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You wonderful friends! I'm so sorry for the radio silence for the past few weeks, but I promise I'm still here and I'm still trying to do the things!

Without getting too deep into it, I have noticed that I have been slipping a little in my ability to take care of myself, even though I have been feeling relatively fine, mentally speaking. There have been a number of external factors that probably have been stressing me out way too much, but hopefully those will be dealt with...eventually.

Anyway, enough about that! I wanna gush about how much overwhelming support and kindness was shown at the charity stream last week! The FULL 9-HOUR RECORDING is up on the YouTube playlist of all the Twitch VODs here! (Reminder, please don't share the link externally. Let's keep it a secret between us friends, shall we? 😉)

That's right, we fundraised a total of £1320 for the British Red Cross!! 💖 there were so many kind and generous people who came and donated, we ended up not only reaching the original £500 goal within the first 30 minutes, but the deal was that I would extend the stream by an hour with every £100 donated, capped at 9 hours. And waddya know, I truly did underestimate how wonderful people can be and did indeed stream for 9 straight hours. So once again, THANK YOU so much. The campaign is still up here if you want to go and have a look! Donations are still open, but please keep in mind that obviously there will be no rewards available any longer.

Honestly, I'm amazed at the fact that my compooper survived the entire time (minus being unable to do the LEGO collaboration 😭) because...well, it's been acting up since then. But! It survived without actually dropping off at any point (except almost once when I stupidly did a stupid), and because we hit all the goals, I had to do all the scary incentives that I had set, including:

  • Make a 'sculpture' out of cheese 🧀
  • Sketchbook tour 😱
  • Draw with hot sauce 🌶
  • Eat said hot sauce drawing 🥵
  • Play some music?! 🎸
  • Give myself a TATTOO 🤣

Okay, so the tattoo was a bit of a cheat because it's a temporary one. But still, it's on my actual skin for a couple of weeks, y'know?! And I had to do it live on stream which was...interesting. But hey, it turned out pretty okay, and still going strong!

And I know that you're probably most curious about the cheese thing... Well, long story short, one of the running jokes from my live streams is that I am feral because I eat cheese with my hands. I love cheese that much. I've upgraded to fancy now and do indeed have cheese knives thanks to a truly godlike friend, but somehow "A Goofy Movie" came up in some conversations, the Leaning Tower of Cheeza scene was mentioned, and for some reason it was decided that it should be one of the goals for the fundraiser...

WARNING: The following images may not be suitable for some members of the audience, particularly those with eyes.

NO REGRETS BECAUSE IT WAS FOR CHARITY, OKAY. I'm just glad that it was after the official British Red Cross account popped in to say hello, or else they might have asked me to cease and desist immediately... LOL. And in case you're wondering, of course I ate it. Can't waste good cheese, y'know.

Despite all the embarrassing things that I ended up doing, that was a hell of an exciting day, and I was still absolutely buzzing and reeling over the next few days at how well it had gone! It really makes me so, so fulfilled that so many people came out to support the cause, but also the fact that so many people also came in and said that they found the space to be welcoming and helped them feel less lonely. It truly was the main thing that I was hoping to achieve, and I think it's not too pompous of me to say that we did it. 💖

Thank you all so much, friends. It couldn't have been done without your support, and every day I am so grateful for every one of you.


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