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Hello dear patrons. It's the end of the month and I felt it would be nice to assure people that I'm alive and still working on things.

Nothing much has happened. I haven't decided anything new and things are quietly developing in the background. I was a bit distracted this past few weeks, so my apologies if responses have been too slow.

As an aside, I've simply stopped following the comment I get on RoyalRoad - the seer volume of them all overwhelmed me and I once I stopped reading them for a week or so I decided that backlog was too much. I might go through each chapter's comments at some point in the future, but not any time soon. It's strange. I remember when I read every single review and comment I got, not just on Fictionpress but on every other site I could find as well.

Anyway, this is just a long-winded way of saying that I can no longer follow all the MoL-related discussions properly and that I apologize if you've asked me a question somewhere out there and I didn't respond, or responded with a large delay. I still respond to direct messages relatively promptly so there's that.

Take care everyone. I hope you're all doing fine.


Young Youghurt

Wow you are becoming larger than life author! Good for you. At least I hope so.


I guess being the top rated story on RR means an endless stream of comments. Read anything good lately?


No, I had been playing computer games recently so that had kind of eaten my entertainment time. Though I wouldn't feel too keen on giving recommendations even at the best of times, to be honest. I have a relatively strange taste in stories.


Now I'm curious about game recommendations :)


I've been playing Persona 4 Golden for PC and Endless Space 2 recently. They're both pretty good in my opinion. I also still fire up Civilization 4. There are a bunch of really interesting mods for that old game, and they're still getting updated. Caveman2Cosmos adds a ton of content, for instance, and just seeing what kind of craziness I can get up to in that mod is pretty fun if you ask me. Disco Elysium was pretty fun. I recently re-installed Age of Wonders 1. Age of Wonders 3 is decent, but I still think the first game is the best. Maybe that's just my nostalgia talking. Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Homeworld 1, and Sid Mayer's Alpha Centauri are old games but they still hold up well in my opinion. I always make sure to have SMAC installed on my computer, just in case I ever feel like playing it again.

Young Youghurt

Heartbeat Heartbeat It keeps on pounding Heartbreak Heartbreak You tell me goodbye Heartbeat Heartbeat It keeps on pounding Heartbreak Heartbreak You tell me goodbye

Mr R

Have you been playing any roguelikes lately? You mentioned enjoying them, I think. I tried my first one in a long time a week ago, called Angband. Not sure if its the genre or just the game, but I've become addicted to it.


Not recently, no. I did try Angband, and liked it. As well as various variants of it. It's a whole genre, with stuff like NetHack, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Elona, ADOM, Tales of Maj'Ejal, etc. And that's just the ones I have experience with. There is far more than that out there.


Young Youghurt: Persona 4's music is serious good. I'd put it up there with Homeworld and Age of Wonders 1 as music that fits the mood of the game incredibly well and elevates the atmosphere by another level. I normally don't notice the music in games much, but here I like pretty much every single track.


I also liked Persona4's soundtrack. When I was writing this comment, Heartbeat, Heartbreak played in my headphones.


How do I find your other stories? Loved (and still love) Mother of learning, but I cannot find your other works, and neither Fictionpress or Royal Road show you having any other stories in the works.


That's because there aren't any at the moment. :) I'm working on other works, but I haven't begun posting anything yet. When I do, it will show up on both Fictionpress and Royal Road, so you can just periodically check up there to see if I started posting new stuff. It may take a while still, I'm afraid. I'm a slow writer.