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Alright guys, this is finally done!

Dear lord, I think this was the biggest time crunch I've ever had since I first started TA. Please, if I ever mention anything about making an extra large update, someone please smack some sense into me lol

Anyway, it is done. As promised, this update features our chubby little boy Jun during the school festival as well as a "general" day for all three routes. Heres how it works:

The school festival is divided in 4 days (though not all characters will necessarily have 4 playable days). The first day of the festival is the same for all three (their routes connect with the first day of the festival and then split again). There will be some small variations in dialogue in this one day based on what route you're on but it more or less connects everyone (it serves as Day 19 for Shoichi, Day 18 for Keisuke and Day 17 for Jun).

Here's a list of changes:

  • New CG added for Jun.
  • Days 17, 18 and 19 added for Jun.
  • Day 19 added for Shoichi (read above).
  • Day 18 added for Keisuke (read above).
  • New clothing for Jun during the festival.

PC:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/dd7zk5xf2915y82/TennisAce0.25-pc.zip/file 

Mac:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/nvv8fkjfjza8ucb/TennisAce0.25-mac.zip/file 

Android:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/30cq4rcdpguce9u/TennisAce-0.25-release.apk/file 




Thank you for working so hard to produce this update. You basically produced 2-3 times the regular amount of content with just a minor delay. Hopefully, the end-of-April update will be less hectic for you.


Looking forward to playing the update! <3


Super excited to play this when I get home from my trip. Thank you as always for producing such an amazing game and I hope the next update won’t be as tough for you to finish.


Thanks for working so hard. Get some rest please.


Yknow you did an outstanding job on the update and I absolutly do not blame yer for taking yer time! But *Grabs Pitchfork* Y U HAVE TO LEAVE US WITH SUCH A CLIFFHANGER ;_;

Alexander Lukas Bryant

So excited! I'm not going to be able to make it through work!

It's Santa Keisuke

that was a big update and it was once again too much for my heart. I was so excited the whole time the scenes ended. I'm so curious how the story goes on, I'm still shivering with joy for the next update. Great work and rest, you have more than a digest. But * Grab Pickfork * the Cliffhanger with the "i like you" was too much, I have to come down now. The end was not too tragic it is perfect. The MC does not know if he is gay or not. I think most of the people who play it will think like I would react in the situation probably with a shock first.


Been checking for this update every few hours for the past two days or so, honestly, worth the wait, loved every new bit of the story even though I felt bad for Jun!


That is such a brutal cliffanger lol, 3 months to find out what happens lol.


is there a place to see the music you used for your VN ? cuz i want to hear one but can't find the name of it. Also, very good update, Jun took my heart all over again.


Hopefully so. I don't want to ever try making an update as big as this again, that's for sure lol


I hope you'll like this update, man. It was kinda tough to write for it haha


Things will get resolved! ... Eventually I was definitely afraid of people getting super mad at me for not having it instantly be super happy and lovey-dovey though haha


Damn, I didn't know people could get so anxious for it ^^' I'm glad you liked the story. Poor Jun probably has mixed feelings about how it ended though :p


No one came out of it injured or terribly maimed or hospitalized. I don't think it was that bad :c


Most of the music used in the game is part of royalty free tracks so I don't feel all that comfortable posting them online for others to download cause they don't belong to me xD


Oh no, not bad just hard to deal with xD its like a show having a massive cliffhanger right at the very last episode of a season and we gotta wait til next season to find out what happens :P


or at least the name of the music ?


Nice reference on day 17. "Wolfstar"

Alexander Lukas Bryant

OMG WOTB!!! I'm so glad i started from the beginning, that new cg scene with Jun taking care of Yuuichi is too adorable!!!


Time to replay everythingggg :v


Will everything with Jun get resolved in his next update? I know you don't want to divulge your secrets but I'm really sad with how it ended :( just knowing that their will be resolution with his next update will give me the closure I need to put my anxiety to rest!


This update was phenomenal. This update created a lot of anticipation for not just Jun’s but all three of there routes. The hub day helps foreshadow the events of the other two routes with things like the talk with Shoichi, the bonfire dance, and Keisuke’s “date” and his confession. While on Jun’s side you don’t know what’s gonna happen next. Having the fans want to know what happens next is a sign a well written story and this game checks both those boxes. Overall this update was amazingly written I really enjoyed playing through it. Though I am salty about how the update ended I’ll just have to be patient. And WOTB please get some well deserved rest for your sake.


Wow, that was one beefy update, definitely worth the extra wait! Love the fact the hub day's already been worked to shift with each route! But damn that Jun cliffhanger... the scene was very powerful, in thanks to the writing, new CG and that damn music that tugs on the ol' heart strings. I'd wondered for the longest time how Jun's scene would go with him being a more innocent soul, and honestly it worked really well that moment of maturity. Really cannot wait to see how the MC deals with all this the day after!

Sign Dhole

This was an amazing update!! I've only played Jun's route so far, I'm considering keeping the others for their respective updates... if I can even last that long. Also, GREAT job on the writing. I loved how realistic Shoichi's was and how they started dating and all that (kinda reminded me of my first time dating someone haha), and with Jun it felt absolutely appropriate. The build-up, the tension, and now this, is just really good and also leaves me dying for more! I noticed a few minor spelling mistakes by the way, would you like me to point them out? Also, is it normal for Jun to not have any sprites during that final scene? It was a bit out of the blue and at first I thought one of his replies was the protag's thoughts, but... I suppose the scene /is/ out of the ordinary. Either way, fantastic job, thank you for such great work, and I hope you won't be so stressed for the next update! Please take it easy if necessary ^^

Sign Dhole

Oh and I forgot to say, the art for that last scene with Jun is absolutely stunning!


Usually when you have to wait until the next season it takes at least a year though xD


Oh, that one has been in the game for a few months new. I forget how many xD


Things will get resolved eventually but I can't really tell about the exact when as that would give spoilers to everyone :c


I've been getting some rest after it was published. I slept for almost fourteen hours the next day. I was so tired hahaha. Thank you though, I'm really glad people enjoyed it. I was afraid it would leave peeps a lot more upset ^^'


I'm glad you liked it! The main reason it took so long to get the update done was because I worked the hub day to completion. If I had only made the main parts and the Jun sections it wouldn't have been as much work xD And yeah, Jun can definitely have a few flashes of seriousness and maturity (he shows them very rarely along the game so it's not like it's something that just comes out of nowhere). I'm glad you liked the composition of the scene, it was definitely really hard for me to get it done as I kept fussing over every minor detail ^^'


There is an Error/Typo log on the page overview right above. You can submit to it any issues you find and can also see if the typos haven't been submitted by someone else already ;3 I'm glad you like how things are going. I'm trying not to rush the progression of the relationships. I want them to feel natural and organic, with the characters actually getting to know each other and building a bond before jumping into it. It also doesn't help that the protagonist is oblivious of his liking of men ^^'


Well, the song used in the actual confession scene with Jun is an original composed for the game (one of the few original tracks we have hahaha). The song was named "Reminiscing". As for the others, there are really a LOT of tracks in the game so naming all of them would be difficult (and many of them were taken from Japanese websites and had their names translated so you wouldn't be able to find them by searching the names they use in the game ^^')


Touche sir! xD and its not like there won't be anything inbetween anyway :P


erf, too bad, i just wanted to listen the music when MC and Jun are in the arcade, playing game.


Wow, you've truly surpassed yourself with this latest update. While I personally favour the Shoichi route, I was genuinely captivated by the latest developments in the MC's relationship with Jun. The 'confrontation' scene at the end was such a beautiful, bittersweet moment - a true testament to your skills as a writer! I can imagine it may have been tempting to conclude Jun's update with a crowd pleasing ending akin to that of the 2nd to last Shoichi update, but your decision to have the characters react in the way that they did feels very true to the personalities you've created within this wonderful game. I'm running out of superlatives to explain just how much I enjoyed this latest update (the last few Shoichi updates have been fantastic too), so I'll just say thanks for all your hard work and encourage you to please keep doing what you've been doing (but not to the extent that you burn out or collapse from sleep exhaustion). Thanks!!! :D


Thanks. I'm glad to hear people weren't super angry with me over that. I know people want them all to immediately be all happy with no problems in-between them but I want to stay true to the story I came up with x3 I'll try not to overdo it again this month lmao


Since I'm restarting, I have found something. :) When you are called into the Councillor's office to speak with Katsuragi on Day 1, there is the sound of a clock ticking because you are hesitant to knock on the door because you already know why you were called in.... the ticking doesn't stop once you enter the office to speak with Katsuragi.


I must say that the game u are making made me plesently suprised. It is so down to earth in a good way. I can relate to charachters in a way and even it is like that the game i superb. It would be fun If you could make MC do a duble bento for him and Sho. You know Hitoka is mad at Sho now. The plot twist would be that she finds it and make Sho spill aku the truth. Oh the drama would be grat:) I also like Jun and his transformation from this happy go lucku afraid of crouds guy to a cute confident guy;) I still have to play through Kei-chan route. If I have some ideas or find some spelling mistakes or bugs I will let you know.