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Greetings loyal patrons. Here's some new worldbuilding for those that care:

As for the monthly update, I don't have much to report. Things are still uncertain on that front, though they are progressing. I'm trying to write some test chapters so hopefully the long wait will be over soon. For my definitions of 'soon', anyway.

Thank you all for patience.



Great! Always love more worldbuilding posts from you! I think there's a slight error in the creation myth post, there's one instance where it says 8 dragons have died, rather than 6. "Once eight of the dragons were dead, the war shifted."

Adrien Matricon

Nice! I love hearing about that world =) Though I can't help but wonder: does you working on the worldbuilding mean that we might see it again (and in a way in which the worldbuilding matters)? I was under the impression that we'd only vaguely hear about it as part of a multiverse

Adrien Matricon

In the Blantyrre post (not sure if you care about typos there): "no expedition has managed find hard evidence of their existence" => "[to] find" "they often complete for living space" => "compete"


Yeah, that's an error. A weird error. Anyway, I've corrected it to six now.


You might. I still haven't discounted the idea of writing a MoL sequel in the future. It's just uncertain and in the far future at the moment.


I do try to keep those posts free of typos as much as possible, so this is still useful. Thanks. I've corrected these.


For your dungeon idea are the dungeon levels there own separated world / bubble so there all random and different or does magic or something in some way allow areas to change appearance and monsters to spawn. If it is like a pocket demention do they just exist or ( and I might be stretching it ) could they have been taken from other places the same way in mol the mansion is transported to the city which could be a link to mol.


In the "Creation" post, I think you probably intended to have "Yet" instead of "Yes" in "Yes, so long as it beats, our world will also never be at peace." (as it is a contrast to the notion of the previous sentence, which explains the positive of the heart continuing to beat).


Dungeon levels are not entirely random. There is a meaning behind the chaos, and while the levels aren't literally ripped out of somewhere and placed in the dungeon, they aren't arbitrarily created just for people to venture into. That's all I can say at this time without getting too spoilery. If I decide not to write the story in the end, feel free to ask me about the details and I'll say more on the matter. Though I will say that the Dungeon already links different worlds together in a certain way, so it could be a link to mol easily enough. Though I don't intend to link the two stories together myself.


Damn, I missed all of that.