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Here's the new chapter! I'm pretty pleased with this one myself...



That was fantastic. What a cliff hangar though.


wow, just wow. Proud of that chapter? You definitely should be


Wow, that was absolutely amazing for a chapter. That said, found a single typo, "Zorian *pain* close attention to who was getting arrested" should be paid. Anyways, again, thank you so much for writing this story, and hot damn was that fantastic! You're truly cruel for that cliffhanger though. ;_;


Ok, this was an awesome chapter! It was even worth making the last chapter a cliffhanger. Zach, why you punch Zorian? And the Primordial has been released in EVERY past reset? Ouch. Especially the current one. You would think with them knowing the invaders plans in detail, from the incredibly believable source of Sudomir, it would have not had a chance. I assume the army escaped from the mansion to the Underdark instead of their Homeland, and attacked from there. But how did the Lich get there for the invasion, he normally stays on the island until the invasion and the Gates should have been shut down when the mansion was captured. P.S. Did Zorian get any more knowledge about the Gates from Sudomir during the interrogation, or any info about how the Areana could have been forced out of the loop?


Oh my mama mia!!!! HE'S BACK! Finally the story can progress past the experimenting stages to get some answers! Not that that weren't interesting


So good.


Absolutely brilliant. I spent half a day reading and rereading and hyperventilating. I've been waiting for them to reunite for so long.


Some setting questions if you are willing to answer Mr. Kurmaic... 1: Is reincarnation an option available for souls in the setting? Because Zorian asked, "Why would he do such a thing!?" in regards to Sudomir creating a Shifter by attaching a human soul to an animal. The obvious answer is to try and resurrect his wife by attaching her soul to a living animal. I am guessing it did not work because the shifter did not get access to the memories (and/or personality) of the attached soul. That made me wonder if souls are set up with a sort of 'hardware based DRM' where if you stick an old soul to a new body, it does not automatically give access to old memories, instead recording memories in a new partition as it were. And Sudomir has not found a way to bypass that yet. 2a: Zorians 'Natural Psychic' / 'Open Minded' bloodline. How does that work? When he uses his abilities like that is it actually unstructured magic using mana shaping and power from his mana reserve, or is it something else entirely, and if he depleted his mana reserve he could still use his mental abilities? 2b: If this is an ability that can be acquired, any Zach (hypothetically) was given that ability, what would it mean for his shaping? Zach was supposed to be someone with an extra strong mana reserve, and correspondingly bad shaping abilities. Would he still have a large reserve and crap shaping ability EXCEPT in mental magic where he is a virtuiso? 2c: Is there a corresponding way to make you a natural telekenetic? (Because Mental magic and moving things with just the power of your mind dovetail together well in comics and stories) 3: Is it possible to change the portion of your magic dedicated to maintaining your life force? I was thinking about when someone asked about shaping exercises to increase your reserve. You had said their would need to be a reason such an exercise was not widely known and used. I hypothesized because such an exercise would probably be necromancy (because it fiddles with the soul) and necromancy is currently unfashionable and largely illegal in Zorians culture as a possible reason. I had thought of two others. One is that there is some way to increase your magic reserve that is can be used on others or is inheritable. If you can make an alchemical potion that someone else can drink to increase their reserves, they can receive the benefit without knowing how it was accomplished, and the secret is easier to keep. Doubly so if this is a trait that can be passed on to your children, as those children may never even know why they are as strong in magic as they are. Zach's extreme magic strength was speculated to be a 'bloodline' ability of his noble heritage. If true, the reason it was not shared (like many abilities) was so members of his family would have an edge over others by keeping a monopoly on the power. The other way had to do with the Life Force you have mentioned a couple times now. Since a portion of your personal magic is used to keep your body alive and as a magical immune system, that portion is locked up cannot be used to cast spells. BUT! What if you were able to make your body more in tune with your soul and use your magic to keep itself more efficiently? You would need less magic dedicated to keeping you alive, and free up some of the mana normally needed to keep you alive to increase your reserve! Do you think Kaldur could cook up an alchemical potion that does that? But if you could do this as a skill, it does not seem like a Mana Shaping skill, but something else entirely, like something a monk would have. So it could not be widely known because it is unrelated to standard magical learning. Or maybe no one has stumbled on the trick yet. 4: I wonder if you could learn to dedicate more of your person mana to maintaining your life force than the minimum necessary, and if so that could give Monk type abilities, like healing faster, more endurance, spell resistance, armored skin and tougher punches, etc...


Great chapter. Once again can't wait until next chapter. Are you sure you won't write faster? J/K... well half kidding.


FYI there are forum threads for MoL speculations on SpaceBattles, Dark Lord Potter and reddit (/r/rational and /r/noveltranslations).


Excellent! The cliffhangers are killing me... Very curious to see how Zach and Zorian hash this out. Also dying to know what the memory packet says and how a powerful mage like Xvim will be able to help when Zorian convinces him again.

Zaim İpek

I think it would be worth Zorian's time to infiltrate Sudomir's mind again to learn as much as he can about wards and shifter magic. Sudomir is a rare expert whom Zorian can get much more useful information from. The memory packet takes priority though.

David Wild

Ugg, As Brian said with the cliffhangers, I think you have some kind of sadistic streak :)


When you finish a chapter ahead of schedule, do you ever consider posting it early? Or is the date, the date, the date?


If I finish the chapter early, I would delay posting it until the deadline in an attempt to create a bit of a buffer for times when I can't quite make it in the future. Alas, I have so far failed in that regard, and I'm constantly cutting it close. It sucks because I really want to cut down the chapter writing time to two weeks but I just don't dare to do that until I can create a buffer chapter or two.


I'm thinking the memory packet will have info about Zach that he wished he would have had before having this meeting with Zach.


So interested in shifters' folklore now =) The gays, that brought primordial's blood may appear in own Prometheus-like myths. What threat force them mix their souls with daemon's live force? Awesome lore


I agree with the above commenter who says Sudomir's mind should be further explored by Zorian. Also, Zorian could probably make a mind control golem and go kill the Grey Hunter now. He could go to Silverlake and she if she has any interesting info. Honestly, I just want to see him take out the Grey Hunter. :P


He could also offer to tutor Tinami in mind magic in exchange for Aope secrets.