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A new chapter is done! Go an read my faithful readers!



Oh wow this was a good one. Thanks for the chapter! Epic wizard battle ahoy!


Holy Crap! That was absolutely amazing, though you're such a tease with the cliffhanger.


Sweeeet man. This is so good. But I was hoping for more development with Xvim haha

Bruno Salque

Awesome, thanks again.

David Wild

These can't come out quickly enough.

Bruno Salque

I love how "climatic" the last chapter felt. I hope we still have some time before the end of the second section, for more développement to happen before the great change in the loops.


Awesome installment. One thing is odd, though. Zorian's decision to provoke Red Robe here is very... un-Zorianlike. He's been holding on to the Matriarch's memory packet for too long already, and he really can't afford to delay reading it. Why not push this assault off for another month or two? This is really dangerous, and not as well-considered as Zorian's usual plans...


Zorian had no say in deciding whether to attack the mansion or not. His only option is to either go along with it or reset the time loop.


Another great chapter. Its getting to a really exciting place where I can't wait. Not to be greedy but is there any chance the next installment might come a week early? :) haha wishful thinking. My prediction on what happens is that due to Zorian's experience mind controlling the invaders armies he uses that ability to mind control the dragon, saving everyone and turns it back on its master. Would be pretty epic at least.


A question. We know the conventional wisdom in story, is their is no real way to increase your reserves once they plateau without fucking up your control. But what about unconventional wisdom? Because it seems to me, that people like Xim and others would know things that others do not. "There is a mana shaping exercise for everything". But what about mana-reserve growth?


If such an exercise existed, there would have to be a reason why it is not more widely known and used. Something more substantial than 'those who know it are keeping it a secret', because unless the exercise is known to less than 5 people, someone is going to talk and it will slowly spread from there.


Tomorrows the day. Getting excited to find out what happens. Wonder what the odds are that it will end with an early restart.


I wonder if we are near the end of 'Arc 2' Arc one was 26 chapters, so we are 25 chapters into it. I was hoping Arc 2 ends with bringing the Aranea back into the loop. If it was Necromancy like it looks like, some texts from the Manor might hold the clue.


This is a question about magic power. We know structured invocations are different currently than in the past, with more variables that are filled in/fine tuned with spell shaping. In the past these was less spell shaping, instead the spell was reformulated. so instead of a modern spell that changes somethings color, you might have many old school spells, barely different that each change something a specific color? Were mages generally more powerful back them? That is instead of someone having a fixed maximum magical shaping aptitude and a fixed magical reserve maximum, there is a spectrum, and honing shaping limits the max reserve you can reach, and pushing your reserves limits your shaping ability? So doing less shaping in general made old style mages able to develop their max reserve power further?


No, honing shaping does not limit the max reserves. That is essentially inborn, nothing anyone can do about it. Better shaping skills are always a good thing, it's just that people with lots of magic reserves are limited in how fine their control of their mana can get. Some of the ancient mages could get ridiculously powerful, but that was because the gods had a habit of giving random mages arbitrary power ups for one reason or another. Not because of something they did that was superior to modern mages. Modern mage training methods are unquestionably superior to ancient ones.