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 What’s been done?


  • Fixed most minor things
  • Fixed some annoyances

Ecchi Sensei

  • Reworked the calendar

Honey Select

  • Redid the original 2 frames with the new models


  • Most of Muplur’s scene gallery
  • Lose track of time

My least favorite thing about writing progress reports.. Looking at the “What’s next” list of the last post.. And realize I’ve barely done anything on it =< The heatwave took more out of me than I thought, it basically knocked me on my ass completely. Not only did it kill my productivity, but also my sleep schedule and even my diet as well as my medication. While my sleep schedule is still fucked I’ve managed to at least eat some bread again, I’ve gotten more productive and I’m even taking my meds again.. So.. Yay? =D


Went over most of the dialog changes and minor bugs (Though Newman added more since then T.T). Made a slow down animation for the truck (which sorta takes the speed into account, not sure how well it works yet though xD), sadly this requires the scene to be called again because Renpy hates animations and when an animation is part of an image, even though it won’t be shown it will still run.. So if you have a stopping animation, it will run in the background the moment the scene is called.. THANKS RENPY =D. 

While working on the scene gallery for Muplur I noticed something, Renpy had references to replay stuff.. Turns out.. Renpy has its own replay system and it doesn’t really get mentioned anywhere unless you look for it specifically.. So, yea, changed my code to work with that system as it’s more fleshed out and better integrated than mine xD.

Ecchi Sensei

Reworked the calendar, which sadly took quite a bit longer than I had hoped. I forgot to take into account one of their wishes and it meant I had to redesign most of it T.T.. There are also some save conveniences they want that make some of these reworks harder than they usually are. Though I do understand why they want them, it just sucks that it requires quite a bit of extra work :P

Honey Select

Might just start calling this Creative shit.. Since I’ve started dabbling in Blender and Daz3D as well xD.. Fuck Daz3D though, that’s some seriously unintuitive shit and their built in tutorial fucking died on me T.T..

But yea, HS stuff.. While I haven’t tweaked Charmcaster’s face yet, I did redo the 2 frames I made originally. I even managed to get her skirt (bottom of the jacket) to go over her leg =D. With her dress I thought it was impossible and just gave up, but with the jacket.. It only took 2.5 hours of random dragging balls around for it to sorta look okay, so.. Yay =D

What’s next?


  • More fixing
  • Updating scene gallery
  • Fix enemy grenades

Ecchi Sensei

  • Optimization

Creative shit (Formerly known as Honey Select)

  • More Gwen/Charm frames
  • Maybe tweak Charm?
  • Figure out Blender
    • Might lead to fixing Shar’s white shit


  • Finish Muplur’s scene gallery
  • Figure out how to use custom 3D models in Unity
  • Website/bot..
    • Grouped up, cause.. We all know I ain’t getting to them xD

BenX won’t be too exciting for a bit, mostly focusing on getting the old stuff running properly before I’m adding anything else. If I’d known shit broke down for no reason I’d have fixed it while Newman was busy.. But who knew a simple update to Renpy can fuck with shit.. Still not sure  how it broke some of this though..

Not too sure what Ecchi Sensei holds for me in the future, I get new tasks after I finish them.. So.. Yea.. More optimizing and reworks.. I guess? xD

Hoping to get more HS frames done as well, it can be rather time consuming but kinda relaxing at the same time. I was too busy stressing over coding and haven’t really been doing it a lot but when I was too overwhelmed to code (or write this post), I decided to finish the 2nd frame with the new models so I’d have something to show and it definitely helped me calm down a bit. Kinda therapeutic to just drag some shit around :P

I’ll also be finishing the Blender donut tutorial, cause the attempts at exporting the HS models kinda made me interested in Blender and maybe I’ll even make models from scratch some day.. Who knows xD.. Want to use this opportunity to learn more Unity as well. It’s always more fun when you have custom assets to play with ^^. I even downloaded some  of Skuddbutts models.. Except.. I have no clue wtf to do with them and they didn’t look great in Unity.. Prolly cause I fucked shit up.. So.. Yea.. Need to learn me some Unity :P

So, that’s it for this report I think.. Hopefully I’ll back to normal for the next report ^^
A probably malnourished Akanoes =D




I wonder if there are any new update done to benXslave quest and what version is it?