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Hey guys,

First of all, I'm really sorry. If I'm gonna announce I delay I know I should do this a few days early, not on the day of the update. I kept telling myself I'd be able to get it done in time but after staying up for around 22 hours just now and barely sleeping the past week, I realized that I was trying to do too much in this update >.>

Like, for the sake of utmost transparency, I'll give the specifics here. Usually I aim for around 1500 lines per update (which is the amount I've been working with since the end of the Prologue and few updates have been much longer than that). That's how much work I can produce in a month without overburdening myself. 

For this update though, I didn't just try to write Jun's portion. Since all 3 characters have the school festival updates coming up, I decided to make a "hub" day where all three of them connect. My intent was to have this general first day of the festival happen for all three characters with only a few variations on which of the three you chose. But at the same time, since that wasn't exclusive content for one of them, I didn't want it to count for my writing quota this month since it wasn't really Jun content.

The "global" portion of the update ended up being 950 lines long (so just shy of being 2/3 the size of an entire update all by itself) and I got most of Jun's update written but haven't managed to finish writing it yet. Let alone bugtest and whatnot.

Soooo, yeah. The point here is... I really tried my best to cram this all in this month without delays but I couldn't. I know it sucks to have to delay it (and I myself hate to do it too cause I know it upsets you guys), but I just... I can't realistically finish this today. Even if I didn't sleep at all and continue to stay awake on just coffee for the next sixteen hours without breaks, I still wouldn't finish everything I need to do. So ultimately, I came here to be super transparent with you guys (I don't want anyone to feel cheated since I already delayed last month too cause February just sucks lol). The time frame will be around 3 to 4 days as it says in the title. I hope you all can understand and I'm really sorry it took longer. 

The alternative is that I could upload the update with just the hub section today after I get some sleep and then in a few days when I finish writing Jun's I could release it as a part B of this update (that way you guys get stuff on time, even if not ALL of it). If you guys would be interested in that, let me now in the comments and I'll read it after I go to bed. Right now though I'm already feeling faint and lightheaded so I need some rest x.x

Sorry again guys and I hope you all will forgive me!



It's okay, no rush on it. Take care of yourself first.


Yeah, do take care of yourself first, we can wait really. Also hi, I'm new.


Hey, there's no reason to beat yourself up over it. I would much rather have a delay or even not get an update this month than you hurt yourself. Take your time, get some rest, and come back to it when you are ready.


Please do not rush yourself. Ill gladly wait a few more days or more to have a propper update. Art should not be rushed: A Toyota car is built in 13 hours and a Rolls Royce is built in 6 months! Your work is surperb and im glad you are beeing so transparent with this! <3 Much love!

Graphic Dreamer

It's fine, dont feel rushed with this! Rest up!


Seriously, the quality and quantity you always put out, a few days delay is nothing! Get yourself rested up and just know we'll all be eagerly awaiting your work - it sounds like you've sunk a lot into this update so take your time to both not kill yourself over it, and be happy with it! And thanks again for continuing to work so hard on this awesome story!

Alexander Lukas Bryant

The idea of an interconnected hub day sounds great! I'm glad you decided to go with it. With that said, please don't beat yourself up over a small delay. I would rather wait so you can put out a good quality update that you are happy with rather than a rushed update now that you aren't satisfied with. Be careful with our precious little Jun-bug and with yourself as well. After waking up I would suggest having some serious TLC and R&R for the rest of the day so you are fully refreshed when you get back to it. Best wishes!!!


As great as this sounds, it also sounds like you're overworking yourself :/ don't work too hard! Make sure to take care of yourself, because your health comes first.


There's no reason you have to go all out like the workaholic Shoishi to make us happy. It's your life and we have no right to even ifluence it by a minimum.

Sign Dhole

Even if others have said it, I'm adding this comment too: no worries, don't rush it, and thanks for being nice and giving us even more content than what was expected! Since you were transparent about what was going on, I don't think anyone can or will hold it against you ^^


You will always be loved, WOTB! <3<3<3 While it is better to announce a delay ahead of time, at least we will know that you aren't lost or kidnapped or something like in Stephen King's Misery story. *shivers*. Keep up the wonderful work and remember that we support you in whatever happens! <3

North Grizz

Not a problem. You're giving us more than usual for an update so take some time and make sure you're happy with what you've written. A few days delay won't hurt us. After having a busy week last week myself I'd also say, treat yourself to a you day. Relax, do fun stuff, have a nice meal and then the day after it's back to Tennis Ace.


Thank you for your hard work! Now take a breather to take care of yourself and do not worry about the delay, quality is worth waiting for and we all know you always deliver on that note ;) That said I think it would be best to wait for the completed update, not just for us but also for you to make sure your happy with it. Take care of yourself, and have an aweasom furry fluffy week XD


Seems the majority here are in agreement that's it's not an issue. I think a lot of creators on this site tend to feel that their supporters will hate them for deviating from a rigid schedule. (Quite a few have all but said that outright in fact) I am more inclined to say that so long as they communicate with their supporters and are honest about the issues that people tend to be forgiving of delays given that we've all had life get in the way from time to time and know that things don't always work out as planned. So don't feel the need to kill yourself over a self imposed deadline, it's best to make sure to keep yourself healthy and sane first and foremost.


Like the others have said - I'd rather you take the time you need to get things rights, rather than rush and risk compromising your health and the game. You're doing an ace job on Tennis Ace and I for one don't mind waiting a few more days for the next release.


Sleep, my friend, Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep! it's good for your health! It would be nice to have some content sooner, but don't think we will hate you for being a bit late. But don't sacrifice your health. I think your work is great, do what you must to make it good! Take your time.


Take your time, we can wait.


Dude you really need to be more careful, going that long without sleep is seriously bad for you, get some good sleep dude, and honestly don't sweat the update, if you need to delay it longer do so, your health is far more important.


Dude like seriously... just pace yourself... definitely don't over-exert yourself either. It's not worth it for you and your body and mind. We all are your fan and completely understand. We love your VN and is definitely and truly worth the wait.. much love to you man.


I dunno how viable this is as a suggestion, but maybe consider moving the release date to maybe the 3rd-5th of each month? It sounds like you're overworking yourself a tad bit much, and this way you'd make the last few days a bit less stressful and maybe get a neater schedule on track. Apologies if this isn't doable, though.


also your work is great please don't overexert yourself


Hey, it's me again. I just want to ask you what is meant with nsfw stories because I chose the third tier option.


Please get your needed sleep. You already done so much.


Thank you for the understanding. I'm definitely much better now that I was able to release the demo and rest xD


I appreciate the patience. I was definitely able to rest a little easier knowing people were so kind about it haha


I did for a bit and I really needed it. Hopefully the delay wasn't too much xD


I didn't even know what I put out was considered a lot. To me it's only the bare minimum xD


I hope it ended up being worth it hahaha I didn't take much time off to rest before I got back to it but a few hours of sleep and some hours to center myself was enough to get my head back in place and get things going smoother :3


Thank you! I'm definitely not gonna try something that ambitious any time soon ^^'


I wouldn't call myself workaholic. I just want to put out a product I can take pride in xD


I still didn't want to risk it. Usually when I have a delay it's because of some outside reason that I can see coming. This time it was just "I couldn't get it done in time" which was just frustrating for me. Thank you anyway for the patience c:


Yeah, let's not go Misery on me ^^' Thank you again, Tai. Hopefully you will like the update too!


I wouldn't say that I so much did fun stuff but I did take at least a day to calm down and try to rethink my game plan to make things go a tad faster xD


Hopefully the complete update was worth the wait xD I was definitely panicking a little bit (more than a little bit) over the entire week


Thank you, Richard. I definitely took some time to rest after releasing it. Still, I just don't like delays. They hurt my own personal pride more than anything (yeah, I actually have that, surprisingly enough xD). I want to put out work that I can be proud of, that I can feel I did my best in and that I believe my patrons will like. I don't like having to tell people that it won't happen in time because of silly reasons like sleep or whatever ^^' But yeah, all the support was certainly very humbling. It really made me feel better about the whole thing!


I still don't like delaying and it's not something I want to do but it does make me feel a bit better knowing people were understanding about it :3


Psht, sleep is overrated anyway (I'm just kidding haha). Thank you for the support and the kind words. Hopefully I will never try to pull off an update like this again xD


I was feeling like a total zombie at the time hahaha I just kept staring at the screen with a gaped mouth without any coherent thoughts going into me. Even just typing this original post took me over half an hour ^^'


I certainly don't want to try and pull off an update like that again. I learned my lesson... for a while at least ^^' Thank you for the support, it means a lot to me! x3


I'm glad you like it, man.Honestly, the change wouldn't make much of a difference. If I changed the release date to the 3rd or the 5th, my schedule would just get fast-forwarded a few days. Instead of working from 30th to 30th like I do right now, I'd be working from 3rd to 3rd or 5th to 5th. So at the end of the day, the amount of days I have to work is still around 30 (a month) xD


Sometimes I will post adult short stories in my patreon (you can go through the posts to find the ones I already posted in the past. It's been a while since I did a new one but I'll release one in a bit). You can also look over the tags and find the tag used for the adult stories


It was amazing as always and totally worth the wait...though I am saying this while trying to hold back from crying again...pooooor Jun!! T~T Your really an inspiring writer, the way you pull off the emotional aspects to such a high degree is phenomenal ! Can't wait to for the next update...I wanna soothe and comfort my favorite wolf T~T. Thank you for your hard work and major attention to details, love it!!! Now take good care of yourself, and have an epic Furry Fluffy Month!


I did! (eventually) Although at the time you posted this, since I hadn't yet posted the demo, the reality was I had done nothing at that point xD


That’s true... I was thinking for the first month it’d at least give you a few days allowance so it wouldn’t be 5th to 1st, but then again this update did put in parts for all three, so I hope it means this month won’t be a stretch (or crunch) for ya!


I'm glad you liked it! I'm glad I'm not doing too badly at the emotional scenes hahaha


Waaaaaay OVERRATED! I drink like 10 coffees a day! Haven't slept in months! lol! But in all honesty no need to push yourself too hard, this is for you as much as it is for us, probably even more for you. I was wondering if my criticism of the last update was too harsh, I hope not, it was meant to be hopefully helpful. I got a fanart in the works right now, hoping for it to be done for the next update! Keep up the good work! Bye


I will take my time and enjoy the update after playing it through from the beginning. I forgot to save my VN save games when I did a fresh install so it's back to square one... but that's the FUN part! <3


Hahaha, so long as you enjoy it I guess that's not a problem xD Sora makes a short appearance in the Jun update too x3


Oh shoot. I think I read your message but forgot to respond ^^' Like, I really love having a lot of people excited about the game and sending me their thoughts but with both itch.io and Patreon having a large influx of messages I kinda get anxious seeing the numbers and end up shutting down and not answering anything ^^' I've been trying to improve at that and decided to answer all messages on Patreon this month even if I was a bit anxious about it hahaha Can't wait to see the fanart too :3


No, it's understandable that you would be overwhelmed by the number of people you have to respond too, you are only one person after all! Hopefully it will be done for the next up date!


Hmmm. Do you have "fast forward" disabled? Between work, ripping out my kitchen, Tennis Ace, and trying to have a social life (emphasis on *trying* :p) I kind of want to fast forward a little bit but I am unable to. It's hard to believe that starting over is sooo far back! It just goes to show what a wonderful job you have done with your story! <3