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Hellooooo friends!! Holy sheez what a start to the week?! This is just going to be a very quick post to share a little announcement with you all!

tl;dr Extra-long charity stream on Monday 10th October right over on Twitch!

More details to come soon, but there will be DOODLES. There will be ORIGAMI. There will be LEGO. There will be other secret shenanigans?! WHO KNOWS. If you can make it, I would love for you to stop by, but even if not, no worries, please help spread the word instead! Every little bit helps. There will be a special link set up for donations that will be going directly toward the British Red Cross's Operation: Anti-Loneliness

It is a cause that is near and dear to me because all of you amazing people I have met on Patreon, Twitch, and across the Internets have helped me so much in feeling less lonely through some of the darkest days of my depression. However, there are so many people still out there who don't have the fortune of having friends like you, and it's precisely for those people that I dedicate the stream. I hope to be able to pay forward even a fraction of the love and support I've gotten from all of you.   

On top of that, 10th October is Thanksgiving in Canada 🇨🇦, my home and native land, and while many will be celebrating the holiday with their loved ones, so many others aren't able to for various reasons. By having the charity stream on that day, I want to give thanks to you all, my lovely friends, and also provide a space where people who are feeling especially lonely can come to and be welcomed, no matter what state they are in. And of course, as always, YOU are all always welcome here and in streams, no matter what state you are in. 💖



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