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Hey guys.

Just coming by real quick to say that I made a tiny mistake in the latest update. You see, when Keisuke takes the MC to the music store, there  is a variable in place so the game recognizes whether you'd been there before and the characters comment accordingly. Problem is, that variable was created waaaaaaay back when Day 10 was first made and when I went to call it, I called it by the wrong name.

The variable's name is "keisuke", all lower case. I called it "Keisuke" with an uppercase 'K'. Because of that, the game couldn't find said "Keisuke" variable and ended up assuming that, since it wasn't there, the player had never spent Day 10 with Keisuke and, as such, acted as if the main character didn't know anything about the music store.


It was a tiny mistake but really annoying cause I had to reupload the demo just to fix a single letter xD

Here, you guys can even see a picture of the mistake in the code ^^'

Anyway, here are links to the fixed version:

PC: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e87so49qh86378n/TennisAce0.24-FIXED-pc.zip/file 

Mac: https://www.mediafire.com/file/27lx1gab99escxw/TennisAce0.24-FIXED-mac.zip/file 

Android: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jcq70e2hpvj627d/TennisAce-0.24-FIXED-release.apk/file 


Sign Dhole

Ohhh, that explains it. Thanks for fixing it! Sorry you had to reupload the entire demo though ^^;


I haven't finished the demo but I am to the part in which it did act like I've never been to the store and I was all "but I have been here!". :) Thank for fixing that for us!


Hmmm. Now it stops and I'm getting a "Failed - Network error" after about 40MB of download. I think it may be something between me and Mediafire. 4th attempt I got to about 80MB.

Davy Bogaerts

I was thinking it was weird that they acted like i was never there but just rolled with it XD thanks for the fix and the update anyway i love how Keisuke's story is going


Lol gotta love those minor differences, they will get ya eventually xP


Hmm. I am able to download other files from MediaFire. I can download the original post, just not the "fix". Anyone else have this issue?


Despite the minor set back, this was a lovely update! I really enjoyed reading through the parts during the storm when Keisuke is hanging out with Yuu and Aki. Yuu's family is a really interesting part to me and I hope to see a lot more of them in the future including more of his mom interacting with everyone.