to be special >.> (We’ve also been paying VAT for like a year, so it’s time you fools caught up!).

Now, as for what I’ve been up to.. Not.. Too much. Since corona has been quieting down over here I finally went out again and visited some friends and family. And with the previous report being rather late as well, there wasn’t much time to get much work down =<.

I have added some of the dialog though and worked a bit more on the website. I’ve got a local copy running now as well so I can be a bit crazier with everything and found a handy Patreon plugin.. That sadly only supports one person, but at least it can import all our old posts so that’s something =D. I also tweaked the dialog converter a bit. Newman sometimes forgets to add a space between expressions and dialogs and that would crash the entire converter. I was splitting on ] or } plus a space, which is my bad really. Lost some hours on this very simple task.. Because my dyslexic brain switched split and strip around.. If you don’t give strip any arguments in Python, it strips away the white space at the beginning and end of a string.. Split, doesn’t.. I had used this functionality several times already and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it wouldn’t work this time.. Well, problem solved in the end, just.. Wish it didn’t take that many hours xD

One my dev friends Danlorn (He’s cool, go check him out) had a bit of a scare with some potential data loss (luckily everything is fine) but it did make me want to finally set up Git. I’d done so in the past by different means, but went with Github this time and it was a bit confusing to get it all going xD. But now I’ve got Git, Google Docs and my NAS as backups, so hopefully we should be fine now :P. Google Drive and my NAS keep a live copy, my NAS also stores some back ups I make from time to time and Git should allow me to go back between versions I upload as well.. If I understood correctly.. I hope I did.. xD

What’s next?


  • Scene replay
  • Minor tweaks


  • Create a proper Wordpress theme
  • Discord bot
  • Tutorial?

We are planning on making scenes replayable in the next update so you can go back and relive those lovely little bits of naughty, shouldn’t be too much work.. But I’ve thought that about other things before as well.. Newman found some more issues when going over the game again so I’ve got some minor things to fix again, plus the old low priority stuff I added ages ago.

I hope to have at least finished the base theme before the next report. We already found a layout we like, I just need to figure out how to reproduce it xD. After that it’s up to Newman to bling it up. If I still have some time left I’ll look into the Discord bot and Tutorial, but I doubt I’ll get to it.. I’ll be more than happy if I finish the theme, scene replay and some cards.

Your friendly taxman,




That's too much of Backups there


I hear tape backups are great too =P