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FRIENDS. I'M BACK FROM HOLIDAYS. And how the HELL is it October already?! 😱 I swear the summer just disappeared on me. Well, it'll be an interesting season for sure, I can say that. 

At any rate, I wish you all are doing well and taking care of yourselves. In honour of the season, here's a fun spoopy colouring sheet as part of the Jester Prompt Romp!

Let the blather commence! ⬇️

One of the things about October is that there are a myriad of prompt lists and challenges for the month, similar to Inktober. While I'm not planning on doing the "official" one because of reasons, there are SO MANY wonderful prompt lists put together by so many of my favourite artists and many more that I'm really itching to try out. Still haven't figured out how to combine them all, but maybe that'll be part of the challenge? 🤣

The incomparable and inspirational Brenda a.k.a. Art In Jest also worked with another Twitch friend, BewitchCraft, to put together a Jester Prompt Romp with optional one-week prompts in case people find it becomes a bit too stressful to try to do check off every single day. Along with that, there are some select artists who will be providing some colouring sheets instead! All of them will be posted to the Art In Jest Discord, so please do hop on over there and check them out! And not just for this, but because it's possibly the most wholesomely chaotic place on the Internet and you should be there.

Have a spoopy Spooktober! 👻🎃



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